IVF question


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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A friend of mine had 2 eggs put in through IVF on wednesday, she was told they were grade 2/3 eggs one had 4 cells and i think they said the other had 6 cells maybe. She was told that it would be quite a slim chance that the eggs would stick.She has been getting some stomach cramps but then the night they took her eggs out to be fertilised she was in hospital with severe stomach cramps and one of her overys was swollen.
Her and her family are all very pessimistic about it working this time and cant afford to do it again.

Has anyone else been through something similar with low grade eggs and everything has been ok?

On my last IVF i had 2 grade 1-2 8 cell embryos put back and it didn't work for me. Although we focus on having the best quality embryos it doesn't always been that it will work. There has been loads of times where the good ones dont stick and the poorer quality ones do. No one understands why. They were graded while in a lab and are now in the best place possible. My clinic believes the embryos have a much better chance once they are transfered back to you. The cramps are normal. On another forum i post on, there is a poll about whether you had cramps and then a BFP and the majority did. So cramps can be a good sign. I would tell her to stay positive, it is just down to luck in the end and there is nothing we can do to affect the result. She has as much chance of anyone. When i got a BFN the nurses were surprised and said that everything was perfect, it was just bad luck

Has she thought about egg share as you get a very reduced price for treatment.

I really hope she gets her BFP.

Michelle x
shellbham said:

On my last IVF i had 2 grade 1-2 8 cell embryos put back and it didn't work for me. Although we focus on having the best quality embryos it doesn't always been that it will work. There has been loads of times where the good ones dont stick and the poorer quality ones do. No one understands why. They were graded while in a lab and are now in the best place possible. My clinic believes the embryos have a much better chance once they are transfered back to you. The cramps are normal. On another forum i post on, there is a poll about whether you had cramps and then a BFP and the majority did. So cramps can be a good sign. I would tell her to stay positive, it is just down to luck in the end and there is nothing we can do to affect the result. She has as much chance of anyone. When i got a BFN the nurses were surprised and said that everything was perfect, it was just bad luck

Michelle x

I agree with what Shell said.

We had very good quality embryos and everything was on our side, however our cycle failed....very often its not the best quality embyos that stick. Even the experts don't know exactly what makes one embryo stick and another fail, they just do there best to recreate what happens during a natural pregnancy...They have yet to discover all the secrets, hence why they generally have only 30% success rates!

As for the cramping, I have known many women experience this, coupled with other symptoms and been convinced AF was around the corner, only to go on and get a BFP!....The pain after egg collection and transfer are normal to a degree because the egg collection process is not kind on the ovaries!.....Wishing your friend the best of luck!
Thanks ladies. I have told her to try and stay positive but i guess its easier said than done eh.

I've been trying to get her to join here but she wont, i think it would give her a some positivity and a bit of extra support.
My friend got her BFP she goes for her first scan on thursday i think.
Congrats to your friend :cheer: I have just had IVF. I had great quality embryos, but also had loads of cramping and felt just like AF was about to arrive at any minute. I still have mega enlarged ovaries and mild OHSS but I got my BFP too. 1st scan on 21st May to see if all is ok and how many :pray:

IVF is a God send! x

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