What's that supposed to mean
Thanks though babe
Is everyone making their own Xmas dinner or going to family? x

Is everyone making their own Xmas dinner or going to family? x
Kim said:I can't get excited about Christmas at the moment because I hate the fact that Roo was born on Christmas day. Thinking about it makes me want to cry. All I want is for her to have her own birthday![]()
dionne said:i love xmas sooooooooooo much i cant wait, i can here the raindeers already
Kim said:I can't get excited about Christmas at the moment because I hate the fact that Roo was born on Christmas day. Thinking about it makes me want to cry. All I want is for her to have her own birthday![]()
Sami said:dionne said:i love xmas sooooooooooo much i cant wait, i can here the raindeers already
No that's the men with white coats, bringing the straight jacket with jingly buckles to tie you up in![]()
dionne said:Ok girls am i nasty??? since having Dior and harley every one wants to see them xmas day. but xmas to me is opening new pressys eating junk and putting on my new pjs and staying in alllll day.
but kris mum expects us to visit her xmas day and so does my mum and no xmas eve or boxing day aint good anough. i dont want every one round mine either just me dior harley and kris. am i selfish???
should the family give dior her presents and she opens them with me xmas day? or should he have to wait till after xmas so they can see her do it????
last xmas i had to get up early drives to kris mums then to my mum. i well dont want to b doing it this yr i want to cook my OWN dinner and yes really cook it lol not microwave lol
and stay in alllll day... am i nasty????
cassi said:I couldnt imagine not spending xmas at my moms!! i love it and she does a xmas dinner to die for!!!! mmmm dribbles just thinking about it now**
I dont understand why xmas babies will have a summer party though, why not just one a few weeks before or after xmas? I know its cold at xmas and you cant have the bouncy castle out in the garden etc, but its like me saying im going to celebrate Jakobs birthday in summer because its cold in october, and everyone born between october and march celebrating their birthday in summer instead, im a tad confused? Ellie's bday is 17th december and it isnt too overcast by xmas that time (not as much as xmas day etc), but it would be weird if we tried to have a bday party for her in summer.
Im sure all the xmas birthday babies will have a great time though!!!! Just keep the 2 occasions seperate and make sure others do aswell and they will love it!!
cas xx
beanie said:(Kina already has)![]()
Is anyone coming up with little traditions. I am resurecting our family ones such as choosing and decorating the tree as a family, though not sure I will be making the christmas pud (we all had to have a stir for luck).
lucylou said:Wow that's really organised Steph, nicki I can't believe the amount of pressies you have under your tree, how many people is that for.... (Just You, lol).
I absolutely love Christmas, I get really excited and this year is going to be even better as Charlie can open his presents, last year he was too tiny to care!
beanie said:cassi said:I couldnt imagine not spending xmas at my moms!! i love it and she does a xmas dinner to die for!!!! mmmm dribbles just thinking about it now**
I dont understand why xmas babies will have a summer party though, why not just one a few weeks before or after xmas? I know its cold at xmas and you cant have the bouncy castle out in the garden etc, but its like me saying im going to celebrate Jakobs birthday in summer because its cold in october, and everyone born between october and march celebrating their birthday in summer instead, im a tad confused? Ellie's bday is 17th december and it isnt too overcast by xmas that time (not as much as xmas day etc), but it would be weird if we tried to have a bday party for her in summer.
Im sure all the xmas birthday babies will have a great time though!!!! Just keep the 2 occasions seperate and make sure others do aswell and they will love it!!
cas xx
because its halfway through the year.
nicki said:Tam, I hope you do have a wonderful Christmas (a tad early I know!!) and i'm sure your Mum will be with you in spirit![]()