Jesus christ!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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this is absolutely terrible! this shocked me to the core this morning, i have a daughter that has just gone upto year 8 (12-13) and she has said about a group of girls in her school that have been bullying other girls but this story has just made me realise how serious it is nowadays, in my day we had the odd bully that took someones dinner money but this is to awful for words. ...
That is really bad - it almost looks like makeup. I can't believe kids get away with it these days. I think i would be asking the state to pay for home tutition rather than letting her go back to school.

She is such a pretty girl x
OMG thats awful :shock: . The animals who did this should be locked up......but no doubt they won't be :x
If someone did this to riley
HITMAN seriously grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Makes my blood boil :x
fookin hell thats awful!! Thats passed bullying that!! :x
That girl was on GMTV today, she said when she went to hospital that they thoguht she had been in a car crash :shock: .

I think its disgusting that no one got charge for that, cos i tell you if it was my daughter id hunt them down and give them both a right good hiding so they knew just how it felt. :evil:
its bad innit! my Morgan's friend had been set upon and i took her home, she had one red mark on her and i was so angry, i said to morgan please,please dont let anyone pick on you but this poor girl had no choice whatsoever, she was pulverised (sp?) i would seriously go belistic if it hapened to one of mine, i think i would have the same reaction as beckss, i would want to hire a hit man.
Im soory but i think they should allow teachers to be more harsh again. its so PC now adays that they can only disipline so much. i think if teachers had more control and could use some sort of punishment these kids wouldnt be able to get away with such brutality (sp) in school. what is this world coming too. :x
OMG why has the school let the bullies back in? And why havnt they been charged with GBH? I was beat up when I was 14 by another 14 year old (and not nearly as badly as that). I pressed charges and she ended up in a young ofenders institute for a week!

That poor girl. Things like that can really mess you up right into your adulthood.
OH MY F**KING GOD..............sorry but thats all i can think of to say!
that has gone way past what you call "bullying"
if my child inflicted anything that came close to that on another person, i would ring the police myself!
I mean there's bullying in Spain, and Tia's been picked on... but jesus that's awful... theres nothing like that here.. :shock: :shock: :shock: Teachers here though are still allowed to be aggressive with kids... if there is a fight in the playground they can go in and tear the kids apart...restrain them, drag them out of class rooms etc.... but then if your kid falls over and hurts themselves...the teachers give them hugs too...all the things a parent would do... :roll:

I can't believe those girls got away with it... :x :x :x :x :x :x
:shock: :shock: :shock:
bullies should be heavily persecuted. i don't care what anyone says.
every kid gets 'bullied' in the sense they will be teased- its part of growing up.... BUT that isn't bullying- it's assault!

Hate to blame it on the parents but how could you possibly bring your children up to think that doing that to someone is acceptable!?!

I can't imagine how that poor girls mum must have felt seeing her like that...


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