*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Everything at airports is insane!

I paid £2 odd for a bottle of water (just a small one too!) once and that was the cheapest thing there =/ Was even worse on the plane.

Though can't imagine they carry tests on the plane themselves...

Where you off too?
Haha no I doubt it. We are going to stock up on Juice at the airport as we have to pay for it on our flight!

We're off to Mexico for our first wedding anniversary :) perfect timing for our little bean!
Ooooooo very nice! The extent of our holiday plans this year is a weekend with the inlaws..... I'm not at all jealous of your beautiful holiday =/ hahah!

Will be very sweet when you can show bubs the photos in a few years and tell them they were there too =D
Hoping they look great!
I'm gonna do another digital on sat, lack of symptoms are starting to worry me, want to see that 3+ appear. Will be a very long wait to get the scan next Friday. Xox
Aww I LOVE that there's a January 16 thread! Brings back such lovely memories as my son was born jan 18th 2014, and I remember posting in the jan thread back then and being soooo excited. Have a very happy healthy 9 months all of you xxxxxx
Hi all,

Sorry to bring a downer into the thread but I woke up this morning and found I was bleeding quite heavy like the start of a period, no clots though. Phoned epau who said I needed to go through my gp, got a call back from my gp who said that as I'm only 3-4 weeks since ovulation (despite it being 5-6 weeks since last period) there was no point in a scan yet as it wouldn't show anything and as I wasn't in pain or bleeding severely just to see how things go. She was very kind and I completely understand their position, I don't think I need a scan to tell me what I sort of already know.

Bleeding and cramps have eased off a little this afternoon and I still haven't passed any clots. GP advised what to look out for just in case it is a miscarriage and not everything 'passes' and to take a hpt again in 2 weeks and if still positive to phone them then for a scan to see what's going on, so at the moment I'm in limbo.

Had a bit of a cry this morning but have sort of come round to the fact that it just isn't meant to be, taking it one step at a time.

So I won't be around on the forum for the next couple of weeks because I don't think I can face it. Need to see what happens and will update you all in a couple of weeks when I know whether I am definitely either still pregnant or ttc again.

Hope everything goes well for you ladies, happy and healthy 9 months to you all.

aw Bobkat you might not see this but wanted to say really sorry this has happened to you today massive hugsand hope to hear from you soon x
Bless you - they shouldn't really leave you bleeding like this as (touchwood its not) it can be a symptom of ectopic which can burst your tube & result in lifesaving surgery..

I had my scan at 5+3 with ectopic (from LMP) & they could tell me it was ectopic so I would be calling back up & telling them that because you're not passing clots you NEED to know if its not ectopic..

You can go straight into A&E & tell them your pregnant with bleeding & they will send you over the EPU anyway.

At 6weeks since LMP they should be able to see a sac & a yolk sac at least.

I am so sorry this is happening & I don't want to add to more emotions to your already emotional state but PLEASE insist on having it checked mine was only a small bleed which stopped & was ectopic.

Take care of yourself <3

You can go straight into A&E & tell them your pregnant with bleeding & they will send you over the EPU anyway. At 6weeks since LMP they should be able to see a sac & a yolk sac at least. xx[/QUOTE said:
I am so so sorry to read this; you have my heartfelt sympathies xx
I agree with Wishing, consider getting them to check you out, you just never know.
Thoughts are with you xoxox
Just saw this January thread had started in tri 1 and was in shock! 2016 babies already!

I found tri one the hardest trimester (I was just very anxious rather than feeling ill or anything) so I hope things go well for you all and that time goes quickly in these early days x
Hey ladies.

So sorry for what ur going through bobkat... that is so sad. Hope they will see u and give u an answer.

I'm hanging in there tilliewoo... been a tough week with the sinusitis and Doc advised to take paracetamol when I need to ....which is most days.....can't wait not to have a headache.

Not got many symptoms to report either so freaks me out a bit.....just slightly queesy and always hungry. Boobs don't feel different at all. Seems a million years before I'll get my scan.Xxx
In the same boat Milly. Doing a digital again tomorrow so praying it shows a 3+

Scan next fri, its gonna be a long long week x
I'm joining the not many symptoms clan ladies! From before I got my bfp my boobs have been very tender but pretty much fine today. Period pains and stabbing/pinching pains are still there now and again along with lower backache and been feeling a bit nauseous today but that could be from hunger or the flight lol. Just a bit worried about symptoms disappearing. Tomorrow is the big day (only 8.30pm here) as af would be due. Bought 2 digis before we left so going to do one on Sunday I think and the other next weekend in the hope it changes!

Bobkat - so sorry you're having a tough time but I agree to push to get it checked.
Your welcome in the madness!!!

I think its so funny that prior to the bfp i had every symptom going....now I've nothing lol.

Let us know how the testing goes hoping. And feet up and really enjoy this holiday xx

Just tested. Got my 3+ this morning. Trying to relax a little, but easier said than done.

6 days until scan, but may get my beta hcg checked again during the week.
yay great news on the test!! I am too scared to do it as I read somewhere it can go backwards and that would frwak me right out!

tillie -try to see it that all the indicators you have available are telling you good things so there's more chance its ok than not. repeat it 50 times a day, that's what I am doing :-) xx

hope you have a lovely weekend ladies xx
Gentle cuddles bobkat I'd def push like other ladies have said XXX
Fab news on the test Tilliewoo.... I've not got any digis and not sure I'm brave enough to buy some. Just clinging onto the mild nausea and rampant hunger and going from there. Xxx

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