

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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i'm probably just making myself worse by thinking about it and writing this down, but the past day or 2, my hands and arms have been a bit itchy. not excessive, but just a couple of times during the day.

but you know when you start thinking you're itchy, then it makes you scratch more? :wall: it might just be that :rotfl: i've not changed any skincare or washing powder recently either.

i was just wondering, has anyone suffered from OC here, and what were their early symptoms? i'm a bit panicky now :| i've been really tired recently, and am really hot most of the time, for the past week i've slept with a fan on :roll:

but again, it might all just be pregnancy related and i'm just being paranoid :oops:

thanks ladies :hug: i'm off to do some research on OC :?
:( now i'm really making myself paranoid.

some of you may know i had a trace of babies heartbeat yesterday, his movements have been a bit reduced the past week or so. the trace was ok, and the midwife just put it down to there not being much room in there anymore :( i hope i'm not harming him :cry:

i think i'll give someone a phone for some advice.
I had this a while back on my hands and on the back of my knees its was a deep noring sensations my kness were worse.
i told the mid wife and she took a blood sample to test for something called Cholestasis that some pregnant ladies get. I'd tell you midwife to check it out and rule this out

Sarah :hug: :wave:
i phoned my mw and they've asked me to come in just now for a blood test and a trace :(

i'm probably just worrying over nothing. will update you all later :hug:
good luck hun xx

i had itchy hands and feet etc earlier on and the blood tests came back ok, midwife said some peeps do get itchyness
My vile levels were normal after I started having the dreaded itch. So putting it down to what is known as pregnancy itch now :)

Good luck :hug:
Hope everything ok :hug: must admit i've been itching a bit more than usual was just thinking it was becos i've been in sun. Will go have a look at oc myself xx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope all is well xxxx

P.S i've been a bit itchy too - but i think it was from too much time spent in the bath! Lol. xxxxx
Been offline for a few days now so just seen this, I've had really bad itching (to the point where my legs and arms are bleeding with scabs on them because I've scratched so much).

My OC tests keep coming back negative but I am still being induced at 38 weeks as the consultant doesn't want to risk it (I've also been put on the medicine for the OC as well).

Make sure that they do the liver function and the bile acid tests to rule out OC but if the itching persisits I would get them to test you again as it can come back negative and then have a positive.

I'm not trying to scare you but make sure they don't fob you off.

Hope you feel better soon hun xxx

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