*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Good luck Tillie.


I'm a little worried today ladies.....just went to for a wee and noticed pink cm when I wiped and a little pink smudge on my panty liner.....am coming up to 8 weeks....and scared this means I might miscarry.Any advice?

Thanks Milly, still waiting to be seen.
I was told that implantation bleed can happen at any stage of tri 1.
But please, for reassurance call your local epu, they will scan you.
Keep us posted xx
yes definitely give them or your gp a call, spotting is really common I was told but always worth a call x
8weeks 1day.

Baby seen, very srong heartbeat. Will see me in 4 weeks again. Started me on asprin and increased progesterone to 800mg.

All is good
Great news Tillie....I just knew it would be.

Don't think I've had any more pink cm.....I do feel mildly achey but know that is normal.... especially coming up to when AF wold have been coming. I'm on serious knicker watch and if I see any more I will call the epu. Keep ur fingers crossed for me ladies.

I think its more common when AF would have been due milly. But don't leave yourself hanging over the weekend. At my scan she pointed out pockets of implantation bleeds, that may or may not pass. So could be something like that.
Fantastic tillie :) so chuffed for you.

Fingers crossed for you milly!

I had really bad pains again in the night. I'm wondering if baby doesn't like dairy as I had some ice cream yesterday. Last week when I had them I'd had a couple of drinks with creamy things in them and have been avoiding dairy since. Does anyone know if that's possible?
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Hi everyone, newbie here!

I am pregnant with my first baby and am 4+4 so EDD is 26th January. Got my midwife's appointment booked for 15th June which seems AGES away and am addicted to POAS :D

This all feels so surreal, I've only told my very nearest and dearest and am so scared that anything could go wrong!

Looking forward to getting to you know you ladies!
I know you can't see much, but need to show someone....so, introducing BabyB
Welcome Sinatra, and huge congratulations.
We have a nice group of ladies here in January, great to have you on board!
congrats sinatra! ! welcome x

tillie ... yass this has made me smile on day where I am so moody I could start a fight in an empty room! v happy for you x

Finally .. Lots of love milly ... I am sure things are going to be fine. I have had cramp too over the past couple of days and a strange tightening feeling right down below ... x
Love the pic Tillie.

Thanks for ur support ladies.....still feeling a bit achey but no more pink....so Fx we're OK. I wonder if my mw will listen to the heartbeat at my 10 week booking in appointment.... will be desperate for reassurance by then.

Its such a long wait until that 1st appointment.
The midwife warned me that I needed to stay calm.
If you are anxious over the weekend i would call your epu 1st thing and explain the situation. They will do a 2min scan and settle you xx

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