*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Hi Ladies posting here too as either 31st Jan or 1st Feb.

I am 5+2 today with my 2nd (have a 4 year old daughter)

Seem to just be tired with occasional sore boobs. Had nausea a week ago but been ok in recent days.

In my last pregnancy the nausea and sickness started around 8 weeks I think.

hello to the new posters- congratulations

im so grateful I havent actually vomited - but my 'morning;sickness kicks in about 12 and lasts all day

also i have terrible heartburn- everyone keeps telling me heartburn is in later pregnancy- anyone else having heartburn?

got my booking appt with midwife tomorrow- a bit nervous. but glad its here finally seems like something is happening.
Hi Girls,

Had my scan this morning and I am 8+6 , everything as it should be. The bleed was from my cervix, some scar tissue popped and caused a small bleed - which is common after treatment (nobody told me this!!).

Great news Queen.....yay.

Welcome all the new ladies.

I saw the Doc today after 4 days of nasty tummy bug.....its going round apparently but no ground breaking advice....drink lots etc... Might still be a few days before I'm back to normal.Sigh.

Also had another small amount of blood in my cm this morning....told the Doc but sge said its no big deal unless there is a lot of blood and a lot of pain. Sigh...again.

Just feeling a bit bleugghhh about it all....had such a rough weekend with being poorly and just don't feel pregnant.... midwife not until next Fri so who knows when my scan will be.

Hope everyone else is having more positive days.

Oh Milly...hope you're on the mend soon xx

Great news queen, any photos???

Away home.from work sick today. Hit at 5am this morning. Hasn't settled yet. Spending all morning at work in the ladies, so pleaded a tummy bug and got into bed. Have my mil coming for her biweekly visit tonight. ...just not what I need at all!
I cant seem to upload the picture, If anybody would like to do it for me i can email it over.
Hi ladies! Just catching up after getting back from holiday on Saturday. Welcome & congrats to the newbies. Hazel, I'm so sorry to read your news!

We are 6+2 today and I had the doctors this morning - I think she was more excited than we are :lol: she's going to write to our consultant and if she wants us to have an early scan she'll let us know but doesn't think she will so we're going to book a private one before we tell hubs' parents.

I made my booking in appointment with midwife which is next Tuesday - I thought this was quite early as I'll only be 7+3, I know some of you ladies are waiting much longer! It does mean I need to tell my boss though because my appointment is at 3pm so need away from work. She knows about the infertility clinic etc so I'm sure she's expecting it. I bumped into her earlier and said I need to speak to her so she's just having her lunch then it's d-day! I'm actually quite nervous - it's all starting to feel a bit real now that we are having to tell people!

Nausea kicked in with a vengeance the end of last week and the flight home was interesting to say the least! I haven't actually been sick, just feel so rough but read people on here saying having nausea can be worse than actually being sick as I imagine you feel better for a while afterwards. I've had to bring loads of snacks to work as the only way I don't feel sick is if I eat!!

Hope you're all doing okay :)
Here you are Queenriccy :-)

My scan went well, 7+2 they've put me as and a heart rate of approx 130bpm :-) we are so bloody happy! Xx


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great news queen and twinkle toes must be a relief!
im assuming everyone who is having an early scan its because of a medical reason?

over here in scotland you just book directly with midwife now- so never went to gp and got my booking date and scan date at same time!
booking visit tomorrow and scan on 26th july
Thanks Lea,

excuse the rumpled look, I showed my little boy with morning and he went to put it through the scanner so show wawa (granda) hahaha

I had mine excited due to repeated mc and previous ectopic
I had mine due to cervical cancer treatment in January, my cervix hasn't healed properly.
I had a bleed on my cervix over the weekend, it was scar tissue that had popped and caused a gush of blood.
They wanted to check everything was ok

Finally got my early scan booked in for June 10th when I'll be 6+2.

Mine is due to previous ectopic x
That's why I have early scans too Tilliewoo, I had an ectopic 16 months ago and a history of miscarriages so had to check placement and viability but all good so I just need to speak to the gp to get the MW phone number and get a booking in appt made but ill be shared care between the hospital and community midwives xx

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