*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Congrats keepitcrossed & LuW....

Yeah I'd like that cure too...sports bra helps a bit
Congratulations ladies.

I'm on hols at the mo and trying to work out whether the tiredness, headaches,blocked nose and sore throat are PG symptoms, too much sun or a bug caught on the plane.

Look forward to catching up with u all lots when I'm back...will sort my ticker out then too but think due date is 6th Jan but not sure of my cyclelength.

Hi All
Congrats to all of you over past few days how exciting!
I have been a little quiet over here it's been a rough few days.
To summarise I had a brown stain in my pants. Was referred for scan. Had scan and no evidence of pg in my womb just a mass by my ovary. Was admitted with suspected ectopic (lots of sharp pain and sickness). Was scanned again had bloods taken and eventually they advised to operate as my bloods were at nearly 5000.

So they opened me up, found a cyst, investigated all around and about and found evidence of a pg in my womb. I went into theatre expecting to lose my tube and came out with three incisions and no removal. Confusing!!

They scanned me next day and found it with sac etc etc. now I have to wait one week when I will be 6.5 weeks for a heartbeat. Well that's my first hurdle anyway!

Pls don't let any of this worry any of you, apparently it's extremely rare. I am remaining positive as the consultant assures me I have to wait and fear is probably the last thing my body needs at the mo.

In the meantime I feel very sick with sore chest and stitches across my tummy. Insult to injury me thinks :-)

Hope you are all well. Here's to a healthy time for all Jan mummies Xxxx
Gentle cuddles for you Glow!

That sounds so scary!
Awh glow, what a rough few days. Hope your holding up ok xx
Congratulations to all new January mummies.

Goodness me glow, what a rollercoaster. Fingers crossed for you and your little bean.xx
How awful glow, you rest up now and keep yourself calm and well rested.
Toddler just gone to bed and hubby is in the bath, I'm having Spag Bol for tea with garlic bread yum !!
Going to watch some trashy reality tv and chill out, I had 10 hours last night and I'm shattered xxx
Huh....lucky you queenr....
I was alseep by 10pm. Eyes wide open at 5.10am.
Worth nothing at work today! Still fighting with a 10 year old that tonight is an early night, hubby on night shift, and I haven't had tea nor have energy to cook. Beans on toast may do the job lol! X
Thanks all!

I am shattered too like all you ladies!

I can't stop craving salt ... yesterday I HAD to have Mcdonalds chips. I normally find them vile but I can't get enough at the minute lol.

I am eating less than usual but permanently hungry :lol:
I'm going to the loo slightly more than usual, but nowhere near as often as some "common symptoms" sites suggest. I've had some slight nausea which is a bit like a mild hangover with woozy head and swishy belly. My stomach has rumbled quite a few times where it doesn't normally. My boobs are slightly tender some days.

My main symptom is thirst, in the mornings I can't get enough water, tapers off through the day though. I'm thirsty now just thinking about it!

And that's me, the girl who said she wasn't going to symptom spot. Oops. x
Hahaha keepitcrossed.
I drink a sports bottle of water during the night now. Have to get up to pee during the night, but no worse during the day.
Boobs aren't quite as sore today, still a little tender. Haven't had morning sickness yet, which I'm desperate for, is always reassuring to wake up with symptoms...I must be crazy lol.
Just want to feel pregnant. Have an epc scan next tue, just to make sure it isnt ectopic, and will get my 1st round of hcg levels tomorrow.
I'm just desperate for this to go ok this time.
My apitite has gone, I'm having to force breakfast down me. I'm sat here now and really don't fancy anything. And I'm going to the toilet more often than usual, I'm not fancying any snacks either. I didn't get any sickness with Olly so I'm hoping the same here, don't know how I'd cope tbh !!! I am shattered tho, usually on a sunny morning like this I'm up and bouncing at 7am with Olly but hubby had to drag me out of bed this morning and I'm still sat yawning.

Can't say I'm a morning person in the first place Queenr, but I've been hell this morning. Was meant to drop OH off at the train station about half 6, I ended up surrendering my use of the car for the day just because I physically couldn't find the energy to move.

Did mean I got an extra 2 hours with him though I guess! He even put up with my temper tantrum about how well done the toast was bless! Totally need to apologise for that one really....
Girls, hanging by a thread this evening. I coukd barely drive the 5min journey home from work.
Had to order in for the boys, much to their delight. Hubby still on nights, can't cope until the 10year old goes to bed!
Wanna lie down and just cry....if id the energy.
Ohhh...maybe I do have some symptoms then..... am drinking and peeing loads and also had the swishy belly thing. Got a bit of a poorly tummy tho...but expect I ate something that disagrees on holiday.Yuk.

How many tests have u ladies done? I'm thinking of doing a second when home from hols as still doesn't feel real. :-) xx

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