It's happening again :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Sorry to sound like groundhog day, I got up this morning to more spotting but it's darker this time, more of a brown colour.

I phoned epu and spoke to a Dr. He was really nice and said it sounds like its from the hematoma they found last week. He's booked me in for another scan in a week so they can check. I've just got a really bad feeling that something's wrong, the exact same feeling I had before I found out i'd had a mmc last year.

I was due to go back to work next week so I don't know if i'll be able to now. I've been quite pressured to tell them when i'm coming back, I feel like they've had no sympathy at all. I hate feeling this stressed out, I just want to know that baby's ok :(
Quite suprised they are making you wait a week but im sure its to do with the haematoma, especcially if its brown blood its old blood. Try not to worry too much and will have FX for you xx
I agree Nikki, spotting brown blood is meant to be a regular enough occurance. But I can understand why you feel so worried :( Try not to focus on it, use your energy on looking after yourself xx
Thanks. I'm trying to do other things to take my mind off of it all but its such a worry x
hugs hunny sure all will be ok but i can understand your worry sounds insensitive to witch must make everything feel worse
Sorry they are making you wait a week. Really try not to worry though, like others have said brown is old, and if you have the heamatoma (sp?) then that is the most likely cause. Sending you lots of :hug: Oh, if you go to the gp and ask for a sick note and explain the situation, they are likely to give you some rest time hun xxxx
Sorry to hear of your worry baby elmo! I do agree with the girls above, brown blood is old blood, so that could be a good sign. I hope everything turns out ok for you, and I hope your work become a bit more sympathetic. Will have my fingers crossed for you for next week! *hugs!* xx

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