It's Shallow, I Know...


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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This is such a shallow post...

Right, as some of you know, I have psoriasis. It's all over my body and I sit at home with PJ bottoms on a T-shirt and my dressing gown by the front door in case anyone knocks and I have to answer (I don't like anyone seeing it).

Anyway, I had a thought today... What happens when you're in labour?

I assume you get there in labour, get taken to a separate room on your own where you eventually have the baby, and then do you get moved to a ward with other new Mums?!

The reason I ask is because I assumed I would stay in the separate room from the moment I get there to the moment I leave and so I bought myself a loose fitting nightie (with easy access to boobies for Evie). Although I'm nervous about showing even the MWs my psoriasis, they've seen it all before so I kind of got over that.

BUT, I CAN'T wear it on a ward in front of other mums... :oops: I could wear a dressing gown over it, but it stills shows my legs and I don't want anyone thinking I've got a disease or something and then they might worry about them or their babies catching it? (It's not contagious, but people assume it is when they see it)...

I bought a nightie in case I have a C-section for whatever reason and am not able to wear bottoms?

Ahhh I'm really worried now! Most people get worried about labour and the pain, I'm fretting over what I'll wear :wall: :oops: xxx
:hug: don't worry- when yo are in the full throes of labour you WON'T care. You might think now that you could never feel like that but trust me- you will! Lol, people will be too interested in your fanny than anything else! :rotfl:

I never went onto the wards at all- I went straight into delivery suite and went home 6 hours after Evie was born from the delivery suite so I don't know about privacy on the wards.
Just buy a really loose pair of pyjama bottoms to wear under. I had a section and I wore pyjama bottoms- I got a few unbelievable light, pretty pairs from Dunnes and M&S, which sat either lower or higher than my scar. Plus you have a huge great pad over your scar anyway.

Buy a few pairs anyway, you may not have a section, but it'll ease your mind, plus once you have your baby you really won't be as worried about it as you may think :hug:

And it's not shallow, it's totally understandable. Before I went into hospital for my section, my cousin, who is a beautician, waxed my legs & underarms, and manicured my toenails and fingernails, plus I also gave my hair a good wash and a trim. I'm not shallow at all, it was more of a confidence thing, plus I guessed rightly, it was the last good "pampering" session I ever got :rotfl:
Not shallow at all hon! Beforehand I was on the ward in a room with 3 other women in various stages of labour/induction. The person on the bed next to me (I couldn't help but listen in as I was going nowhere) was 7cm dilated and only then did she get taken to the labour ward because it was so busy. Most people had the curtains round them. I was taken down to labour ward early (own room but very clinical) to go on a drip.

After birth I was back up on the ward with another 3 women (1 of which I'd been induced with!). To be honest everyone looks a state after birth and nobody cares what you look like hon, psoriasis or not. Most people give you a "how are you doing" after birth but they're really only interested in looking at your baby :lol: . If you're feeling self-conscious just pull the curtains round but don't feel you have to hide - chances are probably everyone else in the room is worrying about what they look like too!
Thanks guys! :hug:

I suppose it's worth taking them anyway just in case!! Plus, I'll probably soak bottoms if I have them so it's handy to take a few pairs just in case! xxx
I agree its not shallow! The last thing you want is to worry about what others are thinking while your there and feeling the need to tell them etc! (Though I do wish you didnt worry so! You know its not some contagious disease so f**k em hee hee) As others have said, just get some lose PJ's!
I agree with daftscotslass everyone will be too wrapped up in their own world to notice your skin, I did get a few comments about the fact my tummy went right down to nothing but that was mainly because I was swanning around in my size 8 jeans :lol: If I had a nighty on no one would have batted an eyelid.

You will prob get visitors wanting a piccy of you and evie if you have to stay in so maybe something to throw over your arms would be good.

Im a great believer in not wearing PJ's in hospital and getting dressed as soon as able so will only be taking in nighty to birth in and one for night if needed then leggings and a couple of baggy tops for day time (sadly no size 8 jeans this time I fear!!)
Maternity units have open wards usually, as to how many per ward varies. But it'll be a pull round curtain so you can keep it closed as long as you want. If you go into hospital too early you'll more than likely labour a while there until you are at the point they will transfer you to delivery. Then in our hossie it was back to the ward till discharge time.

Have you taken a tour of your maternity unit? They should do one so you can see what its all about. You can just phone up and ask and book the next tour. Tell them you only have a short time left and they should be able to fit you in. Our hossie usually says to women to take the tour around 32-24 weeks.
Oh hon :hug: Iknow its not nice and horrible and if any of those Mummies think the things you said then THEY are shallow defnatly not you...

Also annother thing to think about is if u feel particularly concious and see someone who is in direct conversation wit you, stare at it or look, then just pause, smile and tell them what it is, once its out in the open u will feel alot more comfortable.

xxxx :hug:
Asda do some fab PJ's at the moment for £12, very very comfy, just wish i'd found them before.
It's not shallow at all!!

I think every hospital is different but at mine I was taken to my own room where I laboured and would have eventually given birth had I not needed a section. I was in there over night and then the next day moved to the maternity ward which was split into rooms of 4 beds. I was only moved to the ward because of my section, otherwise I'd have gone home later that day.

Try not to worry about it, tbh you'll probably be so caught up with Evie that you won't have time to think about it, and certainly the other mum's will be the same - too in love with their babies to notice much else around them! I was on the mat ward for 3 nights with one lady and while I can remember what her baby looked like I'd struggle to tell you what the mum looked like!
its not shallow at all,
like someone has already said just buy loose fitting and light pyjama bottoms. whatever makes you comfortable.
hey hun, you might find that the labour ward is far too hot to be sitting there in a dressing gown. Also you might be wearing thoes ted stockings (i did because of the c section) another thing i can suggest if you do go onto a ward afterwards is just pull the curtains around yourself, or get the MW to do it for you. i was there for 3 days and wasnt feeling sociable at all, the MW left me too it and i had the curtains shut for virtually the whole time! lol
i was put on the ward both times with my girls. But they had curtains all around the bed that i could have shut all the time if i wished. (which i did most of the time) (so did the other mothers, cos of breastfeeding ect)

Anyway - agree with everyone else with the whole noone will notice thing - honestly they wont - they've just been through probably thier biggest thing they'll ever be through in thier lives - i dont think anyone really notices anyone else on the ward. (i know i didnt!)
ditto what everyone else has said lovely - tis not shallow at all - you want to be doing anything you can after having Evie to make yourself feel like a million dollars.. i felt really self-concious after having my son cos of all the swelling i had left over from teh pre-eclampsia.. i felt like people were lookin at me and judgin me by my huge round moon face and huge swollen ankles, well i felt like that til they put me on a ward with other mums with babies in scbu and we was all too tired to give doggy looks... lol.. i shall never forget the one mum who spent four days screaming in agony after her elective c-section - the only time she shut up was to reapply her makeup - god i'm a cow aren't I lol :p

anyways hun...get yaself a couple of pairs of loose fitting yoga pants or joggers.. you can chuck a t-shirt on over the top and you'll look bloomin gorgeous.. pull ya curtains round when you want to feed - danni you are a truly beautiful woman inside and out lady n you deserve to feel absolutely brilliant about yaself when you have Evie :) ignore the doggy looks if you get any xxxxxx
Awww thank you ladies!! I might go to Matalan over the next few days and buy some baggy bottoms! I'll feel a whole lot more comfortable if I'm covered a bit.

I also noticed yesterday that they do long sleeved PJ tops which have buttons (not very attractive, but it covers my arms and Evie gets booby easily!)

Thanks again ladies :hug: I'm probably thinking more into it that I need to.

Thanks again :hug: xx
I got a light dressing gown in Primark and lived in it - when on the ward and in my own room.

The ward should have curtains you can pull around your bed so you have privacy.

I'm sure you will forget the psoroasis when you get there.

For the first few days I was bed ridden...I hadn't shave my legs of lady bits for, well I don't know how long for but well over a month!

I have tonnes of spots all over my back which were brought on by pregnancy hormones...seriously covered in them.

I was taken to theatre in one of those gowns with my arse out, waters dripping out of me, then elt those poor people shave my bits to do the cut, witness my ugly back for the epi, then check my catheter amongst the pube forest and bloody maternity pads which they were also changing for me eww (men and women!) the list goes on!! I hadn't even had a shower the day I went in and couldn't for a few days!! Ooh and my boobs started leaking all over the place!

James helped me go to the loo for the first time after catheter was removed, I had to pee in a jug which was full in seconds and looked like a fruit punch :puke: I couldn't even sit on the loo, he had to hold me while I squatted over the jug!! :oops: God knows why he hasn't run a mile already!

So, in short, it's so not glamourous and I really didn't give a f***!! Was nice being a slob for a bit!! :lol:
LMAO lucie you paint such a lovely picture!! :rotfl:
lea m said:
LMAO lucie you paint such a lovely picture!! :rotfl:

:D Anyone wanna date me now?! I should have taken a picture of my hair too! I washed it but didn't have a hair dryer and it looked like a mangled lions mane!!
i waddled in to the hosspital in maternity jeans, striped totally naked when they told me i could stay in the dwelivery suite, was fully dressed whilst wheeled to the ward, then spent the ntire time, apart from toilet trips, sat on the bed with Tally with curtsins fully closed. i didnt want to share my first night withher with anyone so i really isolated myself.

i wore long pj's over night, but woke covered in blood half way through

i left the next day fully clothed

i couldnt tall you what everyone else was wearing or what thy looked like, except that pretty much everyone looked awful!!

i honestly worried about having to give birth but when you do it you dont care who see's what. you'll never see any one bar your birthing partner again,and you get the best thing outta it!!

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