James Michael Bernard McManus 07/05/08 ~ 8lb exactly

aww what a great story sarah :rotfl: can always rely on your posts for a laugh :rotfl:

you done a great job though hun, well done and i hope you and oh are enjoying little james :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations Tilly, what a great birth story and really positive experience. Enjoy your beautiful son x
Hey sweetpea, read ya story it was lovely very emotional.

I'll have a glass of apple juice tonight to toast u and mini james!

Congrats again
xxx :hug:
Huge congrats! What a fantastic birth story and ouch having James back to back :shock: sounds like you coped well with it. Enjoy being a mummy, you deserve it! :hug: :hug:
:hug: Congratulations!

You did soooo well! :cheer:

:wave: Hello Little James

:wink: :shhh: It took me 4 days to do a poo.... it's not as bad as you think :lol:
LOL - I did it last night Jade :dance: :dance: :dance: after 10mins of histerical crying I finally went :rotfl: It was bliss :lol:
Tillytots said:
I had meconium stuck between my toes for hours :rotfl:

Note to self:: Wear socks when giving birth! :lol:

Great story, not scary at all but very detailed! I love the pic, he looks like he is showing off his muscles! Congratulations hun! :hug:
That is one cute little boy!! You must be so proud!! Congratulations.

I'm glad you were so detailed in your story, i'm going in on Tues for induction so its good to hear someones story on how it really is!!! I didnt expect there to be so much gunk and water though, think I must have been kidding myself!!! lol

Congrats once again, he looks like a proper little sweetheart!!!

Enjoy being a Mummy!
wow beautiful story, very VERY like my first babies labor/birth. - only worded a hell of alot better.

Well done, you done so well

Great birth story, really enjoyed reading it :)

The girl in the bed next to me had a baby with a sixth finger exactly as you described. It's supposed to be very lucky :)
What a great story, I was laughing and crying!

Unfortunately it brings back memories of labour and my labour with jack was a horrible and long one, so now Im worrying even more :rotfl:

He is gorgeous - congratulations!!! :hug:
Gorgeous story and gorgeous little boy hun. Well done you :hug: Now let the fun begin :cheer:
Excellent birth story - you inspired me to write one of my own!

Think you're right about the epidural. I might have had one myself if a) it had been available in the midwife unit or b) I hadn't been int he pool - which definitely helps with the pain.

Your little boy is gorgeous, extra finger and all :cheer:

WELL DONE YOU! :cheer:
Congratulations on the birth of your little boy. It's surprising the amount you remember isn't it - keep this record somewhere so you can read it again in years to come.

I'm glad you managed to push him out yourself. It seems so many people (including me) end up with a forceps delivery after a long labour and epidural through sheer exhastion (although my boy's shoulders got stuck as well). I couldn't feel my legs, let alone push!

Get some rest, I think you deserve it :hug:

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