Jessica - 2 May 2011

Little Rose

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi Everyone,

Sorry it has taken so long to give you an update on my labour, things have been mental since we got home from hospital.

This is my labour story!

I was taken into hospital to be induced on Sunday night past. I had been advised that my cervix was still closed and posterior after an examination around 11pm so they gave me a pessary. My husband was sent home and the midwives told me it was unlikely that anything would happen overnight and that I would get a second pessary at 6am and a third later on Monday if required.

Now I have never been in hospital before and had been terrified of the idea. Some of you know that I had been to Hypnobirthing classes in preparation for the birth so I used my fear release training to settle the nerves. To be honest being there was fine but I could not sleep what with noise, night lights and those noisy waterproof things on the bed. There were 2 other people in the ward and they were snoring away whilst I lay there worrying about not being able to sleep.

At 2:50am I heard this massive pop - I mean it sounded so loud in my head. I had read on the forum about someone describing their waters breaing with a pop so I knew! I jumped out of bed and shuffled to the toilets with my knees locked tight together and my legs going like the hammers! I made it and no more - waters were gushing and then my bowels moved.

After that it was like a whirlwind. The contractions were coming every 2 minutes and 18 seconds. I went to find the midwives and they tried to pass me off with 2 parcetamol. They were useless. I was pacing up and down beside my bed listening to my hypno cd breathing through the surges. One of the midwives was lovely, the other not so much. The nice one came to see if I was ok and was surprised to see me out of bed and to hear the tablets were not working! I explained that the surges were coming quickly so she brought me to the bath and gave me a tank of gas and air....and off she went!

Now I have never had a child before but I knew this was the real deal no matter what they thought. The not so nice midiwfe came to see me and told me that "first babies don't come this quickly, they don't just drop out". I was starting to panic as my husband was not there and they were leaving me by myself. The gas and air was fab for a while and then it started to be ineffective. I am not sure if this is beacuse I started to become afraid and could not relax or what, I just knew that I wanted my husband to be with me.

The not so nice midwife came back a while later and I told her that I felt severe pressure and like I needed to go to the toilet. She again told me that first babies don't come so quickly and that I had no show in the bath. Eventually after some complaining she agreed to examine me. I thought I was not going to make it out of the bath and all I cold think of was how people say the surges get worse when you get out of water. Anyway, out of the bath I got eventually and the not so nice mid wife started to dry me. She was using this lovely towel I had bought and when she asked me "where did you get that" I thought she meant the towel - she was actualy talking about my hypnobirthing cd that was playing on speaker lol! When I told her what it was she promptly said "what a pile of nonsense". Talk about negativity! I reckon she thought I was over reacting and was paying me back for being an inconvenience.

So when she got me back to bed she examined me and told me I was 6cm. The nice midwfe came back and I asked her to stay with me as I was really starting to feel alone. The next while is a blur. I asked for a pethadine injection which they had to give to me there as the delivery suite was full and they could not take me. Being told I had to wait 30 minutes to be able to go there was not what I wanted to hear. I remember being asked how long it would take my husband to get to the hospital - then I knew it was almost time. We live 45 minutes away!

In the end my husband made it to the hospital in 20 minutes with 20 minutes to spare and my consultant almost missed the birth.

I found the pushing part fine. They had to use a ventouse to help her out as her blood pressure was dropping. In all my labour was 2 hours 50 minutes!!!
I have a couple of stitches (got cut) and they have not caused me any pain either. I definately put the fast delivery and the recovery down to hypnobirthing.

I do however wonder how it would have went if my husband had been there. I had a tens machine, lavendar spray and massage oil - all to be used as part of my hypnobirth. Not having my husband there put an end to that though!

I am so pleased with myself and how I handled the situation on my own. I am braver than I gave myself credit for and now I have a gorgeous little daughter to show for it. She weighed in at 7lb 5 oz and she is simply divine!

Rose x
Well done and Congrats again! Hope you are all doing well :)

Congratulations x I used natal hypnotherapy during my labour and birth with Seb and it was the most amazing thing ever!
Well done sounds like you did brilliantly xx
Great story Rose! Congrattulations and well done xx
well done :) i hate snotty mw that tell you how labour goes you would think they know by now everyone is different congratulations
Congratulations! You coped very well on your own for that long.xx
Congratsulations! U did so well!! X
congrats hun, thats all the April babies done now too! Sounds like you done really well glad you and baby are good xx
You did fab x congratulations x
Congratulations! You coped fantastic, just shows that midwives don't know everything!
Many congrats hun, shame the MW wasn't sympathetic and talked a load of nonsense for the sake of it x

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