******January 2019 Mummies******

Im 7+1 today. I have had one scan and have another on 23rd. I cant wait :) xx
I don't know how many weeks I am, because I can't remember when my last period was, I think it was April though :wall2:

When were your last periods and when are you due?
I came off the pill and had withdrawal bleed 23rd April. Scan last weds showed i was 6+1. Due date from that scan is 29.01.19 but i think it will change.
I’m 10 weeks today. Feeling really sick today but severe constipation doesn’t help, think it’s all the dehydration from the HG that’s catching up with me. I haven’t been sick for almost a week now so the combination of medication must be working. 13 days to my 12 week scan and am so nervous even though my 8 week scan went well. Still exhausted, moody, struggling to find foods I like to eat, vivid dreams and sore heavy boobs are some on my other symptoms as well as a horrendous metallic taste in my mouth.

I'm 9.5 today and I just noticed the past couple of days that metallic taste! I cannot get it to go away for the life of me!!

Glad the meds are working for you! <3
I don't know how many weeks I am, because I can't remember when my last period was, I think it was April though :wall2:

When were your last periods and when are you due?

My LMP was April 10th. Due Jan 18th. Today I am 8+6 :)
I fee like we have been in this group forever already ladies! Think this pregnancy is going to drag x
I think once we're out of the yuck stage that is trimester 1, it'll go fast. :)
It is going slow and you are correct a lot of people I know said the first few months dragged and then it goes quick I hope they are right!! I want to hurry up and get out this first trimester, mind you saying that I will still find things to worry about in the 2nd trimester lol xx
Thread jumping here!

Don't you believe it, the weeks between seeing baby at 12 weeks and seeing it at 20 weeks are torturous!! Every day is a drag!


Agreed! It feels like forever!! A lot of us have been here for over a month now..crazy looking back and now being 9.5 weeks feels like a blip in time...but as it was passing, it was extremely slow!

WolfMamma- That is 2 whole months! Heck no! I wouldn't be able to wait that long..
Yeah 8 weeks is a long wait. I plan on getting a private gender scan at 16 weeks so I never have to wait more than a month lol. It's the only way to get a private scan here without a referral. Im not in any particular rush to know what gender it is, just want to see baby :)
I'm 9+3 today, feels like the last 3 weeks have gone quick but we've been really busy. Our wedding is in September so this little bean is having to just sit tight until then lol. Not buying or planning anything for the poor thing until after September! Only so much brain space.
Feeling sick is not helping me feel motivate tho. Just booked a personal trainer to try and keep fit through the pregnancy. Toyed with yoga but the times and costs just don't work. I think going into the next trimester will hopefully bring more energy FX
I called my GP centre today to see if there was any more appointments booked for me - there's not. I explained that I'm starting to worry about not knowing the dates/weeks etc, so she's booked me a telephone appointment for Monday to "talk it through". I feel like an irresponsible teenager not knowing my LMP etc, but life with two is so chaotic at times that I've just lost track!
I called my GP centre today to see if there was any more appointments booked for me - there's not. I explained that I'm starting to worry about not knowing the dates/weeks etc, so she's booked me a telephone appointment for Monday to "talk it through". I feel like an irresponsible teenager not knowing my LMP etc, but life with two is so chaotic at times that I've just lost track!

I work in a GP surgery, i find most women don't know when their last LMP was. Happens to a lot of women don't worry.
I hope you are right and time doesn&#8217;t seem to be at a stand still anymore lol! I&#8217;m thinking I won&#8217;t be having a private gender scan we really wanted to but just can&#8217;t justify the extra cost at the moment! Has anyone else lost weight? I have lost 7lbs in 6 weeks! I was overweight to begin with but thought I should be gaining weight! X
I hope you are right and time doesn’t seem to be at a stand still anymore lol! I’m thinking I won’t be having a private gender scan we really wanted to but just can’t justify the extra cost at the moment! Has anyone else lost weight? I have lost 7lbs in 6 weeks! I was overweight to begin with but thought I should be gaining weight! X

With baby 2, i weighed less at 39 weeks than I did before I fell pregnant! I was overweight to begin with so it was no bad thing. Baby weighed 8lbs 1oz! I haven't weighed myself yet this pregnancy.
No weight loss here. I'm a bit underweight and seem to be getting fatter by the minute -.-
I am around a 21 BMI and I have lost 6-8 lbs.. I think it's the nausea and food aversions and just not feeling up to eating.

They say I should gain 25-35 lbs. If I have lost weight, I have to gain MORE weight just to gain the proper amount. :wall2:
I woke up to extreme stomach pains in the night. Like bad enough that I couldn't move and was balling my eyes out. Felt like I was being torn apart. Hubby called an ambulance after this had been going on for an hour. The paramedics couldn't find anything wrong and said "well you're pregnant so your body does weird things". The pain had started going away by the time they arrived so I declined going to A&E, they said it was probably going to be ok. They said I should see my doctor about it asap (which is Monday!) or go to A&E if it comes back.

Anyway it was probably severe gas pain (I've never had gas pain so no idea) and I'm ok now but I'm terrified all that extreme pain and stress will have hurt baby :( I have work all day and can't just pop out for a quick ultrasound so need some reassurance...

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