*****January 2016 Mummies*****

This is our 'First'.

was pregnant about 4 year ago, however my ex was a piece of work and sadly took it into his own hands when I refused to end things over and over. In all honestly that experience taught me alot about how things are being done this time round, including where I want to be treated and which Dr's I want to be seen by as frankly the one and supporting staff that treated me then where atrocious.

But that pregnancy was an absolute breeze compared to this one! Makes me think already that we're having a girl tbh!
Well....I'm and think I'm having my midlife crisis lol....I have two boys, one Caoláin 16 and Conor 11...now 7-8 weeks along.
Mood swing central, just broke down over feeling useless and like I've wasted this year back at school and I should have just stayed at my old job instead of doing that whole 'chasing your dreams' sh!t.

I know what you mean about that "chasing your dream sh!t" even though my situation might be a little different!
I've always wanted to study law and actually did go to law school, but
then ended up pregnant so I paused uni to take care of my baby...now that I've wanted to pick up my studies and have started to try to catch up on the lectures I'm pregnant again and I just can't wrap my head around this studying sh** anymore... and I don't want to! I wish I had done something easier than law, something that doesn't require me to study as much and for so long. I don't think I'll ever be able to finish this with two babies. I've basically wasted the last couple of years of my life to study something I probably won't even finish, it's ridiculous

Bet you can finish it! Just maybe go for a bit of a longer break?

I've only gone back to retrain into education again (started out as a nursery nurse, ended up in business administration some how!).

It is difficult trying to retrain your brain back into the whole learning/studying/essay/lecture mode and my course (being brutal) is more designed for folk whod have had no chance at a-levels or a full uni course, both of which I could have and probs should have done when I left school, I just have an IQ at the stage where I get bored far too easily! Being back with the tiddlers makes my days interesting again and gets me abusing my science and maths A2s haha!
Girls. There is a dec/jan closed group on facebook. If you want to join add roxy kilmurray (is only one) and she will add you to the group
Does she have two wee doggies Tillie?
Welcome Emma.Congratulations too. :-).

I expecting my second too. Ivy is 15 months old and I'm a stay at home mum. I'm desperately trying to remember and compare symptoms from last time....I had hideous nausea before but can't remember when it started.... only got it v mildly so far this time.Dont feel very preggas....but do remember getting cramps... especially when af would have been due. Really want to feel it in my boobs too....had that last time but again I can't remember when... grrrr.

Welcome ladies :)

Someone talk to me about period pains - is it normal to have quite intense ones? I've had them for about a week now and they're quite sore, almost make me wince - you know that pain that makes you sit forward in the hope bending over will make it go away? Only last a minute or so and then they're gone again for hours.
Thats the same as me hoping.
Also get a "feeling" not pain, not pressure, hard to describe....up my lady bits.
yes I had all this when I was 5/6 weeks. The pressure feeling felt like a weight around my cervix.
Now I just have stretching pains right in the corner. muvh worse at night.

lots going on ladies xx
Aw Emma sounds like a hard decision but in sure you can do it :-) I can't imagine studying! Working 3 jobs is hard enough, I work as a childminder during the day, a beauty therapist at night and I own an online girls clothing boutique! It certainly keeps me busy really not sure il cope with all that and a 4th!!

Really missing my morning coffee, I have never been able to drink tea or coffee in pregnancy but I could really do with it to get me through the day! X x
And Luw so sorry to hear of the awful experience you had before :-( Xx
Hello please can I join the Jan mummies... got my positive yesterday and still seems too good to be true x
Thanks Sinead X

And Howdy Nat!! Congrats!
Welcome Nat :)

Thanks ladies!! They're what I would say are normal period pains for me but normally I get them on and off for a day or so before af then have them quite bad for a day or 2 once af arrives. These ones come and go - I didn't have any at all yesterday until late last night. Sometimes they're mild, others they're quite sore.
Hi girls, I'm back. We have had a lovely holiday despite Olly catching tonsillitis from the kids club rep !!??? So we had a few days of unwell but he is feeling better now after the antibiotics have taken hold. We have been up since 7am (6 our time) and iv just finally sat down after sorting out the washing, cases, food shop and dinner. Only has just gone to bed.
Iv been feeling ok while we have been away, we have been having a few early nights but I have been getting tired through the day. Iv been off food completely and iv grown myself a belly .. I'm wondering if I'm further than I think !!


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