******January 2019 Mummies******

haha 'bruised pubes' I think this is officially what I will call it now, has made me chuckle. Feel very relieved that Dr Google was right for a change and you ladies are experiencing the same thing :)
I am eating and drinking lots so actually very pleased that it has only been 2-3 pounds in weight, could be so much more with the way I am going. But to be fair a lot of it is fresh fruit and I am getting my 5 a day in every day which I am happy about.
Bit sad to be limiting my tea to a cuppa every other day as I love a good cup in the morning, in work and when I get home but I have felt the benefits of cutting out tea and cola as my skin is looking great. Even the other half said how good my skin is! Perhaps I will have a boy if old wives tales are true :lol:
Wow, 12lb CI1979! I'm not sure about a correlation between baby weight and parent weight, my mum had 5 children all different weights and sizes and my dad was a whopping 10.5 lb baby and she was an average 7.5lb so who knows!
Ah, tea! I drink about 15 cups of tea a day. I was so scared of having to cut it out but then I discovered decaf tea... life = saved. I'm pretty sure my headaches are partly caused by caffiene withdrawal, but at least I'm getting my tea fix. I'd recommend you look into it if you're missing tea. :)
This time difference really gets me! I am on Guam time so it is almost 8am now on Monday. So forgive me if I am not terribly active when you ladies post! <3

I can't believe I have hit the 5 week mark. Couple more days and I will be the farthest along I have ever been!

bruised pubes? lol have not heard of such a thing and am not experiencing it haha..

Also, it takes about 2 weeks to get anything from amazon here.. stupid small tropical island! :D
This time difference really gets me! I am on Guam time so it is almost 8am now on Monday. So forgive me if I am not terribly active when you ladies post! <3

I can't believe I have hit the 5 week mark. Couple more days and I will be the farthest along I have ever been!

bruised pubes? lol have not heard of such a thing and am not experiencing it haha..

Also, it takes about 2 weeks to get anything from amazon here.. stupid small tropical island! :D

We're in the same time zone :) though I'm on the Gold Coast in Aus. No one is ever on when I am either lol don't worry. Amazon only just started shipping here a few months ago and they don't ship 90% of their stuff here yet :'(
This time difference really gets me! I am on Guam time so it is almost 8am now on Monday. So forgive me if I am not terribly active when you ladies post! <3

I can't believe I have hit the 5 week mark. Couple more days and I will be the farthest along I have ever been!

bruised pubes? lol have not heard of such a thing and am not experiencing it haha..

Also, it takes about 2 weeks to get anything from amazon here.. stupid small tropical island! :D

We're in the same time zone :) though I'm on the Gold Coast in Aus. No one is ever on when I am either lol don't worry. Amazon only just started shipping here a few months ago and they don't ship 90% of their stuff here yet :'(

Oh cool! And totally, it costs an arm and a leg to even ship it..
Haha! Small tropical island sounds amazing wheeldon. amazon was my saviour, I live in a small town and one of my bosses lives there too so going to the local shop would have just been awkward.

I was so tired yesterday day I napped for 2 and a half hours!!! But have been feeling worse ever since, I think the nausea may well be on it&#8217;s way! Smells are startling to turn my stomach!! And my emotions are slightly on the erratic side, burst in to tears last night for no particularly major reason.
I've been napping too Flossy. If I don't nap I'm in bed by 8, too tired to function right now!

Had my first ever blood test today. Doc ordered a beta HCG test to see that my levels are where they should be. No reason to suspect they're not, she's just being thorough. My first ultrasound is at 7 weeks :) apparently that's standard here to rule out ectopic pregnancy. Can't wait to hear baby's heartbeat <3
Agreed, napping is normal now haha

What day will you be 7 weeks, Winterwolf?
Hi girls - first post in this thread since I've been waiting a few weeks to properly get myself involved with any threads in case my little bean didn't stick, but it seems like she's sticking for her mummy.
I'm currently 6 weeks 3 days with a due date of 3rd January (first baby and first time I've ever been pregnant too so super nervous), and my booking appointment is next Monday. I thought about booking an early scan just for peace of mind, as any symptoms I've had have been coming and going over the past few weeks. I found out I was pregnant the day after my missed period, I've suffered with issues all my life so I really didn't expect to get pregnant at all, let alone only two months after I was taken off the pill after being on it for seven years.
At the moment my symptoms are really just tiredness, trapped wind (TMI I know lol), sore boobs and nausea, I'm yet to be sick properly but waking up feeling hungover every morning is horrific! These symptoms come and go every day though which makes me worried.
When I first found out I was pregnant I had pretty normal period-pain soreness in my stomach and back but luckily that has passed now. Sore boobs are definitely a first for me though, I've never suffered with it before even when on my period because to be honest my boobs are pretty small, however I've gone up a cup size already and I can barely stand anyone brushing against my boobs let alone anything else. I'm so glad looking through this thread that everything I'm experiencing is normal! Hopefully my appointment will go well next week, it can't come soon enough.
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It is really really early days for me I’m so on edge because I feel something will go wrong I have got BFP from my 2nd IVF attempt I’m just praying it holds on. Went to my GP today who has arranged a scan for 2 weeks time I should be excited but I’m scared but I suppose that is normal....and at present my due date is 22nd Jan 19....congratulations ladies and I’m keeping everything crossed for all of us...sending love and baby dust &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039; Xx
Welcome xchrxstxnax and congratulations. You are the same as me, two months off the pill and first time pregnant, it&#8217;s is really scary! I am 5 weeks 2 days. Hopefully booking my early scan for 7 weeks 4 days just for peace of mind.

My symptoms come and go which worries me, Saturday I didn&#8217;t even feel pregnant. I haven&#8217;t got constant sore boobs just my nipples feel like they are stinging every now and again and I get aches in my armpits. Felt a bit nauseous this morning, nothing major just annoying, feels like I&#8217;ve got a hangover and despite being away with the girls this weekend I was very much sober!!

Winterwolf sounds like it&#8217;s a thorough service you get in Australia! I think I have bloods taken at my booking appointment in a couple of weeks. Should be fun as I have a needle phobia, might need to get over that with the amount of blood tests they apparently do during pregnancy!!
It is really really early days for me I’m so on edge because I feel something will go wrong I have got BFP from my 2nd IVF attempt I’m just praying it holds on. Went to my GP today who has arranged a scan for 2 weeks time I should be excited but I’m scared but I suppose that is normal....and at present my due date is 22nd Jan 19....congratulations ladies and I’m keeping everything crossed for all of us...sending love and baby dust &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039; Xx
Congratulations to you too, got everything crossed for you. It&#8217;s ok to be scared, I&#8217;m petrified!! But talking to everybody on here does help a lot!
Agreed, napping is normal now haha

What day will you be 7 weeks, Winterwolf?

Scan will be on June 4, assuming I've got my dates right! Doc reckons I'm 5+2 weeks along but I think I ovulated late and am only 4+1, hence the blood test.

Also welcome to our two newcomers! Glad there's more of us now. :)
Congratulation xchrxstxnax and Cwat89 and welcome to January mummies! I am so excited for us all. I have had a super positive and excited day today. I have nearly reached 6 weeks and I am further along than I was last time and feel so much better than I did the last time. Fx for this one.
Had some nausea this morning properly for the first time and have had itchy and sore boobs and definitely feeling the wind thing :lol:

I might invest in some decaf tea as I really do love a cuppa and it freaks me out just having a tiny cup every day or every other day! I keep thinking what am I doing to the poor little seed.

Mostly I am just waiting for my midwife appointment. It doesn't seem common to have bloods or hcg or scans in UK before 12 weeks really. I am really considering paying for a scan as I just don't know if I can keep waiting and wondering really.
So excited to tell parents on the last day of the month as we will be seeing OHs parent and mine plus my siblings that week! I don't even know how everyone will react but I think they think we just weren't going to have kids as we are both in our 30s. I know they will be excited but wonder how shocked they will be. My mum is so in tune with me even though we hardly see eachother, she will know something is up for sure!
Welcome xchrxstxnax and Cwat89, we are happy to have you here with us! Looking forward to a H&H 9 months... more like 8 now haha!! Both ladies are updated for due dates. <3

Couldn't sleep last night and once I had finally fallen asleep this crazy dream woke me up. Back hurts today and the dull aches that don't seem to go away. I am quite hungry these past 2 days and hubby says I have been feeling like a furnace whenever I lay on him. Told him I am busy making a baby, gosh darn it! :D
Welcome xchrxstxnax and congratulations. You are the same as me, two months off the pill and first time pregnant, it&#8217;s is really scary! I am 5 weeks 2 days. Hopefully booking my early scan for 7 weeks 4 days just for peace of mind.

My symptoms come and go which worries me, Saturday I didn&#8217;t even feel pregnant. I haven&#8217;t got constant sore boobs just my nipples feel like they are stinging every now and again and I get aches in my armpits. Felt a bit nauseous this morning, nothing major just annoying, feels like I&#8217;ve got a hangover and despite being away with the girls this weekend I was very much sober!!

Winterwolf sounds like it&#8217;s a thorough service you get in Australia! I think I have bloods taken at my booking appointment in a couple of weeks. Should be fun as I have a needle phobia, might need to get over that with the amount of blood tests they apparently do during pregnancy!!

My symptoms are coming and going too. Feeling a little worried but I guess whatever will be will be... Today my morning sickness has backed off big time but my back hurts. Good or bad? Who knows... I'm (im)patiently waiting on my blood test results to tell me baby is growing properly. I hate needles too. I'd managed to go my whole life without having a blood test until the other day, so it was very scary! Hurt less than a cat scratch though so I was all worked up over nothing. Doc said I need to get used to blood tests if I'm having a baby so its a good job it wasn't too bad haha

Yes we have a good healthcare system here thankfully! I can't believe you can't get a public ultrasound on the NHS until 12 weeks. They do the first at 7 weeks here to see if you're only having one baby, and to make sure its not ectopic before it gets big enough to rupture a tube.

EDIT: Got my beta back. Numbers are perfect. YAY!
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That's good news WinterWolf! <3

I'm so excited to announce to my momma next week! Ahh!! <3

Would you ladies say around 8 weeks is too early to announce publicly? Hubby thinks once we tell some family members that it will get out anyways... Thoughts??
That's good news WinterWolf! <3

I'm so excited to announce to my momma next week! Ahh!! <3

Would you ladies say around 8 weeks is too early to announce publicly? Hubby thinks once we tell some family members that it will get out anyways... Thoughts??

I told my mum and sister about 48hrs after finding out haha. Told my best friend today! I feel like if something goes wrong, I'd want their support anyway so there's no point in keeping it from them. Waiting a couple of weeks to tell hubby's parents though because they'll blab to the entire country haha

If you feel comfortable sharing, I don't think it's ever too early. The "wait until 13 weeks" thing is stupid anyway as until baby is born, anything could happen.
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Hey ladies! Hope everyone is ok?! Had a little wobble yesterday and ended up in the EPU turns out I am not as far along as I thought but everything seems to be ok I just need to go back in two weeks as I have had a very small amount of spotting and I&#8217;m really cramping which was worrying me as my clearblue dropped back to 2-3 gone back to 3+ today so feeing much better now. Which means I have an official due date of 14/1/2019 wooooo!

We have already told family members as we are too excited to keep it a secret! Xxx

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