Egg question


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2012
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Hi ladies,

Little bit of advice would be great here, firstly thank you to my friend who told me about this forum it's nice to hear you are not alone in your challenges and reading some of the posts there is some great support here.

I was diagnosed at a very young age of having a blocked tube, one is still fully functional though, I had quite a few problems when I was around 13 and at one point bled so bad the doctors were convinced I had a miscarriage, this was until the finally believed I was in fact not sexually active at my young age, anyway years later they put all this down to an internal infection that got missed from an appendix operation.

3.5 years ago I met my husband to be (4 months time) and we have been TTC and after having some tests it has come back that my eggs are below average quality, so after storming out crying seeing the specialist I have had to accept my only chance would be through IVF, however with IVF using my eggs I can expect a 25% chance but egg donation I have been told this could rise upto 50%

Question have any of you lovely ladies faced similar situations and has anyone seriously considered egg donation

Thank you for reading my storey xx
Hi Sweetie,


I am sorry to hear about your TTC issues but this place will certainly help!

I'm not having IVF but I think if it was me I'd weigh up the pro's and con's.

Are you being funded by NHS? If so how many attempts will you get?

I'd also take age into consideration and make a decision on that basis.

Biology is only part of the equation hun

If it were me I'd probably consider the option that has the higher success rate?

Hey hun,

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure someone will be along with some better advice shortly... I haven't been in your situation and don't know much about it.

Just a gut reaction first opinion...I think it would perhaps depend on funding. I think I'd like to try my own egg first but I wouldn't be against a donor egg. It depends how many times you can try due to money. If you're limited then I'd go with the better odds.

:hugs: Sorry for your situation hun but lots of ladies have got out of LTTTC recently using all kinds of different methods, I'm sure you will get your baby soon too.

Good luck and let us know how you're getting on :clover:

Thanks ladies, unfortunately I won't get NHS funding due to the fact my OH has a child with his previous partner, I am supposed to count that as my child in their eyes, could rant on that for ages but won't get me any where

Got a follow up appointment on the 1st march where I can actually hear what my proper options are, poor guy last time I saw my consultant I just cried and left the room. This time I will actually stay and listen

Good luck to all you ladies xx
Well I guess your decision has to be based on your own financial situation I guess?

If you are limited to being able to afford just one try I guess it makes sense to try the option with the higher success rate.

As mrspc says there are other ladies on here better placed to answer so see what they say

In the meantime I send you lots of luck and baby dust

Hi and welcome to the forum. I am using an egg donor at present, with egg collection is due to take place on 12th March.

I am needing to use an egg donor as I have low ovarian deserve at 26 my amh test come back at 0.07 g satisfactory should be around 25). Like you I am not getting any NHS funding, this isn't because either of us have children but due to the fact surrey do not offer ivf funding. But like you say, that's another story

I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have regarding egg donation. I am fortunate my sister is my egg donor so have experienced the process from both sides almost.
Baby treasure thank you, I will see what my consultant has to say, I have been offered eggs from my best friend, like me she has dark hair and blue eyes, but I have concerns asking friends or family with this.

I really hope you get a positive outcome from this and please keep me updated, it's nice to hear someone going through a similar experience, I am sure I will have some questions for you :-)

Hiya just wanted to add my sister's experience with IVF funding. Her OH has a son from a previous relationship who is now 11. At first, sis was not allowed funded IVF due to his son but then they somehow saw sense and she has two tries free on our NHS trust. We live in Somerset. First try without success and she is going to see a consultant to see what else can be done before she uses her second try.

Lots of luck xx
Yes there seems to be allot in the news about this, I have been told to write in and get this overturned, just don't know where to start plus don't want to delay this any further as I am now 33
I have no experiance in this, but hope the ladies can answer more for you

I have seen some clinics advertising attempts of IVF for a set price, working out cheeper.

Again I agree depending on funds available, but i feel if me I would try my own eggs first, and then go for a egg doner after that if you can. I think if a family member like a sister, then that helps as it's family, the ties are there, the genetics are their, so baby will have part of you via genes, eg you may well look like your sister etc. But not sure I would, use a freind, even best /close freind over an anonymus doner as it could open a can of worms, could cause issues later on, but again I am not in your shoes, so hard to say.

I'm wishing you loads of luck with your IVF journey- may it be short and sweet X

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