******January 2019 Mummies******

Hoping for a sticky bean for you! I know it's still early, cramping can be a good sign though. I added you for the 17th. Let me know if it changes. <3

Thank you! I'm sure it'll change. Cramps have eased off to just a mild ache so I'm feeling calmer now. Also ate a banana before and it made my stomach turn, so that's a positive sign that this one will stick. :)

How's everyone else doing? Feeling any different yet?
I have insomnia most nights and feel exhausted. I have taken a 4+ hour nap 2 times already this week. When I do sleep, I have vivid dreams that wake me up because they scared me or I fell off a cliff. Dull aches come and go and I have had to pee A LOT.

Oh and I am SUPER bloated! Anyone else?
I am with winterwolf with the banana thing! Sleeping is interesting too, dreams are crazy and not overly pleasant. I am thirsty beyond belief ... I have always been terrible for drinking, a few cups of tea normally does me for the day but yesterday I drank 4 large sports bottles of cordial and tea hasn&#8217;t passed my lips all week, tastes nasty!! And I am too peeing all the time!! I have mild aches/cramps that come and go but it mainly on my right side, so I feel a bit lop sided lol as my right hip aches but that&#8217;s normally after I&#8217;ve driven the car and I have an automatic. Bloating I think I am free from at the moment but I&#8217;ve lost my appetite
Where I am in the world, we don't have good, fresh bananas at the moment... one sounds so good though!
Hahah even the thought of eating another banana isn't agreeing with me, I'll have to switch to raspberries on my porridge. Which is a shame, bananas are like one third of the price of raspberries here.

I'm pretty tired, but not having any dream problems yet! I hate those kinds of dreams, hope I don't get them. Still very crampy, hoping it calms down once I pass AF being due. I have one super sore boob (just the one!) and I'm feeling queasy on and off.
I am so distracted, I&#8217;ve not got much done so far today at work, every twinge and slight sign of nausea is keeping me a bit preoccupied. It&#8217;s going to be a long wait for the 12 week scan, it&#8217;s only been 3 days since bfp but feels like more time should have passed.

I&#8217;m so tempted to buy a digital test as haven&#8217;t done one of those so far just so I can see the words although there is no denying the lines on the two ive already taken. I barely feel any different and it&#8217;s worryinng me although I will probably regret saying that when morning sickness kicks in which is bound to be at the weekend whilst I&#8217;m away with the girls!

It&#8217;s also dawned on me that I have a spa day booked in two weeks time. Taking my friend, meant to be a relaxing day before she heads abroad for a couple of weeks for IVF, feeling a bit guilty!
Ugh... my lb was sick on Sunday. We thought it was his heat, but I had to pick dd up early from school yesterday, because she was throwing up and now DH and I have caught it, too. I am mainly tired, but this has really knocked me out. The kids got over it quickly, so hopefully I will be ok soon, too.
My lb still wakes for nightfeeds a few times a night, so there is no hope for a good night sleep for me, but I do try and make the most out of sleeping on my front. I missed it so much when I started getting my bump.
Congratulations Winterwolf! Lovely for you to join us in the January mummies. I'm hoping for sticky beans for us all!
Managed to speak to my midwife today and will meet her at 8 weeks. She asked which birthing centre or hospital I want to be at and honestly I had no clue. What can I expect from our 8 week meeting? I feel a bit overwhelmed but very excited as she was so lovely!
I have mostly been exhausted, needing to pee loads and sore nipples. No sickness yet thank goodness.
Hello ladies! Thread hopping here!

So happy to see you all get your BFPS! I will enjoy watching your journeys from only slightly further down the line!

Have a great 8/9 months!

My sister in law is about 17 weeks at the moment so I have had a running commentary of what she&#8217;s been through. Her 8 week booking in appointment was about an hour long &#8220;interview&#8221; going through her history, both hers and her husband&#8217;s family history, mental health questions, questions about piercings in your private areas and some other sensitive questions. She had a blood test and urine test as well and got given her pink notes that she now carries everywhere.they also discussed vaccinations during pregnancy for flu and whooping cough. Very comprehensive and she was shattered afterwards.

WE haven&#8217;t told anyone yet about our news apart from the doctors surgery and midwife - not sure when to. My parents are away for the next two weeks - not sure how to tell them, it&#8217;s my dads 70th next year and my mum was talking about arranging a holiday, was thinking of bringing that up and asking if there would be space for one more, it&#8217;s their first grandchild as I don&#8217;t have any siblings so I know they will be excited. We haven&#8217;t even told them we were trying.
Hello ladies! Thread hopping here!

So happy to see you all get your BFPS! I will enjoy watching your journeys from only slightly further down the line!

Have a great 8/9 months!

Thanks wolfmamma. How are things going for you? Im waiting with baited breath for the unwanted symptoms to kick in
I know what you mean Flossy, we have decided to tell only parents and siblings at 8 weeks (after midwife appointment) but only because its proving very hard to keep to ourselves. It will still be early days then but only close family. Everyone else will know later on, hoping to try and keep it to myself in work until around 12 weeks but not sure it is going to be that simple.

You just need to do it when is right for you, I don't think there is a right time necessarily. If you tell them early they can be there through all of it no matter what happens. That's how I see it anyway - as a support network. We didn't tell anyone about our CP and that feels like this big thing we kept from people so this news is hard not to spread around like joy. Friends will probably not know til after 12 weeks either but like I said it might not be that easy.
Hello ladies! Thread hopping here!

So happy to see you all get your BFPS! I will enjoy watching your journeys from only slightly further down the line!

Have a great 8/9 months!

Thanks wolfmamma. How are things going for you? Im waiting with baited breath for the unwanted symptoms to kick in

Just killing time until 12 weeks. It drags so much!!

Willing my nausea to subside too. I'm on my 4th week of it now :-/
Flossy- I decided to tell my closest friends as they knew about my previous CP and I want their support if it happens again.

As for my mother, I plan on telling her when she comes to visit in 2 weeks time. We will have our 7 week doc appt while she is here and hopefully hear the heartbeat with her by our sides!

As for anyone else, we will hopefully wait until our 12 week scan to announce... doubt I cant wait that long though!

Wolfmamma- You only have like 2 and a half weeks until you are 12 weeks! Ahh!! <3
Hi guys,

So difficult knowing when to tell anyone isn't it. We've told his sister and my best friend so that we've both got someone to talk to besides each other. We've also told my 17yr old daughter as it is really important to her to be included in big things going on with me.
I don't have parents so it will just be other half's and I'm a little dreading it as it will be their first grandchild and neither have a filter that stops them being too full on :(
Thinking of paying for a private scan at 8 weeks before our NHS 12 wk scan. Just want to check all is ok.
I keep getting a few twinges that can be painful and I'm trying not to worry and hope it's just everything sorting itself out.
Is anyone showing yet? I have the most bloated belly so although it isn't baby I defiantly have a protruding belly... not great when you're trying to keep it on the down low!!
No sickness yet, when has everyone else started to feel nauseous?
Telling my mum tonight! She'll blab to my sister and dad but that's ok. Not telling hubby's family or close friends until 8 weeks probably. Not sure if/when we'll do an announcement for everyone else. I like the idea of keeping the pregnancy hush hush and just announcing the baby :D
Telling my mum tonight! She'll blab to my sister and dad but that's ok. Not telling hubby's family or close friends until 8 weeks probably. Not sure if/when we'll do an announcement for everyone else. I like the idea of keeping the pregnancy hush hush and just announcing the baby :D

How exciting! She is going to be so happy!

Ahaha "..and today we had a baby!" NBD :D
How funny! BUT so Awesome, I couldn't contain myself to do that.

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