*****January 2016 Mummies*****

hi everyone how are you all feeling today?

all was good today, nice strong heartbeat. dates are all bang on.

has anyone had their booking in appt come through yet? xx
Excellent glow! Congrats xxx

I'm having dull left side pain today, nothing major its just there
Fab news!! I'm so tired today! I was the same Monday and yesterday but thought it was because we got home late on Sunday night. Thank goodness I just have tomorrow to work then we're off on holiday for a fortnight. Apart from that I've just had some period pains and random pinching pains now and again. Hopefully baby is just getting nice and comfy :)
Glad you are both ok, I had that pain in left side it was deep in my groin ... Ouch! Ps is groin the right word lol x
Congrats Hoping. I'm just back from hols and I took af supplies just in case.

Great news on the heart beat glow...that's Fab.

I'm really suffering with sinusitis... been trying not to take paracetamol but finding the pain hard to bare so called the Doc....they said I could take the recommended dose and have prescribed becanese spray....just popped some pills....so relieved.... it was really getting me down.

Not feeling preggas today....hate nausea but kinda want it to put my mind at rest.

I've got to see the Docs at my surgery b4 I can make first mw appointment and they can't fit me in til next Thurs. Hope that doesn't mean my mw appointment will be later than 8 weeks.
I hope you guys get your MW appointment mine isn't until 1st June which is AFTER my 12week scan & I will be 13 weeks & 2days pregnant!!

Hey that's great news Glow.

I've got my booking appointment with the midwife next Tuesday. Tiredness is my man symptom, the others just come and go. Fingers crossed everything is ok. x
Get news Glow!

No appointment yet, but then again I did only see Dr over the weekend so!
I dont anticipate having mine until the end of tri 1. But i do have an early scan in the epc next friday
I've booked an appt with the Dr for the Monday after we get back from holiday, so 1st of June. I will be 6+2 then. I'm going to ask about early scan and if I can't get one we'll go private.
You can self refer here to the early clinic. I called her the day i found out I was pregnant to book in due to my history. Booked it based on my HCG, I don't want to go and not see their little heartbeat xx
Officially over the mood swings.

Completely broke down over the fact the bath is still broke and I really just want to relax in some bubbly water and can't use the hydro pool so set my heart on a bath.

So not fair :(
Sore gums?????
Feel like my teeth are about to fall out tonight! :eek:
6/7 weeks. I have good dental hygiene but they are really sore and bleeding slightly.
The joys lol!
Nothing worse than a sore mouth!

Did another test this morning. Nice to see the line getting darker. From right to left there's one from each morning since Tuesday :)


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Wooooo they look great hun!!


Thanks hun. I was a bit worried yesterday morning as I did the superdrug one and the line didn't seem any darker but happy to see a much darker one on this morning's frer! Put my mind at ease a bit! Now to get through the weekend!!
URGH I had the same problem when I was testing I got a line on a FRER so got a superdrug & my other FRER for the next day, superdrug was so pale it then turned into a BFN but FRER was bright pink??

Thank goodness it's not just me then! I always thought superdrug were one of the better ones but it would seem not. If I have time tonight I'm going to pick up a couple of digis - one for this weekend and one for next. If not I'll get them at the airport in the morning but no doubt they'll be extortionate!!

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