*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Im going up the river of denial!!! Still in shock lol.
Boobs not as sore. Tired as hell, but then so busy at work.
No sickness at all :eek:
Got my hcg results today, 189 at 4w5d. So back tomorrow to see if the double....so definitely pregnant lol....i think I want to see that 2-3 week symbol!

Are you having a good holiday?
Yes thanks....Fab weather and great to see my little girl enjoying it.

Good news on ur hcg. Nice work. :-). Xx
I did 5 tests until I really believed it.
The midwife called me yesterday to say she can't fit m in until next Thursday - I go on holiday on Wednesday !! And that I should have a consultant appointment for when I get home. I really hope they do their checks then refer me back to the midwives

I've done 3 so far and just want to keep doing more each day just to remind myself it's real.

You know as if the increasingly sore boobs aren't a reminder enough.

Sickness has officially kicked in too.

Just have one little niggle. I keep get 2-3 second 'discomfort'. It isn't quite a cramp but it's definitely around or very very close to where I'd normally get cramps on my period. No other pain or bleeding but I have to say it's unnerved me.

I don't remember anything like that with my first pregnancy but then again I was a considerable amount further gone when I found out and barely had any symptoms at all.
I did 4 tests but only because I had two packs of two :-)

I am staying away from testing and just looking forward to my scan next week, after the challenges over the last week i am just going to pass the time away and try to stay positive because my fear is any change in test results will freak me right out!

my hcg levels were at 5000 at 5 weeks and they couldn't find the sac for days.

I feel so crappy I am just holding onto that!

I hope you are all really well today girl's, its the weekend soon x
How are you feeling glow?
My hcg is very low compared to yours :(
2nd draw today. So shoukd kniw more on monday. But had a bit of a queasy tummy this morning.
Done no more tests. Will do another digital tomorrow to see if the weeks have increased.
I am feeling bloated with excruciating boobs. i am also having issues going to toilet i have never experienced anything like it .. sorry tmi :shock:

my scars are healing and I am now able to walk better.

don't Compare your hcg levels to mine, I was a total freak of nature last week!

overall I am quite excited ... best way for me to be ...I am such a worrier ... I will deal with anything negative if I have to I just don't want to spend time worrying in the event its all good. its a battle though!

a nice quiet weekend approaching. :dance:

what a drag tri 1 is! x
The toilet issues could be related to the anaesthetic, that always plays havoic with me.
I has hospitalised in my 2ww with a blockage in my bowel. Im on daily fibre drink, which is keep2me going like clockwork. And told its very safe in pregnancy. I suffered badly in my last pregnancy...12 days it wasn't pretty lol
That made me lol! sorry to hear about your op I hope u r better now x
Ohhhh I've been on something similar! Was on heavy pain meds for nearly two years and my god do they grind everything to a halt! With the drink thing you could almost set your watch by me ahah!
Hahaha....oh i gave them hell with my "I might be pregnant" rants
And they kept testing insting i wasn't...they just didn't see the importance of the 2ww.
Looking back i really did go off on one, talking about my possible baby and them looking at me like I belong on a phyc ward lol.....But i was right, so nananannana
I'm loving the fibre drinks. Highly recommend! No more discomfort or bloating. Back to my flat tummy again, not for long i hope xx

This is the one prescribed for me. And doc told me very safe in pregnancy
interesting. They gave me lactulose to take as they said I might have issues stupidly I ignored them!

oh the glamour! :wall2:

never mind.

How are you ladies finding work? obvs I am off at the mo but it was tough when I was there I mean why does wveryone want to eat FISH in the office for lunch!! :roll:

I liked being there though less time for neurotic checking of symptoms he he!

Bless ya! Every time I've been for a 'MOT' over my bad nerves and muscles it's the first thing they always ask 'any chance you could be pregnant' whenever I'd answer no I got 'not even a minuscule chance?' Not sure if they were covering their a*se or telling me I looked like I was an amature watermelon smuggler.....
I'm currently a mother's help while I finish my course work off and tbh aside from one of the kids teachers getting a right what for off me the other day it's been pretty easy going.

Though they are a family that almost live off spicy food and that's 90% of what I'm calling cravings have been haha!
Hahahahah LuW...thats hilarious!

I'm finding work ok. I work in the finance dept of the health trust in NI. So its none stop at the minute with a new year just having started and doctors are finally paying their bills. But iys a great distraction.
But one I get home I am hanging.
My hubby is in the fire service so his shifts are all over the place, i got it hard the last few nights when he was on late shift. Thankfully my boys are of a self sufficient age, so i can just sit down when i get home.
But i usually found the exhaustion gets worse from around 7-14 weeks with previous pregnancies. And I'm what they call a "mature" mum...37! Yet act and feel 21!
yay for the mature mums! I am 37 too I don't think that is old tho ... I think I am just in denial :-)

I remember the last time being tired until about 10/11 weeks but this one is quite different I definitely wasmt this sick.

but then again I did go thru an op last week so could have made it worse!!

Have you told many people ladies?
What about your boys tillie woo?

Do you think reading gossip mags is a craving? I do :-) xx
Lol...everything is a pregnancy craving.
Oh im glad im not the only on 37! Yippie!
My last pregnancy the 50year old midwife kept referring to me as "the old mum" I was livid.
No, we aren't going to tell them for as long as possible. We aren't going to tell anyone this time.
We told the boys on xmas day about my last pregnancy, they were so excited. Then we had to break the bad news 1st week in Jan. My 10 year old cried for ages about it. Still talks about his heaven baby.
But I'm staying positive this time, and all going well this xmas he will have his brother or sister

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