Jo...HUUUUUGE UPDATE PG 12!! she's home :-D

C'mon Jo!! We're all rooting for you!!!!!!!

C'mon little lady, you are late to join the pink party!!!!

little update... she's just txt me..

"still only 1cm, been in agony having contractions every 3 minutes and on gas and air all day but nothing much happening. Just had some pethidine to help me sleep and gotta have another pessary in the morning. So tired, this madam aint making it easy for me at all! xx"

:( :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww NO!!

What a nightmare, Jo, we're all thinking of you!
OMG - this is a marathon


hope something happens soon :hug:
oh no!!!! you poor poor thing :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

shes way to comfy bless her :hug: :hug:
You made it far too comfy in there Jo, she just doesnt wanna come out ;)

Hope things speed up soon for ya....

lots of good labour vibes sending ur way x
OMG i can't believe she's still only 1cm :shock:

thats one stubborn little madam she's got coming, dread to think what'll happen when she satrts school and dont want to go :rotfl:

thinking of you Jo, hang in there, not much longer now, pethedine is good stuff, you should sleep well tonight.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no!!

Sounds like the bub has set up in Jo's belly and is holding a rally not to come out, come on baby come out so mamma can seee you!!!
:pray: :pray:
Really hope you're holding your LO now :hug:
Sending very best wishes :hug:
Hope things have happened for you overnight chick, I keep checking this thread and can't believe you've not had her yet! x

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