******January 2019 Mummies******

Hi ladies! I hadn’t realised we had started up another thread! I’ve spoken to my midwife and got my booking in appointment next Thursday which puts my due date at 2nd January. How is everyone feeling? Xx

Hi! I am TIRED haha. How are you?

I haven't even seen my doctor yet. The first appointment I could get that didn't clash with work was on Monday! I don't know what to expect.
Hi winter yeah I am with you there feeling very tired not at all sick at the moment don’t know if to be worried or happy lol! I’ve had to tell my employer already as i would never get an appointment if I didn’t lol xxx
I've been feeling sick too but nothing too bad yet. If you're feeling good I'd say enjoy it while you can :)

Ah fair enough, I only work part time so should be able to keep it hidden for a little while!
Yeah that was what I was thinking to enjoy it but I don’t feel pregnant! I can’t remember anything from last time anyway so maybe it’s all normal who knows lol x
Okay, I feel a million times better having seen this. Promise to stop freaking now! And I won't POAS again :poas:

12th May 2018 (PM).jpg

Also, I know where you are coming from ladies, I don't feel 'pregnant' as such but I think that will all come along fairly soon, like you said, we should just enjoy it for now. I promise to relax more!
Ah that’s fab smithy I did mine today aswell and got 3+ too! I will start to relax a bit now I think it’s going to be a long wait to my first scan on 1st June x
That’s great smithy,so pleased you got that result. Now you can relax with peace of mind.

Are you getting an early scan MrsBridges? I don’t think my first scan will be until end of June/ beginning of July which seems forever away. I’m hoping my midwife appointment on 25th will give me some reassurance that everything is going well. I don’t like not knowing.

I told my parents before I came away and apparently my dad did a dance around the kitchen afterwards, he is really excited.
So made up for you, who have been worried and are bow receiving stronger HPT. It's so reassuring.
I am super tired at the moment, but that's probably because I've gone back to work from maternity leave. I'm struggling with mood swings at the moment, too. One moment I am excited about having another baby in the house and the next I am panicking, thinking how I'm going to cope with 2 under 2 and a 7 year old, if I am already tired now...
Hi flossy, yes I have booked one for reassurance privately as they don’t move very fast at the hospitals do they! That’s really sweet that your dad is really excited ��

Miasmum yeah I am tired too and I’m away for work for next three days and I just know it’s going to be full on dreading it xx
So much respect for ladies doing this with another little one at home. I stress about getting myself through the day, let alone anyone else. You are doing fab!
I have thought about an early scan. It's £89 where I live, weighing up cost and my inability to be patient and not worry
I have booked an early scan for Tuesday morning. It's only £45 here and I'm hoping seeing the little bean will get me more excited. I'll be 7 weeks, which is the earliest they will do it at.

Smithy, I think babywearing is going to be my new best friend. I keep picturing myself carrying a new born in a sling and thinking "I can do this".
I think we are going to get an early scan around about 8 weeks, costs £79, just want to know that things are going in the right direction.

I’ve been less tired today but yesterday I was shattered. Feeling lucky that I have only had very few very brief feelings of nausea, I’m waiting for it to hit me over the coming weeks.
Mrsbridge17- I have put you on the list :)

I have a 7 week scan on the 29th... it's so hard to wait! I can't find any CB digis with weeks indicator at the moment.

I have dull cramping and am always exhausted and hungry...What about you ladies? Feeling any different?
Mrsbridge17- I have put you on the list :)

I have a 7 week scan on the 29th... it's so hard to wait! I can't find any CB digis with weeks indicator at the moment.

I have dull cramping and am always exhausted and hungry...What about you ladies? Feeling any different?
I ordered my digis from amazon.

Apart from feeling waves of being shattered for no reason and constantly drinking water I feel normal, although my right groin aches if I’ve walked too much. I had really uncomfortable aches on my right side all last week which had been freaking me out and now they have gone I am freaking out that I don’t feel pregnant. I think we are going to book our early scan for 1st June.
Wheeldon2 - I hope the 29th comes around sooner than you think

I have lost my appetite. I hate the feeling of being super hungry and needing something to eat, but not fancying anything!
I have booked an early scan for Tuesday morning. It's only £45 here and I'm hoping seeing the little bean will get me more excited. I'll be 7 weeks, which is the earliest they will do it at.

Smithy, I think babywearing is going to be my new best friend. I keep picturing myself carrying a new born in a sling and thinking "I can do this".

I love the idea of a baby sling! I've added loads to my Pinterest board :lol: but you WILL do it because you are a mum. Mums are amazing and I never know go they do it and still can't believe I am going to be one.

With regards to symptoms last night I had horrible sharp pains behind my left hip and cramps across my pubic bone. It also felt like every follicle of pubic hair was bruised! Dr Google said this is from nerves and pelvis shifting but it was super scary. No blood thank god and this morning no pain. It's so strange. I am also still super tired and have put on 2 pounds already from eating everything in sight which I'm pretty sure is too much too quick. I have to be so careful.
I love the idea of a baby sling! I've added loads to my Pinterest board :lol: but you WILL do it because you are a mum. Mums are amazing and I never know go they do it and still can't believe I am going to be one.

With regards to symptoms last night I had horrible sharp pains behind my left hip and cramps across my pubic bone. It also felt like every follicle of pubic hair was bruised! Dr Google said this is from nerves and pelvis shifting but it was super scary. No blood thank god and this morning no pain. It's so strange. I am also still super tired and have put on 2 pounds already from eating everything in sight which I'm pretty sure is too much too quick. I have to be so careful.
Smithy I am so glad someone else has felt this!! I had aches on and off in that area most of the week but Friday night it was so sore but now nothing and I agree with the follicles feeing bruised!.i seem to have put on a couple of pound too but for me it’s through drinking copious amount of fluid I’m getting through 2-3 litres a day, completely unlike me! I think today is a tired day for me, been up less than an hour and I’m ready for my bed already!!
Wheeldon2 - I hope the 29th comes around sooner than you think

I have lost my appetite. I hate the feeling of being super hungry and needing something to eat, but not fancying anything!
Miasmum this is me too, I’m constantly drinking but food nothing takes my fancy. I’m eating my three meals a day because I make myself not because I want them and they are really boring simple things I’m eating too.
Ditto to the bruised pubes. Went to shave yesterday and was really confused by the pain haha

I'm always thirsty too. I keep needing to snack because if I don't eat for 2hrs I feel nauseated. Trying to snack on healthy things like plain popcorn, I do not want to be gaining loads of weight yet!

I made it to the point where I've officially missed AF so I'm feeling so much happier now!! :)
Hi All,

I've been following but been feeling totally awful with this damn cold and not veen very talkative, sorry! No idea if feeling shattered from the cold or the pregnancy but I'm so hoping I ditch the cold soon. We've just moved into a new house, plans will go in for the extension next week and we also got a puppy a weeks ago! Add two older children and full time jobs and you could say we are totally nuts... Oh yeah and planning a wedding for September in Greece, haha. Still got to speak to the wedding dress shop and ask to speak to the lady who makes the alterations and I think she'll be expecting a little nip and tuck and inatead have to pretty much take it apart and put it back together again. Choosing not to get stressed tho, so happy in life now :)
Glad everyone is doing ok, I have the odd pain but I think all the hormones have made me a little bunged up and that is what the pain is. Sorry lol TMI!!
We're going to have an early private scan so that we can tell people a little sooner, I think with this being my 3rd I will defo be showing by the 12 week scan.
Booked doc appt for 22nd and they will refer me to the midwives I used for DS who are so lovely.
Flossy thats interesting about your groin aching, I had some strange twinges too when getting up at work after sitting a while. Might look into a bit of pre natal yoga! Being nearly 39 I think this baby may well make my body want to collapse... especially as my fiance was a 12lb baby himself!
Anyone know if there is any relation between the size of the baby and parent weight.?

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