*****January 2016 Mummies*****

How's everyone doing over the weekend? Sorry to hear you're so sick glow, pregnancy related or a bug?
I'm getting the silent treatment from hubby today. I can't keep my eyes open, everytime I sit down i fall asleep. Hes back on shift again tomorrow and have hardly had a conversation with him all weekend. Can't blame him, but wish he knew just what this exhaustion is like.. "I'm so tired" just doesn't cut it with him lol
Sorry to hear that tilliewoo. if it's any consolation I got v angry at OH today, don't think he gets how annoying itis to be so sick, sleepy, sore chested! I feel useless :(

yes its all day sickness lol. threw up outside the supermarket yesterday. cringe!!!! :oooo:

hope you all swerve the sickness x
Awh glow ((((hugs)))))
I'm desperate for it to hit me, find it kinda reassuring lol.
Men...they will never get it!
I think I've a rather overwhelmed OH atm.

He's a bit ..... well he's just moved countries and started his new job in the past month and then.... surprise! haha

Poor man - can't really blame him!
Hey ladies.

Going back to the posts about age....I'm 38....39 in June. Eeek. Will be glad to have popped out 2 kiddies by the time I'm 40. :-).

Hurray for the digi Tilliewoo. I did another blue cross test today and the PG line was super dark...so am reassured. Plus I've been feeling v sicky and knackered.

Have a horrible head cold that has gone to my sinuses.... have had to take paracetamol as the pain was so bad......feel bad tho as know u should try not to. So glad my lo is in nursery tomorrow so I can try to feel better.

Hey milly, back home again? Good time?
Desperate headache today, but think i just haven't drunk enough, hard to get fluids in when sleeping all day.
If it hasn't shifted by morning I'm going to have to take some paracetamol too.
Oh I'm having a sneaky day off Tuesday. Kids in school, hubby at work, was to have my scan in epc, but postponed it to the end of next week I don't want to go and not see a heartbeat. So will be a secret day in bed lol.
Good for you on the strong positive, settles the mind a bit x
Hi everyone hope you are all doing good. I am feeling so tired nowadays, peeing a lot and my boobs are paining.
Due date is fixed by word of mouth by the gp as 27th December 2015.

Hope everything goes well this time.
How's everyone's Monday morning's?

I'm sat desperately trying not to throw up while I wait to be shouted at by the pain management nurses :(
morning all. woken up feeling not too bad fx it stays that way!

I have gp - today no idea what to expect tbh!

hope you had a nice hol milly76, and age is but a number although in tri 1 I feel about 80 :shakehead:

glad all is well with you samuel and til lie woo a sneaky day sounds great.
luw - that's a whole lot of change! Have you moved countries as well?

lots of hugs and positivity for the week ahead
g x
Nope, I'm the selfish one that is only moving about 15-20mins down the road from where I started. Kind of feel really bad about it but then at the same time, him being over here gives him far better job opportunities. He's not a thick guy and was getting bored in his job back home already even though it was doing what he's trained to do and enjoys.

Over here he's managed to get a job in a much further technologically advanced company and is on a much better wage with far better and faster progression routes already put out in front of him. If I'd have moved over to him we'd never have the same opportunities as my quals mean nothing over there and I really suck at Dutch!

Really glad someones feeling good today - I'm stealing tilliewoo's idea and going back to bed for the day I think =D God bless working the tea time shift!
Morning all....looks like I brought the sun back from Greece. Yay. :-).

I was up sooo many times for a wee in the night and also really thirsty....such a dry mouth. Not feeling too sicky today but the sinus pain is still there.....need to get rid of that.

I'm a stay at home Mum with Monday "off" whilst Ivy is at nursery.So far I've been catching up on Eastenders but I really need to do a big food shop and finish washing after hols.

Suppose I should call the Docs today too....although don't know if I need to see the doc or just make the 8 week midwife appointment.Will see what they say when I call.

Happy Monday everyone.:-) . Xx
The gp appointment was ok tilliewo nothing really special. She just told me what I can eat and what to avoid etc. and then she checked all my details to confirm to send it to the midwife. And the moment I am on sick leave at work, as I am so tired and feel so sleepy.

But she didn't mention my pregnancy on the sick leave instead because I was coughing she put it as viral infection.

Hope you and bump are doing good. I am not throwing out yet... How many weeks is everyone?
Happy Monday everyone !!

What a tiring weekend. Me and hubby had a major discussion yesterday morning as he thinks Im twisting about being tired all the time. I went down his neck , I honestly couldn't believe what he said. I work, run a house and look after a 2 year old - is it that bad that I want to go to bed at 9pm ??!! I know I just need to get these first few weeks over with then the tiredness will sneak off , We have lots going on at the minute too, we go on holiday on Wednesday and we are house hunting too, im sick to death of viewing houses. When we wernt looking there was loads, now we desperately need to move there is nothing on the market. So along with that, working, washing, cleaning, running around after Olly im shattered !!!

Im sat here at work now yawning. I remember this well from my first pregnancy, I just pray I don't get any sickness because that will just knock everything.

I sent OH to the sofa over the weekend when he thought it was funny to watch some action film in bed. Then pretended I was asleep starfishing when he tried to get back into bed. He's not said a word about how tired I am since =D

That is loads going on though Queenr..... we're growing people and still trying to pretend everythings normal to most of the world! We need some slack cutting!
My hubby is exactly the same. Normally he's a gem. But over the weekend he huffed big time about my sleeping all the time, and lack of interest to do anything. I work full time, feel like a single mum when hes on shift work, have 2 very active busy boys that im never off the road with.
I'm not letting it bother me. I know its short term. I get more sympathy from him when I'm physically sick. Think its because its something he can see, rather than trying to understand.
I did tell him to google exhaustion in early pregnancy. ..that shut him up a bit.
Think OH's night on the sofa got it through to him ....

Last night he didn't say a word when I just rolled over when he wanted to talked and then this morning he's got up, taken the dog out and then stuck his head round the door again to tuck me in and left without even attempting to get me up.

Normally theres a big todo over the dog coz he's is technically mine and he's also a rat for most people when hes on a walk.
ha ha luw a rat!! bet he's cute though!

I think the exhaustion bit throws men. That plus I can't stand the weirdest things atm ... smells and noises lol weirdo!!

I felt so much better yesterday I wanted to dance! I saw your post about bloods tilliewoo that's great news andwas same as mine 10 days ago.

hospital tomorrow ... eek!!
sorry I forgot to say queenriccy I sympathise re the house move I did that recently v stressful.

hope you all feel well soon x
Oh he is a rat! (Ironic considering he's a Jack Russell really...) Best behaved dog with me, barely puts a toe wrong and is a totally mama's boy. Anyone else he bullies and dominates! Only other person he doesn't bully but just seems to accept as an equal is my 1 year old godson. Alf looks after his large bald puppy haha!

I'm hoping for a good day coz I've work this afternoon and a room of 40 8 year olds playing up while I'm feeling sick and dizzy is not something that sounds like fun =/

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