January 2006 Babies

Errm, dunno if it's the weather, the anti-biotics or pregnancy but it gave me a touch of ....(says quietly) thrush :roll: bloody typical ! :lol: Went through a phase of not being able to poo :x (literally pulling that face just trying!), then it was not be able to stop pooing :shock: , sickness as usual, ummmm my tummy gets painful and 'tight' if i lie on it and already looks like I'm carrying triplets! (I'm not!!). Funny cravings too - the current one is turkey slices in a fresh white bap - still haven't had one though!! (I sound mad eh!)

How about you?

(Oh and I've been the stropiest cow on the planet :lol: )
Hi Sami

I actually thought I was carrying more than one this week! :o :? as my tummy was sticking out further than I thought it would be by this stage. My grandad had twin sisters so I suppose it can't be ruled out.

yikes, what a thought.
anti biotics and thrush tend to have an evil friendship dont they! :twisted:

cant say i have had many cravings as yet, although i do feel as though i could eat anything put in front of me, anytime! already put on 5pounds! eek.

just been to toilet and had very slight show of blood. none now though and no pain so im just not going to worry about it!? had some before at 7 weeeks and had scan and everything showed up fine so hoping no probs? need reassurance girls!!! midwife visitin on wed thank god!

hope everyone ok this morning
xx sarah xx
they changed my due date its now 14/01 not 12/01

As I said in another thread I am pleased to announced that I have finally stopped feeling bloated, tired and with sore boobs!

I feel very well today. I have actually got a flattish tummy with C-cup boobs! (They used to be an a/b cup, so I feel like a model today! :D

Going to relish this, before it all stops and I grow a huge proper bump! It is lovely to be feeling normal and wearing normal clothes in the middle of this wierdness! My work trousers fit! :D :D :D
Hey sarah don't panic hun - I had a showing of blood again last night but just thought - right - I have been here before - ignore the dull crmps and breathe and get on with stuff! Sure enough it stopped after 20 mins (was only light anyways) and back to normality :D

Bloating goes does?!! Does it?! Wow I wish!! lol. Loving the 32DD boobs though!! :lol:
glad its going well for you Sarah! :D my boobs have also inflated! i look a bit like a fat pammy! yeah speaking of fat... i dont appear to be de flating! i look about 5months gone already! i had small frame before so just putting it down to that, and using it as an excuse to park in mother and baby spaces at asda! speaking of driving..anyone got one of those seat belt adjustment thingies to go under our mini bump? thinking of gettin one as i drive all day with work.

Your right Sami, our bumps seem to be tough little monsters so also through with worry and panik! had little bit of "show" this morn all gone again! stil got mild aches but figured our babes are growing at enormous rate now so we will be stretching inside all over the place!

once again would like to remind you all how fab you guys are! (sat smiling knowing have made pregnancy buddies as all my mates are scattered around the country celebrating uni graduations, but i wouldnt swop places with them for the world!)

have well and truley ranted on now so will stop boring you guys and let you get back to normality! :lol:

take care xxxxxxxxxxx
Hmmmm...I have thrush this week too...from anti biotics, they always make me that way. My doc told me that since I can't have Diflucan or any meds for it, to take an Epsom Salts bath and it will draw out the badness. Two baths later, I'm feeling much better.
It has the added pleasant side effect of totally relaxing you and detoxing your skin...this Epsom salts is great stuff!

I'm going to be a January mummy if my baby comes on time. I am due 2nd January 2006. but who know's when the little one will arrive! Hopefully not on Christmas day.
Laura B can you change my due date to 15 Jan please?
Hi all I'm Due 8th Jan. Can't wait and cant believe how quickly the time actually passes I couldnt wait to get this far and suddenly I'm here. Going for my scan on Weds cant wait just want to see it and know its ok then I can stop worrying about every little ache. Still have morning sickness which in my case generally is the morning breakfast doesnt last for more than 1/2 before I have my head in the bowl! nice! tiredness is starting to wear off as well but noticed it can hit you at any time of the day in early pregnancy I got up 8ish went out home at 11 and back into bed for a couple of hours! feel like a right lazy madam at the mo cant be bothered to do anything. :wink:
Hi all
Our 4th is due Jan 25th but will be having CS at 36/38wks - the third with a birthday around Christmas :? No doubt they'll change the dates at every appointment though. At 10wks/6 I'm craving orange ice lollys (the last two had to be the expensive orange ice lollys, this time I don't care what sort they are), can't stand any strong smells and want to sleep, sleep, sleep
hello me again! New due date!! 25th January!!!! :lol: yay saw my little fluff kicking like mad today - I'm well happy :D
What was your old due date Sami? How did your scan go?
Old EDD was the 28th Jan.

the scan was absolutely amazinfg- saw my baby sticking it's thumb up at me and OH - sucking it's thumb - opening it's mouth, kicking, jumping, holding it's head - it was fantastic - the songrapher was excellent and was really patient with us to get a pretty good picture. YAY!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hi Sami!

I'm glad it went well :D :D :D :D

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long until we get to see our baby on the screen for the first time.

Then we can start buying things for him/her! We are not allowing ourselves to get excited yet.

Did you get a picture? :lol:
Yeah got a picture - the little fluff (it's new name :lol: ) was so clear. I'll try and scan my pictures in when I can get this damned scanner to work. I can start buying things now we are 'safe' - I know they say 12 weeks is the definte safe part as you have a scan - but we have had ours to confirm things properly now so I can buy stuff and not worry! God I am so damn releived now.

When is your scan Sarah?
well chuffed for you sami! little Fluff is a tough cookie! give him a rub from me (you know what i mean if that sounds odd!) :lol:

soooo jealous you have a pic, me and hubby have to wait til 16 ish week weve been told, vey laid back up north are the midwives, very annoying!

bet you cant wait to get out there and get shopping!! everything is soo cute!

Are you going to find out sex of little fluff?

So glad to hear your doing so well, :D :D :D :D keep looking after yourself chick!

Sarah and ? need a name for my blob!!! :?
Rub rub rubbing away :wink:

We were calling it little blob as that's all we saw on the first couple of scan - then slowly it got more developed and had stumps for arms - and it's a bloody jumping boxer :lol:

let me know when u think of a name. I'd go mad if I had to wait till 16 weeks :shock: I have first midwife appt at 6 weeks and first scan at 7 weeks . The 'norm' here is to see you midwife at about 8-12 weeks, then have a scan and see midwife just after, then see midwife once a month till scan between 20-22 weeks, continue seeing midwife once a month till the end, then pop the little bugger out!

My little fluff is the toughest baby I know - it has survived so much already and is probably oblivious to it all. 4.3cm and already means more to me than anything in the world. It's like being in over all over again with my OH. I love him for giving me our little Fluff, and I'm sure all you girls know what I mean and feel the same about your OH's/DH's. As irritating as they can seem - they gave us new life to carry (getting emotional now! :wink: )

I don't have a date for my scan yet but I am sure the appointment card will appear through the door any time now. I will let you all know when it happens.

It was really hard going into mothercare for maternity stuff on sunday and not being able to look at the baby bits. I just know that as soon as I look at a baby-gro for a newborn I will melt :D

My baby is still called junior at the moment, but no doubt I will come up with a nicer name when I actually see it on the screen and start blubbing.

It is very difficult to imagine it actually in there at the moment.

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