Hi all,
Sorry to bring a downer into the thread but I woke up this morning and found I was bleeding quite heavy like the start of a period, no clots though. Phoned epau who said I needed to go through my gp, got a call back from my gp who said that as I'm only 3-4 weeks since ovulation (despite it being 5-6 weeks since last period) there was no point in a scan yet as it wouldn't show anything and as I wasn't in pain or bleeding severely just to see how things go. She was very kind and I completely understand their position, I don't think I need a scan to tell me what I sort of already know.
Bleeding and cramps have eased off a little this afternoon and I still haven't passed any clots. GP advised what to look out for just in case it is a miscarriage and not everything 'passes' and to take a hpt again in 2 weeks and if still positive to phone them then for a scan to see what's going on, so at the moment I'm in limbo.
Had a bit of a cry this morning but have sort of come round to the fact that it just isn't meant to be, taking it one step at a time.
So I won't be around on the forum for the next couple of weeks because I don't think I can face it. Need to see what happens and will update you all in a couple of weeks when I know whether I am definitely either still pregnant or ttc again.
Hope everything goes well for you ladies, happy and healthy 9 months to you all.