Jewelery for 'downstairs' piercings.

I've got my hood pierced aswell. Have done for about 4/5 years now.

I took it out while giving birth, although the midwife said some people give birth with them still in :shock: Wouldn't fancy that myself :lol:

I've changed the bar a few times but never had a plastic one in it so im not sure if they're suitable or not :think:

I think my hood piercing was the least painful and it didn't hurt much after having it done either. My nose hurt loads when I had it done :? my belly button wasn't that bad, my lower lip hardly hurt and my tongue didn't hurt when I got the actual piercing, but it hurt loads after. Think my nose was the worst one :think:

Oh, and I've never caught the bar while I've been shaving :lol:
Melly+2 said:
that 'come down here and hold my hand' sounds rood, ooo want one now, i dont think gal would go for it though :think: was it fun in a good way or a bad way, were you having orgasms all the way home :rotfl:

is this what im gonna have to do chick? come and hold ya hand while you get your muff out? :rotfl: :rotfl:

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