Hi All
Congrats to all of you over past few days how exciting!
I have been a little quiet over here it's been a rough few days.
To summarise I had a brown stain in my pants. Was referred for scan. Had scan and no evidence of pg in my womb just a mass by my ovary. Was admitted with suspected ectopic (lots of sharp pain and sickness). Was scanned again had bloods taken and eventually they advised to operate as my bloods were at nearly 5000.
So they opened me up, found a cyst, investigated all around and about and found evidence of a pg in my womb. I went into theatre expecting to lose my tube and came out with three incisions and no removal. Confusing!!
They scanned me next day and found it with sac etc etc. now I have to wait one week when I will be 6.5 weeks for a heartbeat. Well that's my first hurdle anyway!
Pls don't let any of this worry any of you, apparently it's extremely rare. I am remaining positive as the consultant assures me I have to wait and fear is probably the last thing my body needs at the mo.
In the meantime I feel very sick with sore chest and stitches across my tummy. Insult to injury me thinks
Hope you are all well. Here's to a healthy time for all Jan mummies Xxxx