Its not thrush is it?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Hey Ladies!
Anyone shed some light on this as its stressing me out.
I had severe burning after i'd been to the toilet this morning, last time i had this the midwife gave me a thrush pessary and the cream as i done a swab and it said i had thrush. (No itching or anything else)
So when i started feeling the burning slightly the other day i told the consultant and he gave me another pessary and more cream :roll: I used it thursday night and went to bed with it in.
Then as above this morning i had SEVERE burning... i couldn't even sit down, i was in so much pain it got a bit unbearable at one point (take into consideration i am a bit of a wimp lol) but yeah it really hurt! Before the burning happens its like i can't get all my pee out and when i do it also burns when peeing (sometimes) It feels like something is blocking my pee coming out. Its awful, i felt like crying this morning with frustration :( I have noticed it happens more through night and in the morning when i haven't been to the toilet, if i am lucky enough not to go for 2 hours.
Now that doesn't even sound like thrush to me! I also think i am allergic to the pessary now as i read the leaflet and it said if it causes burning don't use... it burned when i put it in.
Sorry i have rambled on a bit but can anyone think of what else it could be if my urine is clear?
I thought about kidney stones?
I don't think i can bear it happening again, think i should drink loads of water! xxx
It sounds like it might be cystitis. Cos that can make it burn when you pee. If it is try drinking lots of cranberry juice and just drink lots more fluids in general and it will flush the infection out xx
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Oh i will have to wait til i get paid and stock up on the cranberry then. I told the midwife i thought it was cystitis, would it not of shown up on the swab? xxx
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yep...sounds like cystitus....which is bruising of the bladder. very possible with babba being on it!! drink loads and loads of water and cranberry juice too......xx
Drinking loads of water should get rid of it. Also when you are doing a pee sit right back cos if you lean forward your bladder doesn't empty totally and some pee will be left which can lead to cystitis. X
Oh no, u poor thing. It does sound like cystitis... I had this a few years ago and it was horrible so I can't imagine what it's like with needing to pee alot more too. My doctor just told me to take paracetamol, drink lots and not to have sex. That's what I did and it cleared up on it's own. Hopefully this is the same for u but if it carries on go back. xxxx
When i go for a pee when i have held it a bit i have to wait and wait to even start dribbling! Will try and drink some dilute juice as not that keen on tap water. I think it will be cystitis then as when i get the last bit of pee out and it burns it feels like its been stuck there ages! Can't help i don't drink a lot as well so my pee will be really concentrated! I am gonna mention this at the consultant on wednesday! I have been leaning forward to try get it all out too, i thought you had to lean forward lol. xxx
The last time I had it I read on a health website to sit back. I seen someone wrote that the other day about leaning forward. I just copied this from a website on how to avoid getting it...

'Always make sure when you go to the toilet that you empty your bladder completely. Sitting forward on the toilet is a bad habit, try leaning back and sitting up straight, this posture is better for allowing you to completely empty your bladder.'

I google everything hahaha xxx
It definitely sounds like an infection to me, not thrush!
Yeah i google everything too haha! Thanks i will do that!
Yeah cantstop, i thought it was to start with... you just know sometimes with your body something is not right. xxx
Go to your doctors hun. If it is so uncomfortable water, cranberry juice or the over the counter sachets will not work. You need antibiotics. I've had this a few times & unless you nip it in the bud in first 24-48 hours other treatments are crap! I once tried self treating with all above so called remedies & ended up in hospital because it spread to my kidneys.
Get proper treatment for it, but until you get to the docs just keep trying to drink as much water as you can to dilute your wee & lessen the burning x

Sunnyb xxx
Thanks hun, i would say i have had it ages and its just got ALOT worse. I will see my consultant wednesday as i hate my doctors. He will probably give me a prescription :) xxx
Another tip, if you don't already do it is to wipe front to back after having a wee. It's difficult but it stops the potential spread of backend bugs to your front end! I got a wee infection at 14 weeks and ended up in A&E. No major drama tho, had antibiotics. But since that point I try and drink at least 2litres of water a day. I haven't had any wee issues since :) If you don't like water then a low sugar squash is fine. And as Sunny said, I would also seek medical advice now, sounds like u do need Anti-B's.
It sounds like u need to be drinking a lot more water, don't drink fruit juice or anything other then cranberry or barley water, but if it is cystitis then u do need to nip it in bud, coz it will or could end up giving u a nasty water infection,

So plenty more water x x
yes I would tend to agree with everyone else - it does sound like cystitis which you will def need a prescription for. On the other hand it could be a kidney infection but the delay in being able to pee is more a symptom of cystitis I think. You def need a wee trip to see your doc - once the tablets kick in you will get instant relief.

Get some robinsons barley water to keep you going until you have seen doc x

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