******January 2019 Mummies******

Thread crashing- Hazel I’m so sorry. I once had to call the advice nurse because my daughter had such severe stomach pain that I thought her appendix had ruptured. The nurse said it was definitely gas pain and that she’d seen gas pain bring grown men to their knees. I had a bout once that was so bad I almost went to the ER. It really can hurt that much. Oh and you are upset but baby is fine. Promise.
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Thank you Kholl. I hope you're right and baby is ok. :) I know logically an hour of stress shouldn't hurt it but I can't help but worry.

Yes I thought my appendix must've burst too for the pain to be so extreme for an hour!! This better not become a regular thing. If I was further along I would've thought I was going into labour!
Sorry to hear you had a bad night! Trapped wind can be the worst pain! Try keeping some gaviscon or windeez in the house for emergencies as you may get it again :-(

I’ll try not to worry about the weight loss then will just mention it to the midwife I feel like I am starving myself as can only manage such tiny portions but I’m just not hungry at all xxx
I get bad gas issues. I've been drinking some peppermint tea heard it's ok in moderation. Sometimes my gas pain is stabbing all way up to my shoulders and I cannot breath deeply and it's stops me in my tracks. Maybe it was something like that. I'm sure it's ok winterwolf don't worry if it was baby related pain I think you'd have blood now XX
Sorry to hear you had a bad night! Trapped wind can be the worst pain! Try keeping some gaviscon or windeez in the house for emergencies as you may get it again :-(

I’ll try not to worry about the weight loss then will just mention it to the midwife I feel like I am starving myself as can only manage such tiny portions but I’m just not hungry at all xxx

My midwife wasn't worried at all, as long as your healthy and baby is growing well (they'll start measuring your bump as you get bigger) then all is fine :)
I lost 10 pounds in three weeks because of HG, just trying to maintain it where it is now but I spoke too soon in my previous post severe sickness came back for last 48 hours, today feeling a little better just completely empty of energy again.

Winterwolf I get trapped wind quite a bit and it is really painful, sounds like that was what it was, mine normally is related to an episode of constipation too. Pregnancy is not kind on the digestive system at all!!
Hi just thread hopping!
Winterwolf the same thing happened to me when I was 7 weeks pregnant in my last pregnancy. I ended up in a and e having examinations and scans and kept in overnight. In the end they said gas pain. It was absolute agony and I thought something was seriously wrong but it soon dissapeared and I was ok as was baby. Xx
Thanks everyone. Deep down I know baby is ok :) I can't believe gas can cause such pain. I really thought my appendix must've burst or something. How embarrassing! Sarah, I love peppermint tea so will definitely give that a try if I feel the pain coming back x
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Yeah works well.

I am so annoyed today ladies, I went to see haemo/obs about my blood condition. Said yeah that's all ok. But my stupid GPS haven't read results properly in April so turns out I have low vitamin D so should be ok intense treatment but now I've missed out a month. So I'm going at 5.20 for appointment to get 20.000miu of vita d to take weekly for 6 weeks followed by 1000miu daily for full preg term.

I'm upset this has been missed and I feel let down.

It's not the first thing to be missed either. I just feel like I have know and research everything so that I don't miss what I need.

Plus I've been on edge as I don't feel as sick today, my boobs aren't as sore and I've had some cramps.

Just generally need a winge today. Feel like I'm not cuddled enough at the moment.
Hi Sarah,

That’s a bit naughty of your GP, Try not to worry though this vitamin d thing is quite new I didn’t take any at all in my last pregnancy.

My husband is doing my head in all intimacy is gone at the moment I don’t even feel like he wants to kiss me �� I’m not sure if I blame him either I look gross! My skin is grey and I look like I need to step away from the pies! Feeling a bit sorry for myself if I’m honest xx
We can feel sorry for ourselves together too. I know as soon as I get vits it'll be ok. Just been crying away. Probs hormones I look like krap. Plus I seem to have proper bad BO at the moment even straight after a bath X
It’s probably just that your sense of smell is heightened at the moment Sarah I’m sure you don’t smell of BO! We can feel sorry for ourselves together! Feel like all I do at the moment is moan haha he’s probably sick of me x
Hey ladies this sounds disgusting but honestly I have found something really nice for those taste buds if you dunno wot u fancy I’ve called it bean mix up and it tastes great (some mite think I’m mad) it’s Baked beans, onions, mushrooms, and mixed peppers all cooked together then throw in an oven dish and sprinkle a load of cheese on top and bake until it goes nice and bubbley and serve with some crusty bread or a couple of nice sausages...it’s Different but actually good xx
Sarah a good whack of the UK have a Vit. D deficientcy, it'll be alright. They don't even test for it here so I don't know if it's that important.

Cwat that sounds great. Like a jacket potato without the potato. Anything smothered in cheese appeals to my tastebuds now, but it makes the morning sickness worse so I don't eat it much. It's hard, haha. What's everyone else eating/craving at the moment?
Woke up with period pains this morning back to worrying. Anyone else still getting period pain X
Fruit pastilles, any salt and vinegar crisps, and satsumas! I can't get enough of them. And it's been the same in all my pregnancies!
Sausage rolls, fruit and tuna sandwiches lol seem to be eating a lot of eggs to replace the meats I am not eating x
All kinds of potatoes, fresh fruit, and Reese's peanut butter cups! :D
Good morning ladies hope u hav a nice relaxing weekend...I am hungry and just really don’t know what I fancy!!! I got my first midwife appointment today so I will see what happens...I’ve wrote out a list of questions so I don’t forget anything lolol. Take care ladies xx

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