Ive been referred....


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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My doctor finally listened today (after i told him i wasnt happy with him). Explained how heavy my period are and hoe the blood is red rather than dark, painfull and leaking thru super tampons in 1 hour.....and he'd referred me to a gynocologist.

What can i expect from them?

Oh and his conclusion for prickly heat "your allergic to the sun, take upto 6 piriton a day!" :wall2:

:yay: glad you've got a referral hun, hope you get some answers

When I was referred to gynaecologist, they will probably want to have a chat in more detail about the problems you are having to decide the next step. They will probably want to do an internal examination and maybe take some swabs whilst doing that - just like a smear test. They may have a feel of your tummy too. They suspected I had Endometriosis from my symptoms, yours sound quite similar to mine actually. Then then booked me in for a laparoscopy which is the only sure way to make a definite diagnosis for Endo. They can check all your 'gynae bits' and either rule it out or make a diagnosis. From this they found a had an abnormality with one of my Fallopian tubes and ovary. They made the conclusion that it was a birth defect - luckily it's not stopped me conceiving. They did not diagnose Endo at this stage, although when I changed gynae docs he ordered another laparscopy a few years later and Endo was present this time. I had this lasered during the op. Recovery is fairly quick, day case but you will probably be signed off work for a week. Its keyhole surgery.

They may not find it necessary but given you've been TTC for a while I would think they will go with it. At least they can check your ovaries and tubes etc. Endo can cause infertility but once treated and manage you should be able to conceive. Pregnancy usually cures the condition too! I was told to get pregnant when I was 19 as it would probably 'sort it out' - are you kidding me?!!

A friend of mine had to go through IVF to conceive her first child, she had Endo too. Hers was very severe, but pregnancy did help her and she conceived her second naturally :)

Sorry for the ramble about Endometriosis, as this may be completely irrelevant but just thought I'd share my experience. The other bit of advice I would give is demand to see the actual consultant until a firm diagnosis is made, I wa often seen by registrars who had no clue dealing with my complex case - I just went round in circles. I demanded to see only MY consultant and it happened because I demanded it. I got a diagnosis much sooner this way :)
Glad you are getting investigated, hope you get an appointment quickly,x x
That is great news Chaz, hopefully one step closer to getting your bfp xx
Good news :).

I was referred to gynae aswell before fertility specialist. As Laura said they'll go into more detail with you about your periods (be prepared to answer tonnes of questions, like when did they first start and how far apart they are etc etc) and prob examine you and take some swabs. Depending on the results they'll either book you in for another procedure - probs a hysteroscopy or a scan - or refer you to a fertility specialist(unless its something the gynae can fix easily).

Hope you get some answers soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's really promising Chaz :good:

I think at first they'll just talk through things with you mainly - you might want to be prepared though in case they ask you to whip your knickers off :)
Hi hun - glad you managed to get a referral :)

When I got referred, I wrote absolutely everything down and took it with me - believe me, it helps. Include any questions that you may have, what you are worried about, period maths etc.

Good luck x x x
Thanks girls, gonna arrange the appt on Monday. Quite scared they'll look at me and go "and you got referred for that?!" because my new doctor didnt seem to give a shit or pay any attention to what i was actually saying :(

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