anyone know anything good to help with itching


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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Its not OC i have had bloods checked and i've been itchy for ages and been using oilatum in my bath which helped a bit and e45 cream, but now its to the extreme and nothing is working I am itchy all day and night is even worse my skin is very dry so I am presuming its dry skin and amemic making me so itchy, but i need to sleep, I can handle the midnight toilet trips and heartburn seems to be getting a bit better the odd night of cramp is horrible but at least it goes and i could go back to sleep but this itching is driving me insane, has anyone got any good tips on helping with dry skin just a few hours sleep would be nice, i know i think I am tred now but even hubby said he reckons we will get more sleep when baby arrives as i am keeping him up too, I am a big baby i was crying last night from being so itchy.
I use bio oil when I'm itchy and it seems to do the trick. I swear by the stuff, though I haven't suffered with extreme itching so not sure if it would help you out x
When you got checked before did they give you piriton? They gave me piriton and it really helped me. The consultant at the clinic said I could buy it at the chemist. I've noticed that the generic name - chlorpheniraminecan be used in pregnancy but the other antihistamine - certrizine cant. Obviously speak to your midwife as I'm not an expert but I'm asumming if they are allowed to prescribe this and also tell me I can buy it that it will be ok. Also saw another pregnant lady picking up a prescription for piriton as well.

Its horrible itching all the time :( Hope you get some relief soon.

x x xx
Have you tried calamine lotion? you may turn pink but it does help with itching xx
I had the same problem with itching and the doctor gave me 'Dermol' cream which has really helped me. I know what you mean about it driving you mad at night. Dermol cream is used as a soap substitute so i just lather it opn in the bath before bed and its worked a treat x
thanks girls, i had some piriton in so tried that it helped lttle bit,i had calomine lotion in too but that worked wonders straight away but wore off very fast. where do you buy bio oil from i have looked and cant find any. I am going to try and make an appointment with doctors today i have got piles too now so never ending lol.
I think im getting piles too :-(

You can get bio oil from loads of places -Boots, superdrug, Wilkos etc x
all appointments taken i have a phone appointment this morning fingers crossed he just prescribes me something. I will go to boots later and get some bio iol thanks
I had the same problem with itching and the doctor gave me 'Dermol' cream which has really helped me. I know what you mean about it driving you mad at night. Dermol cream is used as a soap substitute so i just lather it opn in the bath before bed and its worked a treat x

My doctor gave me this also! Brilliant stuff! x
doctor said this itching will only go when baby is born he is very sorry, he has precribed me a cream to see if any help, but with nothing else helping he is very doubtful, also pessaries for piles and more iron tabets, I felt like a right one on the phone getting loads of things, doctor was lovely though and said he wished he could help more.
doctor said this itching will only go when baby is born he is very sorry, he has precribed me a cream to see if any help, but with nothing else helping he is very doubtful, also pessaries for piles and more iron tabets, I felt like a right one on the phone getting loads of things, doctor was lovely though and said he wished he could help more.

Awww its good he did what he could :) not too long to go now hun!

No not long at all at the very most its 7 weeks very least 2 weeks, induction if ready is 3 weeks, even though my mum and my friend have said if i make it to 1st may they will run round the estate naked, so would be fun to actually not be ready at induction and make it to 14 days over i'm sure that will make the itching a bit longer funny.

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