Hee hee heeeee Im so happy Im a Mummy
K, well I'll try and make this as readable as poss, Ive still only had 5 hours sleep now in 3 days This is prob long but I didnt want to omit any gory details
I suppose I should start this once uopn a time.....
Anyway, Monday I went to hospital because of my headaches etc...I had a sweep. Tuesday I started getting irregular twinges/contractions and losing plug in the bucketload. I went for a mommoth walk and mowed the lawn to see f I could get contractions going a bit. I totally wore myself out and decided it would be a much better idea if he arrived Wednesday after all as I was bloody knakered. OH decided to stay over Tueday night ( thank God) 3am I woke up with tummy ache, it was actually a contraction and then I felt a small gush. I didnt dare move and just asked OH to pass me a towel. I stood up and more water kept coming. There wasnt all that much and I was quite disappointed I gathered myself a huge pile of towels and just sat on them gradually soaking one by one LOL Contractions were instantly 3mins apart lasting about 1min each and the pain was all in my back. Phoned delivery suite at hospital and they asked me to call back at 6am as I was coping well and they didnt think baby would be here anytime soon as he was my first. I had a bath, did my make up and dried and straightened my hair in between. It is missions trying to do anything when you only have 3mins of non pain to spare though!!!! I was running around in between contractions trying to get everything done. OH was really good and not panicking like we predicted he would.
6am - called back delivery suite they said to go in at 7.30am to be examined to check if it was infact my waters that had broken.
7.30am get to hospital. The half an hours drive wasnt too bad but with contractions in my back it was hard to get into a good position to cope. At this point they were still 3mins apart.
8.00am - I am allocated 2 lovely midwives, one a student. They check my bp, wee etc. BP is high and wee is showing protein. I am admitted as being high risk and put on CTG to monitor babs. Midwives just watch and observe for a while and note contractions are still coming 3 in 10mins and that I am breathing through them well. I am in alot of discomfort though as time goes by as I can feel nothing in my tummy but everything is my back. It was horrible. I couldnt move because of the CTG so I just tried my best to keep breathing. I found it quite hard and kept forgetting to relax but once I got the hang I was ok They decided baby was back to back. They were quite suprised how I was dealing with the pain, the readings were almost off the scale
9am - They decide to do a examination to check I was actually in labour - this made me laugh alot.... I even said I can tell you now I am CERTAIN it is labor There was soooo much water and gunk they couldnt actually see my cervix! They noticed now waters were slightly green tinged and so it was decided baby had poo'ed and now I was even more high risk. No coming off the CTG for me...booo After much poking and de-gunking they managed to get a feel of my cervix and I was 3cm and officially in labour W0000t!!!! Bubs was still high up in pelvis though, only about 1/5th engaged
10am I was moved into my own delivery room Still stuck on the bloody CTG monitor. I began to find the contractions harder to deal with. They offered me G&A but I felt I could go on without and so I kept breathing. In the meantime I am soaking through bed mat after bed mat with my waters and gunkage. It really does smell like Jizz and after a few hours of that it was starting to gross me out a bit
Oooo before I forget by now I had been informed they dont actually have a birthing pool there anymore - JOY. Dry land for me then.
10.30am I take the G&A Sod that, it got too much and I needed to take the edge off it. I was just stuck on that bed and couldnt manage to get into a position which enabled me to breathe & cope with the contractions. My back was killing. I sit giggling in histerics for a bit! Start to trip out as well but I could feel when I was getting off my head so I stopped using it and decided it was best to keep my mouth shut until the feeling passed else I would be chatting a lot of bollox. My wee is checked and it now has allsorts in it. Lots of protein and my BP is climbing to 140/100 so they take some blood to check for PE. My lovely student midwfie decided to ignore my advice on which vein to go for and so she stabbed me up good and proper with no joy. She finally tried the vein I suggested and it worked we had a laugh about that.
11.30 - I notice I am getting the urge to push and its noted I am infact pushing involantary (sp) The novelty of G&A did wear off though and now I was just pleased it was helping me a bit with the pain as oppposed to feeling like I was having a laugh & getting off my tits
12pm I am getting pretty distressed with each contraction now. G & A isnt hitting any spot whatsoever apart from giving me a sore throat and tasting like crushed up paracetamol. I remember looking at OH who has tears in his eyes and looks so helpless. I also remeber thinking how Id never heard myself when I was in REAL pain before and found t quite odd. Im not exactly screaming in pain but I am making alot of noise. Kinda like a really good orgasm I spose I had the G & A in my mouth though so it was muffled a bit. I statr thinking I cannot take much more.
1pm - I have an examination and I am 6cm. 6cm and completely worn out. They offer me pethidine but I refuse. I did however request an Epidural. I was fully aware of what Id requested and sat saying I know I was TOTALLY against having one but having now realised the scale of the pain that it would be a wise choice for me. Its so true, you dont get a medal for refusing pain relief. Had I not been on the bed, stuck on the monitor unable to move maybe I would've delat with the pain better? also baby being back to back maybe affected it but at the time it was 100000000 million percent the right decision and I wish Id asked for one earlier LOL
1.05pm - In comes the top Anaesthetist. They told me he was the Consultant Anaesthetist and if the epi was done by him then it would work. My God did it! Within 20mins I was like a transformed woman! It didnt hurt one bit and I am needle phobic. It was one little scratch and just a little proding feeling. I kept really still. Having the canula thing inserted in my arm was worse!! Anyway as soon as the Anaesthetist had left the room I started to shake uncontrollably. My BP dropped right down to 99/46 and bubs heartbeat started to drop rapidly. The room filled with lots of people in a split second but I remember thinking 'Oh they'll handle it' I was totally on cloud 9 from being in no pain! They squeeze a ton of fluids into me and I strat feeling better almost instantly. Bubs heart picks up and everything is ok again. aparet from some slight decelerations on the monitor when I contract.
From 2pm the next few hours are boring. I feel quite sick, shaky and tired. I manage to eat 2 packets of hula hoops and half a banana. Im in no pain but am having huge pressure in my bum which I tell them about. The monitor isnt picking up any contractions whatsoever but Im definately having them!!!! They arent convinced so I am given a bit of synitocin to help pick them up about 4pm. They still dont register LOL I am deffo having them though and they can feel trhem in my tummy. Crap machines I have a epi top up every 45mins as it wears off really quick. It feels lovely and chilly going in
5pm I am examined again on my request as Im so bored and just getting fed up. I am found to be 8-9cm. Head was fully engaged now - about bloomin time!!!! They still cant feel which way around baby is but he had about an hour of manic actvity and they think he may have turned. Good baby They turn up the syntocin to get me to dilate to 10cm. I really feel like I need a pooh and asked everyone to leave the room so I could try and go on the bedpan LOL - that was missions. They werent convinced it was a pooh I needed and said it was prob bubs head just moving down. Anyway I did manage to go a tiny bit 8) rather then than when I was pushing I thought.
7-7.45pm - I am really tired by now. I am sooooo fed up with being prodded and poked because the machine doesnt pick up my contractions so Ive had a pair or 3 of hands on my belly for hours! OH is looking pale and sleepy too. My Mum popped in and sat for about 5mins. I became so dispondant now and just wanted everyone to leave me alone. I was just thinking I am so tired I cant be bothered to push my baby out. I just want to sleep ( I hadnt managed a nap all day as I wasnt left alone at all) I did infact ask now if I could have 10mins alone with OH and they said of course. I had a good cry and a cuddle with him. I then asked OH to leave so I could just gather my thoughts and find it in me somewhere to prepare for the task ahead. Everyone stayed away
7.50pm OMG I hadnt had a top up on the epi and when I was alone the pressure and urge to push came and I couldnt stop pushing! I buzzed the buzzer and OH came in I told him to go get someone quick. In they came and told me to try and not push. They quickly examined me and said yep you are fully dilated and ready to go and if I wanted to I could push when I needed to. Just before I start to 'push like i meant it' I asked the midwives what time they would be leaving as they had said they were off at 8.30pm and someone else would take over that made me feel really panicky. I didnt want another new person to deliver my baby
8pm THE FUN STARTS!! I start to push. I am sat there on the bed with a pink flannel nice and cold completely over my face I decide to keep my mouth shut, chin to chest and bear down as hard as I can as I had read making noise uses too much energy. The midwives say Im doing well. I dont even nitice pain of contractions now as it feels just like the overwhelming need to pooh.
8.10pm - I am still pushing and I decide to refuse to do anymore when she tells me she can see about 2cm of his head appearing. 2cm was a crap amount and I was knakered already LOL
8.15pm I find some effort from somewhere and start giving it some again. They tell me Im doing really well again and that they are amazed I am so strong. I think they are lying and just saying it to make me feel better.
8.25pm they tell me they are going in 5 mins LOL - and if I want them to deliver baby then to push push push they were joking but thats exactly what I did!!!
I feel bubs head moving down and it was such a good feeling, I knew my efforts were getting me somewhere which made me keep on going. I think I managed about 4long pushes with each contraction. I put my hand down to feel his little head I felt him crown - Ooooo the sting His head popped out and I said Bloody hell that feels better, they reminded me there was more to come. I gave one little push and out came one shoulder. I felt him rotate and then out came the other. At that point I also felt a rip there goes my designer vagina!! Out he all came with an almighty gush! Soaking the room and midwives all up their legs hee hee heeeee I remember that splash sound! Really weird. He is put on my chest and I just stare at him in complete shock. My beautiful baby boy laying there giving such a good scream and cry He is nowhere near as big as I expected. OH is it was the most amazing, precious moment of my whole life I totally expected myself to cry but I didnt. I was just in shock and amazed!
James Michael Bernard McManus was born 07/05/08 @ 8.37pm weighing 8lb exactly! Not biff at all
I had a look at him and did what everyone does and checked for his 10 fingers and toes and to my amazement he has 11 fingers LOL!!!!!!!!! He has an extra baby finger on his left hand. It is kinda hanging on by a thread but even has a tiny nail. I'll take a pic before its cut off ( he has been refered to a plastic surgeon)
I ended up with a nice 2nd degree tear, they thought it may be a 3rd but after a poke in my bottom it was decided just a 2nd ( thankyou Lord ) The rip I felt was my labia. I got them to leave it unstitched and I'll let it heal itself. Its only cosmetic and OH didnt mind. If Im honest I had a lovely pussy before birth and I was very proud how semetrical and 'designer like' it was but I was so happy that I gave birth to my Son I didnt mind having it a little messed up. I have had a look and I have to say its not as bad as I thought. It bloody hurts though! Im still trying to have my first pooh but I suppose I only gave birth 2days ago so Im not too worried yet.
James swallowed a hell of alot of fluid and so has been really sicky but we are getting there and he is becoming more interested in feeding. I went with bottle in the end as I felt I needed to give myself a break and thats what I felt most comfy with. Just as well really as James feeds so much better with his Daddy than he does with me. They are inseparable I still havent slept much but hope to get a better night tonight....Im not holding my breath though but its so worth it.
Thankyou everyone for your messages and for being there for me over the past 9-10 months! I love this forum and the people on here. I couldnt have survived without it and will continue to be a frequent visitor
If you got this far you are amazing!!! xxxx
K, well I'll try and make this as readable as poss, Ive still only had 5 hours sleep now in 3 days This is prob long but I didnt want to omit any gory details
I suppose I should start this once uopn a time.....
Anyway, Monday I went to hospital because of my headaches etc...I had a sweep. Tuesday I started getting irregular twinges/contractions and losing plug in the bucketload. I went for a mommoth walk and mowed the lawn to see f I could get contractions going a bit. I totally wore myself out and decided it would be a much better idea if he arrived Wednesday after all as I was bloody knakered. OH decided to stay over Tueday night ( thank God) 3am I woke up with tummy ache, it was actually a contraction and then I felt a small gush. I didnt dare move and just asked OH to pass me a towel. I stood up and more water kept coming. There wasnt all that much and I was quite disappointed I gathered myself a huge pile of towels and just sat on them gradually soaking one by one LOL Contractions were instantly 3mins apart lasting about 1min each and the pain was all in my back. Phoned delivery suite at hospital and they asked me to call back at 6am as I was coping well and they didnt think baby would be here anytime soon as he was my first. I had a bath, did my make up and dried and straightened my hair in between. It is missions trying to do anything when you only have 3mins of non pain to spare though!!!! I was running around in between contractions trying to get everything done. OH was really good and not panicking like we predicted he would.
6am - called back delivery suite they said to go in at 7.30am to be examined to check if it was infact my waters that had broken.
7.30am get to hospital. The half an hours drive wasnt too bad but with contractions in my back it was hard to get into a good position to cope. At this point they were still 3mins apart.
8.00am - I am allocated 2 lovely midwives, one a student. They check my bp, wee etc. BP is high and wee is showing protein. I am admitted as being high risk and put on CTG to monitor babs. Midwives just watch and observe for a while and note contractions are still coming 3 in 10mins and that I am breathing through them well. I am in alot of discomfort though as time goes by as I can feel nothing in my tummy but everything is my back. It was horrible. I couldnt move because of the CTG so I just tried my best to keep breathing. I found it quite hard and kept forgetting to relax but once I got the hang I was ok They decided baby was back to back. They were quite suprised how I was dealing with the pain, the readings were almost off the scale
9am - They decide to do a examination to check I was actually in labour - this made me laugh alot.... I even said I can tell you now I am CERTAIN it is labor There was soooo much water and gunk they couldnt actually see my cervix! They noticed now waters were slightly green tinged and so it was decided baby had poo'ed and now I was even more high risk. No coming off the CTG for me...booo After much poking and de-gunking they managed to get a feel of my cervix and I was 3cm and officially in labour W0000t!!!! Bubs was still high up in pelvis though, only about 1/5th engaged
10am I was moved into my own delivery room Still stuck on the bloody CTG monitor. I began to find the contractions harder to deal with. They offered me G&A but I felt I could go on without and so I kept breathing. In the meantime I am soaking through bed mat after bed mat with my waters and gunkage. It really does smell like Jizz and after a few hours of that it was starting to gross me out a bit
Oooo before I forget by now I had been informed they dont actually have a birthing pool there anymore - JOY. Dry land for me then.
10.30am I take the G&A Sod that, it got too much and I needed to take the edge off it. I was just stuck on that bed and couldnt manage to get into a position which enabled me to breathe & cope with the contractions. My back was killing. I sit giggling in histerics for a bit! Start to trip out as well but I could feel when I was getting off my head so I stopped using it and decided it was best to keep my mouth shut until the feeling passed else I would be chatting a lot of bollox. My wee is checked and it now has allsorts in it. Lots of protein and my BP is climbing to 140/100 so they take some blood to check for PE. My lovely student midwfie decided to ignore my advice on which vein to go for and so she stabbed me up good and proper with no joy. She finally tried the vein I suggested and it worked we had a laugh about that.
11.30 - I notice I am getting the urge to push and its noted I am infact pushing involantary (sp) The novelty of G&A did wear off though and now I was just pleased it was helping me a bit with the pain as oppposed to feeling like I was having a laugh & getting off my tits
12pm I am getting pretty distressed with each contraction now. G & A isnt hitting any spot whatsoever apart from giving me a sore throat and tasting like crushed up paracetamol. I remember looking at OH who has tears in his eyes and looks so helpless. I also remeber thinking how Id never heard myself when I was in REAL pain before and found t quite odd. Im not exactly screaming in pain but I am making alot of noise. Kinda like a really good orgasm I spose I had the G & A in my mouth though so it was muffled a bit. I statr thinking I cannot take much more.
1pm - I have an examination and I am 6cm. 6cm and completely worn out. They offer me pethidine but I refuse. I did however request an Epidural. I was fully aware of what Id requested and sat saying I know I was TOTALLY against having one but having now realised the scale of the pain that it would be a wise choice for me. Its so true, you dont get a medal for refusing pain relief. Had I not been on the bed, stuck on the monitor unable to move maybe I would've delat with the pain better? also baby being back to back maybe affected it but at the time it was 100000000 million percent the right decision and I wish Id asked for one earlier LOL
1.05pm - In comes the top Anaesthetist. They told me he was the Consultant Anaesthetist and if the epi was done by him then it would work. My God did it! Within 20mins I was like a transformed woman! It didnt hurt one bit and I am needle phobic. It was one little scratch and just a little proding feeling. I kept really still. Having the canula thing inserted in my arm was worse!! Anyway as soon as the Anaesthetist had left the room I started to shake uncontrollably. My BP dropped right down to 99/46 and bubs heartbeat started to drop rapidly. The room filled with lots of people in a split second but I remember thinking 'Oh they'll handle it' I was totally on cloud 9 from being in no pain! They squeeze a ton of fluids into me and I strat feeling better almost instantly. Bubs heart picks up and everything is ok again. aparet from some slight decelerations on the monitor when I contract.
From 2pm the next few hours are boring. I feel quite sick, shaky and tired. I manage to eat 2 packets of hula hoops and half a banana. Im in no pain but am having huge pressure in my bum which I tell them about. The monitor isnt picking up any contractions whatsoever but Im definately having them!!!! They arent convinced so I am given a bit of synitocin to help pick them up about 4pm. They still dont register LOL I am deffo having them though and they can feel trhem in my tummy. Crap machines I have a epi top up every 45mins as it wears off really quick. It feels lovely and chilly going in
5pm I am examined again on my request as Im so bored and just getting fed up. I am found to be 8-9cm. Head was fully engaged now - about bloomin time!!!! They still cant feel which way around baby is but he had about an hour of manic actvity and they think he may have turned. Good baby They turn up the syntocin to get me to dilate to 10cm. I really feel like I need a pooh and asked everyone to leave the room so I could try and go on the bedpan LOL - that was missions. They werent convinced it was a pooh I needed and said it was prob bubs head just moving down. Anyway I did manage to go a tiny bit 8) rather then than when I was pushing I thought.
7-7.45pm - I am really tired by now. I am sooooo fed up with being prodded and poked because the machine doesnt pick up my contractions so Ive had a pair or 3 of hands on my belly for hours! OH is looking pale and sleepy too. My Mum popped in and sat for about 5mins. I became so dispondant now and just wanted everyone to leave me alone. I was just thinking I am so tired I cant be bothered to push my baby out. I just want to sleep ( I hadnt managed a nap all day as I wasnt left alone at all) I did infact ask now if I could have 10mins alone with OH and they said of course. I had a good cry and a cuddle with him. I then asked OH to leave so I could just gather my thoughts and find it in me somewhere to prepare for the task ahead. Everyone stayed away
7.50pm OMG I hadnt had a top up on the epi and when I was alone the pressure and urge to push came and I couldnt stop pushing! I buzzed the buzzer and OH came in I told him to go get someone quick. In they came and told me to try and not push. They quickly examined me and said yep you are fully dilated and ready to go and if I wanted to I could push when I needed to. Just before I start to 'push like i meant it' I asked the midwives what time they would be leaving as they had said they were off at 8.30pm and someone else would take over that made me feel really panicky. I didnt want another new person to deliver my baby
8pm THE FUN STARTS!! I start to push. I am sat there on the bed with a pink flannel nice and cold completely over my face I decide to keep my mouth shut, chin to chest and bear down as hard as I can as I had read making noise uses too much energy. The midwives say Im doing well. I dont even nitice pain of contractions now as it feels just like the overwhelming need to pooh.
8.10pm - I am still pushing and I decide to refuse to do anymore when she tells me she can see about 2cm of his head appearing. 2cm was a crap amount and I was knakered already LOL
8.15pm I find some effort from somewhere and start giving it some again. They tell me Im doing really well again and that they are amazed I am so strong. I think they are lying and just saying it to make me feel better.
8.25pm they tell me they are going in 5 mins LOL - and if I want them to deliver baby then to push push push they were joking but thats exactly what I did!!!
I feel bubs head moving down and it was such a good feeling, I knew my efforts were getting me somewhere which made me keep on going. I think I managed about 4long pushes with each contraction. I put my hand down to feel his little head I felt him crown - Ooooo the sting His head popped out and I said Bloody hell that feels better, they reminded me there was more to come. I gave one little push and out came one shoulder. I felt him rotate and then out came the other. At that point I also felt a rip there goes my designer vagina!! Out he all came with an almighty gush! Soaking the room and midwives all up their legs hee hee heeeee I remember that splash sound! Really weird. He is put on my chest and I just stare at him in complete shock. My beautiful baby boy laying there giving such a good scream and cry He is nowhere near as big as I expected. OH is it was the most amazing, precious moment of my whole life I totally expected myself to cry but I didnt. I was just in shock and amazed!
James Michael Bernard McManus was born 07/05/08 @ 8.37pm weighing 8lb exactly! Not biff at all
I had a look at him and did what everyone does and checked for his 10 fingers and toes and to my amazement he has 11 fingers LOL!!!!!!!!! He has an extra baby finger on his left hand. It is kinda hanging on by a thread but even has a tiny nail. I'll take a pic before its cut off ( he has been refered to a plastic surgeon)
I ended up with a nice 2nd degree tear, they thought it may be a 3rd but after a poke in my bottom it was decided just a 2nd ( thankyou Lord ) The rip I felt was my labia. I got them to leave it unstitched and I'll let it heal itself. Its only cosmetic and OH didnt mind. If Im honest I had a lovely pussy before birth and I was very proud how semetrical and 'designer like' it was but I was so happy that I gave birth to my Son I didnt mind having it a little messed up. I have had a look and I have to say its not as bad as I thought. It bloody hurts though! Im still trying to have my first pooh but I suppose I only gave birth 2days ago so Im not too worried yet.
James swallowed a hell of alot of fluid and so has been really sicky but we are getting there and he is becoming more interested in feeding. I went with bottle in the end as I felt I needed to give myself a break and thats what I felt most comfy with. Just as well really as James feeds so much better with his Daddy than he does with me. They are inseparable I still havent slept much but hope to get a better night tonight....Im not holding my breath though but its so worth it.
Thankyou everyone for your messages and for being there for me over the past 9-10 months! I love this forum and the people on here. I couldnt have survived without it and will continue to be a frequent visitor
If you got this far you are amazing!!! xxxx