******January 2019 Mummies******

Haha it will all be worth no wine in the end! It will be my 30th birthday shortly after baby arrives so I will have a good excuse to have a glass or two then! X

It'll be my 24th like a month and a half afterwards.. :D
I was 24 a month after my DD was born. :-) I'll be 29 when this little gorgeous arrives X
I'll also be 30 shortly afterwards! I was 19 when I had my first so will be a 10 year gap!
I will also be turning 30 shortly afterwards it will be a nice 30th birthday prezzie ❤️ Xxx
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Lol, I'll be 40 next year!! Was supposed to be going to LA, might have to change those plans now haha xxx
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Haha CIA me and the girls have booked to go to Vegas for my 30th! That won’t be happening now!

I was 21 when I had my daughter she will be 8 in December x
Haha CIA me and the girls have booked to go to Vegas for my 30th! That won’t be happening now!

I was 21 when I had my daughter she will be 8 in December x

I was 21 when I had my daughter too, she's now 17, driving lessons start on Tuesday, where did the time go?? My son is nearly 11 so lots of age gap between them all. Undecided how it will all work out lol but I guess as long as there's lots of love in our home I think we'll be ok :)
Ahah I didn't realize so many of you ladies had older children!
Well, people can tell I look different now. I'm so small that the teeniest bit of baby bump and extra stomach fat has made me look obviously pregnant. Another teacher came to talk to me today and after saying hello her eyes went straight to my belly!! Then yesterday I saw my best friend for the first time in a few weeks, and she said my stomach was starting to stick out. That's what friends are for haha. Her mum noticed too!

Think I might have to announce it online this weekend, since its pretty obvious. People know I like to paint dragons, so I'm going to paint a picture of a dragon couple, one of them being pregnant, and post that as our announcement. :) How have you guys announced/how are you planning to announce?
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I haven't announced yet, only my partner and one friend know. I'm a bit worried about telling people, it's such a small age gap that I think people will judge, especially my parents. I think I'll do a little photo of my other two holding a babygrow that says "due Jan 2019" or something.
CI I know it seems like I have blinked and Gracie is a big girl!

Winterwolf we announced with a picture and said we took a bit more to Corfu than anticipated this year don’t know if I have attached the picture or not xx
I havnt told anyone yet only my parents know really... I’m announcing on July 13th and I’ve ordered a top that says “New year New Baby” and I’ve ordered a cake to be made that says we’re having a baby with pink and blue sponge and I’m gonna hold the cake and have some pink and blue helium balloons in the back ground and just take a few pics and write a little message and put it on FB with my scan xx
That sounds cute cwat! My friend had a baby in November and actually didn’t tell anyone other than close friends and her mom and dad so when she put a picture up of her and baby her Facebook went mad haha!

Mayflower I’m sure people won’t judge babies are wonderful news!

I’m so excited for my scan on Thursday I am fit to burst! It means I can start planning then, I will be booking gender scans and all sorts �� I was also quite nervous as sickness had disappeared but it was back this morning so I have calmed down a bit!

How is everyone else. Xx
Mayflower don't worry what people think! As long as you're happy it doesn't matter :)

Hehe MrsBridge that's cute. Omg I was saying earlier on in this thread that that's what I want to do lol! Never announce it!

Cwat that sounds very elaborate but it'll be really cool!!
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That’s why I’m doing it coz my friends especially have been going on and on about when I was gonna hav a baby and they all still go on about it now but I’ve always told them I can’t have children so they are all gonna go crazy when they see it and I’m known for being OTT I’m always the party organiser lol xx
Ah that’s so cute you will have to post pics cwat!

Has anyone decided when they will be taking their mat leave yet? I don’t know if I want to stay right up until 34 weeks as I’m really hating it at work at the moment x
Posted this and a couple other photos and said:

We are so very excited to announce we will be adding another seashell to our collection!!

Coming January 2019 💕💕


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