*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Welcome home! We get free wifi so I can still get on here now and again! :lol:

Any of you ladies had a boob growth in the first few weeks? I'm only 4+4 but I bought a dress a couple of weeks ago for holiday and tried it on when I bought it. I put it on two nights ago and felt like my bust was going to burst out of it when I breathed! Weird thing is my bras don't feel any smaller. My boobs are very tender though and have been for about a fortnight - it was one of my first symptoms.
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Nausea started this morning. Never as glad to want to throw up in my life lol.

Scan tomorrow. This will be the longest 26hrs of my life x
tillie I feel your pain so massive hugs.

v excited for you re scan how far will you be?

hopingfor I have taken to wearing unsightly sports bras they are so big and tender ha ha attractive x

Iv just had to ring the midwife this morning because nobody has been in touch about a booking in or a consultant appointment - she's off this week so I one to another who was so snappy on the phone. Said she will ring me if she gets a spare hour over the weekend but isn't promising anything - this is so different from when I had Olly 2 years ago. She made me feel like Im asking for something extra ordinary !!

They are a nightmare, I understand how understaffed they are, I see it daily in a work. However, this is a big deal, women shouldn't have to beg to be seen. I haven't pushed yet for mine, I will if all goes well tomorrow, last time I wasn't seen until 15weeks for my 1st appointment.

Not sure glow, by lmp I will be 8 weeks tomorrow, but by my positive opk I wil be 7weeks, either way far enough along that a heartbeat should be there, which is why I waited to the end of this week.
So exciting for tomorrow Tillie.

I saw the Doc today... she said I didn't need to see her b4 making midwife appointment... which is the opposite to what they said when I called. Oh well. Made my mw appointment and they said its 10 weeks not 8, so I think things have changed here too since I had Ivy. Appointment is 12th June....feels like ages away.

I finally got mine through. I was also booked in at 10 weeks and I asked about the scan lead time, she said 12-14 weeks. Blimey, was bang on 12 weeks 8 years ago. Oh well, I booked a private scan at 10 weeks cost £70 but after having an op early doors I will need the reassurance :)

Yay for tomorrow tillie ... I am excited for you ha! X
Will update you all as soon as i get out
Keep me in your thoughts, need all the positive thinking i can get xx

If all goes ok tomorrow I'm straight on the phone to my midwife. Not waiting until 15weeks again
Oh girls....my lower back is killing me tonight. Panic stations here
dont panic it could be a number of things lots Of things going on down there xx

If you are really worried call the epu x
sorry that sounds sarcastic I mean it like, if you can't relax give them a call to reassure you x
Hahaha glow.
Am in the epu at 9.30am tomorrow. Will update as soon as we get out. Xx
excited for tomorrow! boo for long night of worry. This time tomorrow it will all be forgotten mwah x
Good luck! I will be checking as soon as I wake in the morning as it will be after lunchtime back home! Everything crossed for you.
Thanks girls....am an emotional wreck right now. 1hr....thats all I have to wait now.
Will update as soon as I get out.

Thank you all so much for your support xxx

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