It's Shallow, I Know...

Hey Danni, I had my oldest daughter at Bedford hosp 6 years ago and spent 2 days there after she was born as she was a bit early and I had had pre-eclampsia.

They have some private rooms which you can pay for or have bays with 4 beds in. Most people just keep the curtains round the whole time, which is funny cos they often forget it's not soundproof!

You do have to go to the dining room to eat unless you have people bringing food in for you (recommended!) so I'd certainly suggest a dressing gown or long sleeves if you think you're gonna be self conscious. But to be honest hun, you should be in and out of there asap and you prob won't care once you're busy with Evie.

Did you have a tour so you know what to expect? Think they do them on Saturday mornings. I'd recommend it cos then you'll know where you're going when it's your big moment!

All the best and hope it's soon for ya x
i was in bedford for Nichola and once i'd had her i was told to go clean myself up and ian come to help me cos the MW said he would need to. when we came out from the shower i had an orderly nurse moaning about the mess and another MW/ nurse waitin to take us up the ward.
we were put in a bay and had to walk down the ward to get food/drinks in the dining room cos they don't bring it to you. the nurses/mw's say you can have the curtains shut but beware of the 'foreign' cleaners, they don't know/understand much english and may open your curtain when they come to hoover the ward. they did it twice a day to me and i was there for 3 days. just so you know.

sorry for the downer, just thought i'd mention it.

i know it's not nice, and i'm sooo sorry.
also i bought some fuzzy thermol jammies from matalan for hospital, very sexy (not) but perfect as they were dark red with penguins (in may i know) and had the buttons down the tops so i could attempt BF.

no-one will care what you look like. cos they'll be asleep or tending to their LO.
When I was in Bedford hospital at 38 weeks with suspected pre-eclampsia I complained of having a dodgy tummy and was put in a private room to 'reduce risk of infection'. I did actually have the runs but they're hardly going to check if you just tell them you do... Might be worth a try if all else fails?

Good luck hun, I actually found Bedford hospital really nice (I was in for 3 days, 2 nights) but the food is as rubbish as you expect. There's no option for a hot breakfast so if you have Evie early hours of the morning ask your visitors to bring you in a bacon sandwich or something so that you don't starve. :hug:
Thank you ladies!

Nope, I haven't had a tour because I had to use one of the delivery suite rooms one night when I was getting regular BH (no pain, but they wanted to monitor them) so I kind of saw it but not the ward... :think:

I've bought loads of PJ bottoms and long sleeved tops so I feel sooooo much better now!!

Thanks again all! :hug: xx
Try not to worry - I'm sure they'll not even notice - everyone will be too engrossed staring at their new arrivals to even notice!
You probably won't care what you look like. I've spent three days with my boobs out!! I would NEVER get them out before and was even shy in front of DH but now everyone has seen them :rotfl: .

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