I've crashed the car into the house! Do I tell him?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Today was the first day I've driven in a month. Windscreen was full of snow so i couldnt see how close to the house i was. I just went to turn ignition on and didn't realise husband had left the car in gear! It shunted forward and smacked the house really hard! No damage on the car but the bricks are all cracked under the window!!! Do I fess up?! He's gonna kill me! I'm worried the house will fall down!
I would fess up hun as you will worry if you don't (but I'm sure the house won't fall down). If I've got something like that I just say "please promise you won't be mad because I'm really upset with myself already...." then if that doesn't work tell him off for leaving it in gear!! x
"please promise you won't be mad because I'm really upset with myself already...."

LOVE this!!!

Just had another look... It's worse than I thought. Ive done it under the window. The bricks are cracked on the left and right and then all along the bottom they look like they've shifted back. I am dead.
ur not dead... hell be ok...... defo let him know asap so hell calm b4 hometime tho xxx
Haha u women are funny. I would deny all knowledge and look surprised when he spots it. Joking! Lol

Blame him for leaving it in gear lol
Im sorry, but I had to laugh a this post. You drove your own car into your own house tehehe.

Tell him, and maybe cry at the same time? He cant be angry if you cry :) Then tell him off for leaving it in gear. Then next time hes in the car, make sure its left in gear. See if he does the same!
It's actually the second time ive done it! Last time it was parked further away from the wall though so it just tapped it last time and I did tell him then and told him to stop leaving the car in gear.


The cracks are like this all the way under the window sill, down the sides and across the bottom.

Shit shit shit I am so stupid.
i would call him n say " I TOLD YOU NOT TO leave the car in gear! guess what happend now!! " make it out to be his fault n sound like your angry with h im xx
make sure he knows you could have hurt yourself aswell!! :whistle:
I'd tell him cos of the damage but make sure he takes the blame. It really annoys me wen ppl leave the car in gear,my dad does it all the time.

If u hadn't done any damage I wouldn't gave told him tho,I've reversed into his car and driven his car into a post-twice and drove my car into a post...my dh doesn't know about any of this lol xx
Hey hon, I'd fess up but damage will be minimal cos just asked hubby about it and the interior brick layer prob hasn't been affected so will just be cosmetic so u can explain it looks worse than it is x x x
well its all his fault so you should shout at him if that fails cry men dont know what to do when us women cry lol
:rofl: women eh, we do suck sometimes! :rofl: bless I can't believe you've actually cracked the brick! He's gonna have to know, how is completely up to you! X
:hug: good luck confessing! i cant believew it happened before and he still left it in gear :doh:
Im sure it'll be fine, and I love the "Im already so mad at myself" maybe if that doesnt work blame the strain of pregnancy and its ohhh so hard at the moment youre not sure how youre coping at all :cry: that'll work :rofl:
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Oh no! That definitely looks like his fault to me lol! Have you fessed up? What happened?
Fessed up. Cleaned the whole house top to bottom, cooked him an amazing meal. He's not spoken to me since. Just been checking our house insurance and googling about construction damage.

He worked 7am-9pm last night and just went to bed because he was tired. So I've not had a proper conversation with him since Sunday.

Can totally see why post baby blues kick in. That's yet another day of being completely on my own. Great.

Stupid fucking car.
Ohhh :hugs: this is the last thing you need. May be he'll calm down?

I think I would be in tears if it were me. Luckily, it's my OH who tends to break things - like the time he reversed into someone at a junction accidentally, or like when he spilt some nails on the drive and didn't pick them all up so that the car ended up with a puncture from his OWN NAILS, or like when he dropped a hammer in the bath...

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