*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

Yes Kathryn just join ! How was your scan today megs? I have scan and consultant Thursday aswel. Looking forward to it. There isn't normally be anymore scans mystery, unless there's medical reasons. I'm having them every 4 weeks, from previous complications, including placental abruption in my last pregnancy.

My back is really sore now too, I'm spending half the night on the sofa at the moment. It's half term, so this week is going to be tough! Get the keys for the new house next week! :)
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It went really well thanks Sugar! My mum came along because my husband had a work appointment and she was amazed. Baby is doing well and the sonographer confirmed we're having a girl!!! And she's weighing in at 2lbs 10oz today!!!
Sugar that's very exciting getting the keys, are you moving far?
Not sure if i am exactly in the Third Trimester at 27 weeks but i am going to join you ladies :)

How are we all? I can't believe how fast time is flying by! x
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It's funny isn't it because some say 27 and some say 28! I've joined this group anyway! I think I will technically count it as 28 weeks.

Can't believe how fast time is going. Picked up a second hand rocking moses basket stand this morning and the lady kindly donated me some clothes as well - total stranger but she said she would have just taken it to the charity shop otherwise. People are so lovely!
Hi all!

Crazy I'm already 28+3 today. How did that happen?! First pregnancy so got the midwife tomorrow. Hoping my blood pressure and iron are up (last time blood pressure was extremely low she even yelped).

I'm worried because I feel like my bump has shrunk considerably in the last 2 days. Thought maybe I was just a bit dehydrated but starting to worry I might have a slow amniotic fluid leak. Possible I'm just paranoid and baby has just moved. But my niece suffocated in the womb at full term due to fluid leak doctors ignored so I'm trying to look out for symptoms.

Tri 3 is the best I've felt so far!! After a horrendous bout of hyperemesis, I am still sick on and off and feel pretty awful but I feel slightly less awful and can stomach more foods. Which is why I'm even more concerned re shrinkage, because I've actually been keeping a lot more food down. Will let you all know how it goes at the midwife tomorrow!
Good luck with your appointment; hope everything is ok, not sure the worry ever stops - even more so when baby is here!!
Lol yep worry is constant their whole life from what I’ve been told
Quiet in here lol well obgyn appointment tomorrow morning then I need to book in at the hospital so all the paperwork is done and I don’t have to stress about it while in labor. Any one else finding it’s getting harder to get a good nights sleep? Bellys so in the way now and I have pain in my vagina when I lay down :/
Mystery I'm the exact same! So hard to get comfortable and sleep well
Yes it’s quiet at the moment but I’m sure will get busier as we all end up on maternity leave and the count down begins! Although I’ve just started my maternity leave, we get keys for new house Wednesday so it’s all busy busy! I’m really struggling with sleep too, so I’m exhausted. My consultant app and scan went well. Baby is still breech. Which I already knew as the pressure high up is awful. And the kicks are low down in my back a lot. Feeling sciatic pain especially when sitting /lying / walking.... pretty much every position! We’re in the home stretch ladies! :)
My ob app and scan was good too baby is head down in my pelvis which I figured by the pressure down there lol oh and she likes sticking her feet up under my ribs lol
Afternoon Ladies,

Another midwife appointment for me today, and for the 2nd time i've got glucose in my urine - so i've got another GTT test on Friday morning!
I'm almost hoping it is gestational diabetes otherwise i'm going to be a medical mystery really.

Also, having been back at work one full day and a half, i'm wondering if i'll actually be able to keep going until 20th December or whether perhaps working until 37 weeks maybe pushing it. If it turns out I do have GD, that might mean the decision is taken out of my hands.

Alipops x
Im zombie tired today but had sinusitis last week so was on antibiotics and got lots of rest. Today though I could cry I feel so tired but have my 2 year old to look after. I feel like I have hit a wall but my bloods were fine when I had them done 2 weeks ago.

I had the gtt test after having sugar in my urine too but that was fine too.

I have no idea how Im going to get through these next few weeks of work!

I had the gtt test after having sugar in my urine too but that was fine too.


What did they say when you passed the GTT test Selina about having sugar in your urine? Was this in your first wee of the day?

I've passed one GTT Test, but to be honest I'm now REALLY thirsty and feel like i'm craving sugar....

I've had 2 glucose positive urine tests in 2 weeks. My first GTT test was end of September.

Alipops x
I had the gtt test after having sugar in my urine too but that was fine too.


What did they say when you passed the GTT test Selina about having sugar in your urine? Was this in your first wee of the day?

I've passed one GTT Test, but to be honest I'm now REALLY thirsty and feel like i'm craving sugar....

I've had 2 glucose positive urine tests in 2 weeks. My first GTT test was end of September.

Alipops x

They just said it was normal. Its was a pm wee but I had hardly had any sugar that day! MW did say thst some women take a while to break down the sugar so it can be present in the wee but nothing to worry about. Xx
Oh my word, is anyone else having breast pain? I feel like someone is stabbing my nipples with hot needles! I remember having sore breasts before but I'm literally having to put pressure on for any relief for a moment. I do have a drop of milk already so this baby is maybe in for a super feed when she's born! Any tips to ease it?
Anyone else finding it's freezing cold and their coats don't fit anymore?

I resent having to buy a maternity winter coat because they are so expensive but I've still got another 2.5/3 months to go so not sure what to do. This is one reason having a baby in the summer would be easier!
Anyone else finding it's freezing cold and their coats don't fit anymore?

I resent having to buy a maternity winter coat because they are so expensive but I've still got another 2.5/3 months to go so not sure what to do. This is one reason having a baby in the summer would be easier!

I got a brand new maternity coat off eBay for £20 - my mum kindly chopped some off the bottom as it was v long on me!!
I’m 21 mins into the two hour GTT test wait, for the second time!
Can’t wait to be able to eat!!
HI Ali - I'm just posting in here as saw your post on the GTT test - are you allowed to wee? I've got such a weak bladder I'm dreading it if have to hold it in!

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