I've lost my baby

I'm so sorry for your sweetheart. I wish we could all give you a big hug. Sending you lots of love. And don't you dare think this is your fault, these things are sent to try us, and just take the support from your OH and MIL. xxx
awful news, not your fault hun just fate being cruel, wasnt meant to be this time. this is the thing im dreading happening to me on tuesday............. im sure it will happen for you soon :)
sorry to hear this, sending you big hugs. There is nothing that you could have done sometimes the baby does not develop properly and cannot survive. I hope you are getting lots of support from your partner xx
Oh hun I'm so sorry :hug: there is nothing u could've done differently. All the best for the future hun. Hope to see u back here soon xx
So sorry to hear this babystar, I can't imagine what your going through. I hope I speak for all of us when I say if you ever need anyone to talk to we are all here. Good luck TTC honey xxx
Babystar, I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you, time is a great healer and you should look after yourself and you and your OH grieve together it will only make you stronger. Don't give up hope as your day will come and it will be when you least expect it. xxx
Im so very sorry to read this. Take care of yourself.
Thanks everyone for your kind support and i know that i will see everyone back here soon.
Bye xx

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