*****January 2016 Mummies*****

Hi girls,

Can I tip toe in ?

Iv just got my bfp this morning which will make my dd 1 Jan 2016 !!
I was a June 2013 mammy with my son.

Well done, Congratulations Queenriccy x
I was a June Mammy as well...but way back in 2004. Im out of practise lol
Well I'm slightly nervous, we weren't planning for at least another year. I came off the pill last November as I'd had treatment for high grade cervical cancer cells in jan this year which left me in hospital for a few days. I have a scan in June for my 6 month all clear .. I think they will put me as high risk :-(

So this pregnancy happened from a one-time 'going to pull out but didn't' and because my periods have been all over the place since January I thought there was no chance I'd catch but 2 very strong pregnancy tests this afternoon Have proved me wrong.

And on a sad note m best friend of 10 years lost a baby in February and is desperately trying to fall pregnant , and here I am !! I have no idea how to tell her

Wow....your light at the end of a difficult journey. Enjoy it, these things always happen for a reason.

Having suffered a MMC in January, after 10 years of nothing happening. (Grade 4 cells too...and alot of treatment required) I can sympathise with your friend.
It is hard to hear others are pregnant, but at the same time you genuinely are happy for them. Its not their baby you want, its your own.
My next door neighbours who are in the same situation as us, older kids also found themselves pregnant. She delivered a healthy boy last week, at that stage i hadn't got my bfp, and it did for one split second tug at my heart, but I was okay. Your friend will want nothing but the best for you, considering you've had a pretty difficult time yourself x
Knock knock, may I come in.... *sidles in tentatively*.

Got my bfp this morning, edd of Jan 10th. Was on here for birth of my ds in Oct 2010 and really appreciated the support, especially in the nervy early days. Not taking anything for granted as we've been burned before, even posting on here makes me think I'll jinx it.

Happy and healthy 9 months to everyone.
Congrats bobkat,

We are starting to fill up...yippie xxx
I got a phonecall from my best friend last night ... To tell me she is pregnant :-)

I am so happy for her. I feel like the whole world has been lifted off my shoulders.

I have also spoken to the midwife this morning and explained my situation - the midwife at my surgery is off today so the lady I spoke to is going to give her all my stuff tomorrow and she is going to ring me tomorrow

How is everybody feeling ? Any sickness ?
My nips and killing but no sickness yet. I had a busy day yesterday ironing and packing our cases for our holiday next week and after id finished my back was killing. I had really bad back pain throughout my last pregnancy, I really hope I don't get the same this time round. Its going to be hard enough having a 2 year old to look after aswell

Thats fantastic news...you will have a bumb buddy.

Same as that, if it wasn't for the sore boobs I'd really be questioning if I am pregnant. Im eagerly awaiting the sickness...must be something wrong with me!!!

At docs today for confirmation, and early scan at epc next tue, i don't expect to see much, will be just under the 6w mark, but will rule out ectopic.
Going to ask for 48hr hcg bloods today. Just so afraid of something going wrong.

Hello everyone, congrats on your BFP's! I'm just popping over from the December group, I'm due 25th of dec but as my first was 15 days late I thought I'd pop in here and say hi as I might end up joining you :)
Hey asd1...

I may bounce back and forth too...had 2 previous sections, so imagine this one will be in dec. But will wait until im probably dated to see.
Hi everyone,
I have a gp appointment today for the first time. I am so nervous. I want the gp to sign me off from work for two weeks. I feel so tired these days. My eyes get so tired.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Queenriccey....we share a due date. Doc just confirmed me as Jan 1st! X
Hi tillie, I looked back at my dairy and I came on a few days later than I thought so iv just popped down 4th jan on my ticker but we will wait to see on my dating scan - with my cycles being so messed up I could be a few days out.Xx
Oh and I'm bloody shattered tonight. We went to view 4 houses after work. Got another 2 tomorrow night. I think I fell in love with one tonight . Only went straight down tonight too, which made my night easier as hubby had took the pooch out xxx
Awh isn't he a gem...house searching i loved that, new home, new baby...so much to look forward too.

The tiredness is a b***h. I slept most of the weekend. Hubby on night shift these days and im lying ontop of the bed begging my 10 yr old to go to bed, hes winning, i don't have the energy to fight.
I can just about function for work and that is it. But its all good symptoms.

I think my scan may change me again, but will go with the doc for now! Have a scan next tue to check that babe has taken up residence in the right place. Would love to see a hb but being realistic and know its probably to soon.
Doc has started me on progesterone now too...this should bring the symptoms crashing around me now! Just need to remember the positives.

Hope the docs went well Sam and pleased they are taking good care of you Tillie. I can sympathise with the tiredness, home from work, pjs on immediately. My boobs have really been aching the past few days but no sickness as yet, just feel like I'm walking round in a bit of a daze. Think I've been having these symptoms for a week or two but didn't notice as I was in a stage play last week so put tiredness down to doing that as well as working, and thought my boobs hurt as my costume was a bit tight! Looking forward to my bed!
I've taken to wearing my adidas sports bra all the time to ease the pains. Not easy to disguise under a suit!!!
Hi Ladies. Got my BFP last Wed, EDD 6 Jan, which was the best surprise ever!

How is everyone doing?
Room for one more?

Well two I guess!

5 weeks today EDD 6/1/16 if my maths is right. Wasn't really trying though - more a 'meh if it happens it happens' really.

Now if someone can point me to the 'No more Sore Boobies' miracle cure that'd be great =D

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