On of way for Induction !!!!

3-4 cm already, thats fab, no way you would have made it to due date anyway. Just shows all those twinges and signs you have been having were doing something good anyway. Hope it's nopt too long for you xx
That's sounds v promising hun......hope all continues to go well! xx
Great news hunny, you will be holding your LO in no time x x

Bloody hell 3-4cm already!!! :shock: that's brilliant!!
Hopefully waters going will really start things off for you!!! Xx
Thanks girls just waiting to b told when they will take me down no space at the min xxx
Good luck!!!!!! Hope things continue the way they're going and you get to meet baby very soon xxx
Hoping they've managed to break ur waters and things have really progressed now!!
Still waiting 3 women have gone down ahead of me so looks like I'm in for a long wait !! Will keep u posted ! Just wish my contractions would start on there own or something !!! Xxx
It's a shame they couldn't just gel u up so things can happen while u wait!
Thank u for all your messages of support I'm still on the ward waiting for a bed to free up on labour ward it's all the valentine babies arriving !!! Xxx

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