*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Quick game of 'Never have I ever'

Never have I ever been to an interview where I had to build a hamster maze on an interview before.....

Wait I can't even drink on that one now!

Seriously - top ten weirdest interview EVER! haha! Cheers ladies! We shall soon see over the results though FX!
Its weeks from conception... oh twins would be great. Double the joy. Twins run in both our families, i would have loved them
Yeah so really 2-3 is 4-5 if you count from last period? Which is what I am now. I'm guessing it all goes on levels of hcg.
Congratulations to you all. Only seems like a week ago I joined the December mummies. Now biding the time till my first scan. Hope all goes well x
Love this thread.....that sounds like a ridiculous interview Luw... unless u r going for a hamster related job...hehe. Good luck anyway.

Lack of nausea today.....just still the lingering head aches.....sooooo bored of them now. Day off so taking it easy....apart from a Pilates class.... not sure whether to tell the teacher that I'm about 7 weeks preggas?

My yoga teacher gave me the tumbs up. But told me to keep to the easy opitions with eash move
Yeah, did Pilates with the same teacher throughout my last pregnancy and sure she said at this stage u can do everything,....if I find the right moment I'll let her know.

Sort of is Milly.... it's at a pet store but they didn't tell us that the bloody thing was a hamster til after we'd all built our mazes just kept saying 'the store pet, Babs...' haha! Our's was big enough for a rabbit so yanoo =D

Cannot find the motivation to do anything so how y'all going to pilates and yoga i'll never know!! Only thing that motivates me atm is anything with cheese or tasting like cheese.
Glad it went well LuW keep us posted!

I am with you on the motivation thing... Spent the whoolllleee weekend puking :(

Feeling low today but that's because I feel useless being so rough. I need to get up sort my life out and get the positive vibes back. New rule ... Not allowed to feel sorry for myself after my lunch which involves cheese and my current favourite ... Potatoes! X
I'm with you guys on the lack of motivation - yesterday I felt like I had a hangover, you know that no energy at all feeling. Can't even be bothered to stand up for any length of time lol. And I'm only 4+2! Thankfully I'm on holiday so lots of lying down and no motivation needed.
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Hey....have no motivation either . .but yoga is tillie time... no work, no kids, no hubby! 3hrs a week just for me!
Sort of is Milly.... it's at a pet store but they didn't tell us that the bloody thing was a hamster til after we'd all built our mazes just kept saying 'the store pet, Babs...' haha! Our's was big enough for a rabbit so yanoo =D

Cannot find the motivation to do anything so how y'all going to pilates and yoga i'll never know!! Only thing that motivates me atm is anything with cheese or tasting like cheese.

Ahh, well, that makes more sense now.

I ate a cheese straw right before my pilates class.....its all about the cheese for me too. :-). Xx
The only thing I've got any desire for right now is my bed and netflix!

Dizziness sucks!
Sort of is Milly.... it's at a pet store but they didn't tell us that the bloody thing was a hamster til after we'd all built our mazes just kept saying 'the store pet, Babs...' haha! Our's was big enough for a rabbit so yanoo =D

Cannot find the motivation to do anything so how y'all going to pilates and yoga i'll never know!! Only thing that motivates me atm is anything with cheese or tasting like cheese.

Ahh, well, that makes more sense now.

I ate a cheese straw right before my pilates class.....its all about the cheese for me too. :-). Xx

Glad I'm not alone with the cheese!!!
cheese straws are amazing!! The asda gruyere ones .... mmmm x
All so mean... no car to go out and get some .... haha!

Getting really hacked off with my GP's =/

Went on the 10th to get everythings started with referral etc. and with my Old injuries and issues I know how long it takes for a referral to be logged (depends who too as to how long it takes to et a response but still) She told me I'd hear from the midwives by the end of last week, nothing and tbh I just want to know I've doing everything right and no just take googles word for it if that makes any sense. Yes I know I'm crazy days early but even just know my names on the list would make me feel better.

So I phoned the unit. They've not got me on their register and she even checked the other unit, slightly larger but far worse care tbh, and neither have they so in othr words she never referred me.

Kind lady said that I should give it til next week just incase theres a bit of a back log but if a referral can get throuh to leeds spinal consultants in two days when they're getting hundreds of referrals a day from across the country then I doubt it.
Our midwifes here wont see anyone until 10-12 weeks. In my last pregnancy i was 15 weeks for my 1st visit.
My doctor sent an urgent referral 3 weeks ago due to my history, and nothing yet.

I did however do a self referal to the epc, my 1st appointment is this fri amd I will insist on another if I haven't heard from the midwives by then. I'm just a nervous wreck that something is wrong. And dont want to be left as long as the last time before finding out.
Lady I spoke to yesterday said that they like to get people in around 9 weeks here, give them all the info take base measures and then bring them back around 11-12 weeks for the scan.
Just don't want to be behind on everything and really am concerned due to my SI problems and the fact i need to speak to someone so I can get some kind of pain routine back as currently i've not doing anything incase it's wrong iykwim?
I don't have mine either and its really starting to wind me up. I only want to know when my scan is. I am 8 weeks :(

I really notice the difference this time round, last time I saw mw at 6 had a scan at 7! Not sure if it's cuts and reallocation of resources or if its cos I relocated. They shut the local maternity unit a couple of years back x

once again ... I am sick as a dog today boo hoooo! x

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