its my turn,henleys on the way girls x

i tried looking for her on facebook but didnt find her x x
yeah me to its been nearly 2 days since she/caitlin posted not like her at all.

maybe as someone else said there is no connection or mobile signal in whatever part of the hospital shes in

Everytime I see that someone else has wrote on here I think ooo must have been ange but nope :(
I'm still guessing no connection as its nearly 2 days since she posted, well Caitlin. Hope she is okay and baby Henley too. x
hopefully its just a connection issue, does she have a text buddy?
Ive been thinking about her too, keeping everything crossed that shes ok xx
I'm getting a little bit worried now...... Hope everything is ok and it is just a connection issue.
Hope everything is ok, if it's anything like my hospital the signal will be hit or miss. Can't wait to see pics of your lo xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Just come on here for first time today, was hoping for some news. Really hope all is ok hun and your busy with lo or can't get a signal. xxxxx
Anyone fb friends with her?? x

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Hope there is some news soon.....Thinking of u Ange and little Henley xxxx
no news at all x x last time she posted was 3 days ago x x hope alls ok x x
Been thinking about her alot. Really hope all is well. xxx
Hope all is ok and she is enjoying lots of cuddles with LO x x

This is horrible not knowing. I'm actually really worried about her now :(
I'm worried about her too. Hopefully she has us all worrying for no reason and she is cuddling little Henley now. Xx
Oh dear, I was really hoping she'd have made contact with someone by now:( hope all is ok and she's just too busy to think abut us!

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