Itchy madness!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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I'm so itchy!! I know we're told to watch out for Obstetric Cholestasis, but I don't think it's that as it's not on the pms of my hands or soles of feet and its not getting worse it just comes and goes randomly.
God, I hope the cats havent got fleas....arrgghhhh!!
Anyone else itchy and scratchy?
Where abouts are you itching hun? i hate this ! i itch on the insides of my thighs and make myself so red and sore! i guess its just my old stretchmarks from DD getting stretched and irritated but it is so annoying :hug:
millie15 said:
I know we're told to watch out for Obstetric Cholestasis, but I don't think it's that as it's not on the pms of my hands or soles of feet

:shock: Wheres that post gone!? I didnt realise it was itching on your palms and soles! I was thinking today how annoying its getting and thought I was having some kinda reaction to something?!?! But the post has gone?! Or was it in another section :think: I think i will go check!
mine has calmed down a little now but i go through phases of itchyness and it drives me bonkers :wall:
lea m said:
millie15 said:
I know we're told to watch out for Obstetric Cholestasis, but I don't think it's that as it's not on the pms of my hands or soles of feet

:shock: Wheres that post gone!? I didnt realise it was itching on your palms and soles! I was thinking today how annoying its getting and thought I was having some kinda reaction to something?!?! But the post has gone?! Or was it in another section :think: I think i will go check!

its in ask a mum hon
Yeh I found it hun thanks! :D
I do actually have other symptoms so Im just going to ask the MW on Thursday if she will do a blood test! No harm in having the test just in case?! :?
I had a MASSIVE panic over this a few weeks ago... I ended up ringing NHS 24 I was so worried!

My itchiness is mainly confined to my boobs - especially the left one!
the skin keeps cracking open it's not very nice. I thought it was settling down but today it's as bad again....
Definitley ask for blood test for OC if you are worried though :hug:
My itching is sooo bad tonight!!!! hope i get some sleep:(
My legs, ankles, boobs, tummy, back, foof, its soooo irritating!!!!!!!
feels like iv got bugs in the bed lol but i havnt!
I wrote a post about my itchy bump a few days ago, it was so bad i was nearly in tears at one point cos it had been driving my mad for a couple of days.
My OH suggested soaking a muslin cloth in cold water and just laying it over my bump.
I sat for a couple of hours just turning it to over everytime it got warm onto the cold side and it worked!!! :dance:
it completely took away the itching and i was able to sleep that night and it hasn't come back either.
Ive also stopped using any creams & oils on my tummy, i think i was trying so may different things to stop the itching that i made my skin super sensitive.
:wave: Hiya, my midwife said that itching can be due to poor liver function. It is a simple blood test.. try and ask for it.

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