Excited about Xmas?

What's that supposed to mean :shock: :lol: Thanks though babe

Is everyone making their own Xmas dinner or going to family? x
I can't get excited about Christmas at the moment because I hate the fact that Roo was born on Christmas day. Thinking about it makes me want to cry. All I want is for her to have her own birthday :(
Kim said:
I can't get excited about Christmas at the moment because I hate the fact that Roo was born on Christmas day. Thinking about it makes me want to cry. All I want is for her to have her own birthday :(

:hug: It will be her birthday hun, I know it upsets you but you will come up with your own thing to do. How about having a party for her on boxing day or a few days later, and when she is older a party in summer. Roo will have a very special birthday and christmas, just enjoy it this year x
Sami my lil sisters bday is the 8th of may too..

ohhhhhhhh christams time miseltoe and wine

i love xmas sooooooooooo much i cant wait, i can here the raindeers already
Ok girls am i nasty??? since having Dior and harley every one wants to see them xmas day. but xmas to me is opening new pressys eating junk and putting on my new pjs and staying in alllll day.

but kris mum expects us to visit her xmas day and so does my mum and no xmas eve or boxing day aint good anough. i dont want every one round mine either just me dior harley and kris. am i selfish???

should the family give dior her presents and she opens them with me xmas day? or should he have to wait till after xmas so they can see her do it????

last xmas i had to get up early drives to kris mums then to my mum. i well dont want to b doing it this yr i want to cook my OWN dinner and yes really cook it lol not microwave lol
and stay in alllll day... am i nasty????
dionne said:
i love xmas sooooooooooo much i cant wait, i can here the raindeers already

No that's the men with white coats, bringing the straight jacket with jingly buckles to tie you up in :wink:
Kim said:
I can't get excited about Christmas at the moment because I hate the fact that Roo was born on Christmas day. Thinking about it makes me want to cry. All I want is for her to have her own birthday :(

Hun it isn't your fault :( :hug: I know you will make it a very special day for her babe no matter what. She won't resent you for her being born on Xmas day :hug: :hug:
Sami said:
dionne said:
i love xmas sooooooooooo much i cant wait, i can here the raindeers already

No that's the men with white coats, bringing the straight jacket with jingly buckles to tie you up in :wink:

hahahah sami that was funny for u, made me joke on my chip :rotfl:
Christmas is my favourite time of the year and it just gets better as my daughter gets older. I love everything about it from singing songs to watching all the good television etc. My daughter is already talking about what she will write on her list to santa so she is going to be mega excited this year.

Cant wait!!!
Dionne I don't think you're being nasty! If you feel like that then see everyone else around Xmas Day, but save the day for you, Kris and your bubs.
dionne said:
Ok girls am i nasty??? since having Dior and harley every one wants to see them xmas day. but xmas to me is opening new pressys eating junk and putting on my new pjs and staying in alllll day.

but kris mum expects us to visit her xmas day and so does my mum and no xmas eve or boxing day aint good anough. i dont want every one round mine either just me dior harley and kris. am i selfish???

should the family give dior her presents and she opens them with me xmas day? or should he have to wait till after xmas so they can see her do it????

last xmas i had to get up early drives to kris mums then to my mum. i well dont want to b doing it this yr i want to cook my OWN dinner and yes really cook it lol not microwave lol
and stay in alllll day... am i nasty????

Sorry I missed this last time. Not nasty at all!! I completely understand this. That's how it was in my house, I'll prob ahev to go in-laws this year though coz they move to Spain next year :?
I couldnt imagine not spending xmas at my moms!! i love it and she does a xmas dinner to die for!!!! mmmm dribbles just thinking about it now**

I dont understand why xmas babies will have a summer party though, why not just one a few weeks before or after xmas? I know its cold at xmas and you cant have the bouncy castle out in the garden etc, but its like me saying im going to celebrate Jakobs birthday in summer because its cold in october, and everyone born between october and march celebrating their birthday in summer instead, im a tad confused? Ellie's bday is 17th december and it isnt too overcast by xmas that time (not as much as xmas day etc), but it would be weird if we tried to have a bday party for her in summer.

Im sure all the xmas birthday babies will have a great time though!!!! Just keep the 2 occasions seperate and make sure others do aswell and they will love it!!

cas xx
cassi said:
I couldnt imagine not spending xmas at my moms!! i love it and she does a xmas dinner to die for!!!! mmmm dribbles just thinking about it now**

I dont understand why xmas babies will have a summer party though, why not just one a few weeks before or after xmas? I know its cold at xmas and you cant have the bouncy castle out in the garden etc, but its like me saying im going to celebrate Jakobs birthday in summer because its cold in october, and everyone born between october and march celebrating their birthday in summer instead, im a tad confused? Ellie's bday is 17th december and it isnt too overcast by xmas that time (not as much as xmas day etc), but it would be weird if we tried to have a bday party for her in summer.

Im sure all the xmas birthday babies will have a great time though!!!! Just keep the 2 occasions seperate and make sure others do aswell and they will love it!!

cas xx

because its halfway through the year.
beanie said:
(Kina already has) :rotfl:

Is anyone coming up with little traditions. I am resurecting our family ones such as choosing and decorating the tree as a family, though not sure I will be making the christmas pud (we all had to have a stir for luck).

Our little traditions are on Xmas eve, we spend the morning to do rest of the arrangements and last miute shopping, then once home and settled DD get's in her santa outfit, we have our xmas hats on and I wear xmas earrings and the atmosphere is great..........then DD has warm milk with a touch of whiskey in it before bed or a little bailey's :wink: whilst she picks her carrot for Rudolph and gets the mince pie & Brandy ready for Santa. Then she hangs her little "check list" on her door, saying she has been good, she has left a mincepie for Santa, a carrot for Rudolp etc.

We also have a "Christmas eve pressie" it is nothing major, it just has to be christmas related.......so for example my OH goes abroad alot, he came back with some cups from Germany decorated with christmas drawings and a bottle of mulled wine (for me), DD may get a christmasy Scooby Doo Character or something like that etc. Or a couple of years ago it was the little xmassy things you can get to hang on your phone etc!

Me & OH have stockings!!! We love 'em, we have alsorts in them and open them with just the 2 of us!

Also like to have home made sausage rolls doing in the oven Xmsa eve as that is a christmas related smell for us, Mum has made them for years & we also have the family over to exchange gifts and have the sausage rolls and a drink! I LOVE Xmas eve, it is my Favourite day as it is all about the build up!!!!

We put a sack & a stocking in DD room once she is alseep, and as soon as she wakes up she has to come and wake us up so we can watch her open her pressies from santa!

Can I just add a little tip..............I wrap the santa pressies in completely different paper to ones from us, and make sure I hide it so she never see's the paper in the house........that way she knows what pressies under the tree are from Santa as they match her stocking and sack paper and all the other paper is from us!

Sadly my Mum died Boxing day last year, but I am determined to pull out all the stops this year as Mum would hate to put a dampner on it in any way, and she knows how much I love Xmas, so I have to do it to prove to her Xmas is still great :D And make it as magical for the kids as poss, as that is what it is all about!! :cheer: Nothing better than watching those faces light up when they get their much wanted toys!!! :dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer:

lucylou said:
Wow that's really organised Steph, nicki I can't believe the amount of pressies you have under your tree, how many people is that for.... (Just You, lol :) ).

I absolutely love Christmas, I get really excited and this year is going to be even better as Charlie can open his presents, last year he was too tiny to care!


That little pile is mainly for 6 people but there are a few for DH Mum & 2 brothers as well. Our doggy had about 6 prezzies too :oops: We do get carried away :D

As my b'day is the 27th i have had a Crimbo card with 'Happy Christmas & a happy birthday' written in it before now :shock: I did have to laugh at that!!

Tam, I hope you do have a wonderful Christmas (a tad early I know!!) and i'm sure your Mum will be with you in spirit :hug:
beanie said:
cassi said:
I couldnt imagine not spending xmas at my moms!! i love it and she does a xmas dinner to die for!!!! mmmm dribbles just thinking about it now**

I dont understand why xmas babies will have a summer party though, why not just one a few weeks before or after xmas? I know its cold at xmas and you cant have the bouncy castle out in the garden etc, but its like me saying im going to celebrate Jakobs birthday in summer because its cold in october, and everyone born between october and march celebrating their birthday in summer instead, im a tad confused? Ellie's bday is 17th december and it isnt too overcast by xmas that time (not as much as xmas day etc), but it would be weird if we tried to have a bday party for her in summer.

Im sure all the xmas birthday babies will have a great time though!!!! Just keep the 2 occasions seperate and make sure others do aswell and they will love it!!

cas xx

because its halfway through the year.

gotcha sorry didnt think about that one :wall:
nicki said:
Tam, I hope you do have a wonderful Christmas (a tad early I know!!) and i'm sure your Mum will be with you in spirit :hug:

Thank you babe, I do hope so!

We will certainly do our best!! Our house looks like santas grotto when it is done, I will post pics of it when we have done it :wink: :hug: xx

Im excited as its Kiaras first christmas but her birthday is 3 weeks after so its kind of a bummer to have them so close cuz im afraid i wont be able to spoil her as much, ive been talking to Bernie and suggested to start at the end of Sep to shop so it all wont be so much at once
il post some pics of our last xmas, il have a look in a bit

i cant sleep at night thinking about xmas..... change of subject but when is it bonfire and halloween???? i like bonfire night very romantic :oops:

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