*:*:* July Testing Thread *:*:* 3 BFPs

Well ladies I am a total failure. Couldn't get testing out of my head despite being 3 days still to AF due. So poas and BFN....tbh not sure I expected anything else. Haven't had decent symptoms and I'm not convinced we DTD enough to catch one this month. Guess that's me out until August. At least I can hit the campers at hen do at the races in couple weeks guilt free...every cloud eh. Not sure why they drum it into us at school that it only takes a bit of pre ejaculation to get pg....odds seems to say otherwise. Glad I have somewhere to vent OH doesn't get the urge to test. He just says don't test every month until you show a reason to....im like my brain is a reason to cos I can't stand the not knowing x

I echo GG. You are not out until AF shows and it is still early if you are not due until the weekend. That's what I am telling myself anyway.

GG- Glad you are feeling more comfortable with it all now they have booked you in for a scan as at least you will have the answers one way or the other.

I spoke briefly to OH about it last night to try and explain the frustrations of symptom spotting. I now have the addition of smells making me gag. I got a strong waft of my meat cooking last night and it turned my stomach which was odd. So many symptoms could be other things though like normal monthly cycle stuff or my IBS. AHHHH :wall2:

Thanks ladies....im due AF on Thurs.....looking at my pattern last few months it usually comes Thurs or Fri. Haven't had my usual tears and tantrums I get at this point before AF but there's time yet lol. I am definitely a very hormonal person lol. Time will tell I guess but trying to get OH on the case to make a sterling effort in August x
I keep feeling like AF is on her way but she usually starts in the evening so will see what this evening brings. Keeping going to the loo expecting her to have arrived. Got that lower tummy ache but again could be my IBS.
FX for you Millie & everyone else testing !
I'm trying to hold out til the weekend, AF is due Saturday ..I have no symptoms what so ever apart from I felt sick & extremely tired yesterday like I could of slept all day.
Also felt like I was about to get a cold but not fully ?! If that makes sense.. weird.

Anyone else testing this weekend?
I get what you mean..they do say you can get a bit of a cold as early preg symptom!

I'll start testing tomorrow at 8dpo just with cheapies thoufh and not expecting anything. I hope it was ib but I don't particularly feek pregnant and although my temp chart defo has a rise for ovulation, the temps in general are low which apparently can mean low progesterone? So I have no idea lol! I have felt a bit funny like nearly passed out feeling yesterday and have felt sick but I think it's probably the antibiotics. xxx
Yeah I wasn't sure if it was just me feeling off in general or what but I had flu like symptoms face felt really hot & flushed but no fever & today I feel fine?!

Don't be disheartened if you get a BFN at 8dpo because it still quite early isn't it. Best of luck though the pink CM is a really good sign of Ib.
Soooo, EPU scan is Thursday at 8:30am. Such a stressful day. First induction day at new job, couldn't have phone on me, lots of missed calls from epu but only an answering machine for incoming calls.

Finished at 4:30, called the epu advice line and obviously sounded so stressed she said, "right, lets bend some rules for you. Expect a call in 5 minutes". Bless her.

g to concentrate while wondering what all the fluttery feelings in my uterus were and, oddly, last night and all day, have been randomly feeling my vaginal wall muscles ever so gently contract in a fluttery fashion every now and then...like an extremely mild orgasm. VERY WEIRD but I'm not complaining, lol.

So, still praying for no bleeding and praying there's a baby in there making my uterus grow and cause these sensations. It's either that or I'm going mad!!
I'm sure I've read hot flushes are a good sign xxx

Well I've had loads, especially in the evenings, so I'll let you know if I am actually pregnant!

So did I, any news of scan appointment? They will do a transvaginal won't they? Xx

Yes, transvaginal. 8:30 Thursday. I'm so scared they'll say there's nothing there x

I felt the same, its very scary, but the plus side is there could be a little bean growing and you will be over the moon!
Is oh going with you? I went on my own as oh had to work last time, unfortunately it wasn't a sticky bean but the sonographer could see the corpus luteum and other eggs, checked my tubes, ovaries etc.
So safe to say I ovulate, my tubes looked clear and there are no fibroids or other odd growths, my womb lining was normal looking and there was no reason to suspect anything untoward, which while was hardly compensation for there not being a sac/fetus, it was worthwhile nonetheless.
Gosh I would be 3 months gone if I had been successfully pregnant. They could see something that was apparently 3 mm of fluid and for a while I hoped it was an early pregnancy, but after the last 2 bleeds and clot losses I doubt that.
They also did a pregnancy test which was negative for me, so that had a great impact on the decision that there was nothing potentially progressing as prior to the test, the sonographer had said "yes I can see the corpus luteum, that is where the egg is released from and it stays around to continue to make the hormone needed for pregnancy. These are usually seen in 'pregnant' women, so I think we will be sending you for bloods."

So hoping you get to see a little bean xxx
Oh TT, such s rollercoaster.

Just in from work and pink tinged cm. Felt like I might have been bleeding while in Sainsbury's so bought two tests. Not had a wee since 11am so very concentrated but a total negative. Not even a hint of anything. Last mc was a week between first neg test and spotting and I still git some faint lines afterwards. This is two day after so I'm guessing I've lost it, but earlier than last time.

Yes, I'll feel better for having a general check up.

Oh TT, such s rollercoaster.

Just in from work and pink tinged cm. Felt like I might have been bleeding while in Sainsbury's so bought two tests. Not had a wee since 11am so very concentrated but a total negative. Not even a hint of anything. Last mc was a week between first neg test and spotting and I still git some faint lines afterwards. This is two day after so I'm guessing I've lost it, but earlier than last time.

Yes, I'll feel better for having a general check up.


Which tests? Sainsbury's? Or Superdrug?
Pink tinged cm could be either way?
I know, its a pretty destroying rollercoaster but there's still chance until you bleed or see on the scan?
That's why I haven't tested again, because I've bled now and really that's the main indication.
I think the emotional trauma is hard, I never realised until going through ttc.
I do feel for you, I think I have an idea of how you are feeling, total swing from actually feeling pregnant and then thinking the worst.

Only thing to do is try and find distractions, but yet I know how it consumes me I struggle to think of much else. Hugs xxx
Oh TT, such s rollercoaster.

Just in from work and pink tinged cm. Felt like I might have been bleeding while in Sainsbury's so bought two tests. Not had a wee since 11am so very concentrated but a total negative. Not even a hint of anything. Last mc was a week between first neg test and spotting and I still git some faint lines afterwards. This is two day after so I'm guessing I've lost it, but earlier than last time.

Yes, I'll feel better for having a general check up.


Which tests? Sainsbury's? Or Superdrug?
Pink tinged cm could be either way?
I know, its a pretty destroying rollercoaster but there's still chance until you bleed or see on the scan?
That's why I haven't tested again, because I've bled now and really that's the main indication.
I think the emotional trauma is hard, I never realised until going through ttc.
I do feel for you, I think I have an idea of how you are feeling, total swing from actually feeling pregnant and then thinking the worst.

Only thing to do is try and find distractions, but yet I know how it consumes me I struggle to think of much else. Hugs xxx

Sainsbury's cheap ones. But I'm either 14dpo or 7+4 today so really, if I were pregnant, I should be getting a line by now. Having had lines and losing them, my gut tells me that I've conceived twice and it's failed twice.

Either that or I have magically conceived 18milllion babies and my hcg is undetectable apart from the occasional random wee. I think I know what's most likely.

OH and I have had a bit of a cry this evening...just a lot of the stress coming out. Last cycle, it was pretty much bright red spotting straight away, so I'll monitor this carefully. I just don't know what cramps are meant to feel like. I don't feel that I've had any...just a mild pulling sensation on and off...certainly nothing to make me say it's even uncomfortable but I guess that's because it's so early.

I think you understand more than most, you've been through so many disappointments bless you. I'm just glad I'll get the chance to get a thorough check internally and OH will be with me as he has the day off x
Oh TT, such s rollercoaster.

Just in from work and pink tinged cm. Felt like I might have been bleeding while in Sainsbury's so bought two tests. Not had a wee since 11am so very concentrated but a total negative. Not even a hint of anything. Last mc was a week between first neg test and spotting and I still git some faint lines afterwards. This is two day after so I'm guessing I've lost it, but earlier than last time.

Yes, I'll feel better for having a general check up.


Oh TT, such s rollercoaster.

Just in from work and pink tinged cm. Felt like I might have been bleeding while in Sainsbury's so bought two tests. Not had a wee since 11am so very concentrated but a total negative. Not even a hint of anything. Last mc was a week between first neg test and spotting and I still git some faint lines afterwards. This is two day after so I'm guessing I've lost it, but earlier than last time.

Yes, I'll feel better for having a general check up.


Which tests? Sainsbury's? Or Superdrug?
Pink tinged cm could be either way?
I know, its a pretty destroying rollercoaster but there's still chance until you bleed or see on the scan?
That's why I haven't tested again, because I've bled now and really that's the main indication.
I think the emotional trauma is hard, I never realised until going through ttc.
I do feel for you, I think I have an idea of how you are feeling, total swing from actually feeling pregnant and then thinking the worst.

Only thing to do is try and find distractions, but yet I know how it consumes me I struggle to think of much else. Hugs xxx

Sainsbury's cheap ones. But I'm either 14dpo or 7+4 today so really, if I were pregnant, I should be getting a line by now. Having had lines and losing them, my gut tells me that I've conceived twice and it's failed twice.

Either that or I have magically conceived 18milllion babies and my hcg is undetectable apart from the occasional random wee. I think I know what's most likely.

OH and I have had a bit of a cry this evening...just a lot of the stress coming out. Last cycle, it was pretty much bright red spotting straight away, so I'll monitor this carefully. I just don't know what cramps are meant to feel like. I don't feel that I've had any...just a mild pulling sensation on and off...certainly nothing to make me say it's even uncomfortable but I guess that's because it's so early.

I think you understand more than most, you've been through so many disappointments bless you. I'm just glad I'll get the chance to get a thorough check internally and OH will be with me as he has the day off x

I dont think 14dpo is expected to come up on a Sainsbury's basic test yet necessarily.
I think theres a chance either way and still a chance of them spotting a 7+4 on scan day.
I think unfortunately once there has been a loss/chemical we expect the worst as soon as things aren't looking as obvious as we might have hoped them to be.
Also, this is just your second cycle so there isn't a pattern of chemicals?

The main thing I think is that you haven't bled yet.
If only we had a window in our womb .....
Totally frustrating time xxx
The cramps I got last cycle were really painful shooting pains, none of them this time except for a few milder ones today, up my vagina and also up my bum this time.
But also I literally felt my womb contracting for a few hours before, especially when walking around town they were quite strong and then the gush in Argos etc. The bleeding turned to spotting again virtually straight away but wierdly was back for a couple of hours this morning?
All bizarre stuff xxx
Well, I had the 36 hours of bright red spotting on 2nd to 4th July. I guess I'll know soon enough xx
Now 1 week late and officially going mad lol!! But...horrendous cramps today - actually feel like taking paracetamol so must be bad. Normally not plagued by cramps pre period - usually d2 when period heavy. Anyhow I'm pretty sure af is on her way with avengence! In a way I'd be glad....
Now 1 week late and officially going mad lol!! But...horrendous cramps today - actually feel like taking paracetamol so must be bad. Normally not plagued by cramps pre period - usually d2 when period heavy. Anyhow I'm pretty sure af is on her way with avengence! In a way I'd be glad....

Ah, fx af stays away! Xx

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