It's nearly Xmas

mamafy, your well lagging this year like! I usually buy all my xmas crap, i mean gifts about 3 days before xmas :blush: BUT i have already got 2 gifts for lucas and 2 for jacob. How good am I please? :lol:
:yay: well done toon!! i'm trying to think of presents now! wont be many in my house tho, probs just a couple of toys!
what a month for my baby to come ay one month after christmas when you just splash out money for christmas lol but i cannot wait and come dec ill be on high alert.Because i have a feeling he or she will come early.But even thou im 18weeks gone i cnt wait till i can meet my bouncy baby xx
I reckon Im gonna be in labour xmas day... do you think that would get me out of buying presents?! loool
i have to admit im kinda panicing about this year :-(

my son is after a nintendo wii for xmas, and usually by now i have some of his stocking etc, but i have zilch. i even spotted a few things in the sale rail and thought oooh perfect, but walked away, how stupid of me!

although on saying that, ive just ordered him a game off amazon for the PS3, i spotted it last year but decided he already had enough so didnt bother my hoop, it looks pretty cool so im looking forward to a go! hehe.

My OH wants a wii too, so i think it will b a joint present for them to be honest. its so bloody stressfull, cant imagine having to do it all with a newborn, or due to drop, so i feel for you ladies, but as mention, internet shopping is defo the way :-) x
hmm you have me thinking that i may start looking now - i already have a few presents from when i went on holiday for my cousins for xmas (they always have to be done early as they live in USA)!!!
i normally have my christmas shopping done by now :wall: normally only have wrapping paper and food to get and birthdays normally half sorted too!! urgh! i got my daughters birthday 11th sept my birthday 16th 22 this year! due date 6th oct sons birthday 26th oct then 2 nephews and 1 niece in november then everyone's christmas to get lol! help!!! i will have 4 niece/nephews to get for three kids a husband and mil fil and my mum :shock: and issabelle and zander have got like 20 friends each :wall: what am i to do?!?!?!?! augh!!! and i got to get issabelle's friends bday pressie too!
im really freaking out for christmas.. im so skint its unreal :(
im a tight arse and only buy presents for my close family! if anyone wants to whinge they can, but i'm a single mum with 2 kids so the rest can fook off :lol: i dont do cards normally either cos i see it as a big waste of trees, time and money, but i think this year i'm gona do them with pics of the girls on :)
Well I have to pay For the car then pay for the car repairs for this baby for my kids and three niece/nephews bdays and I said to my sil I will only be buying for the kids and my mum and dannys mum and dad at christmas this year as money is tight - to which she put why am I not buying for dannys brother and sil - they haven't got kids but are adults so I said if we have the money we would but we prob won't she said we ob have different oppinions and to stop buying for my baby and to save for other peoples Christmases :shock: I was like what!! All I said I bought was 11 sleepsuits for £10 Inc p&p I thought that was quite good! Speically without them the baby wouldn't have any clothes full stop! Lol!! X

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Don't get me wrong I love my sil but I was like omg! Haha just throught I would share opinions please?? I'm
Not sure if she got what I was saying which may have spiraled things haha! It was only a passing comment but now it's making me think haha

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I am due a week before you, and not even got organised like you with baby things, let alone think about Christmas.

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