

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Hiya all,
Went to MW yesterday for routine appointment and my BP was 130/90 highest it had ever been and she sent me to hospital straight away as she thought i was developing pre-eclampsia as i have been getting headaches too. Well got to hospital and they found protein in my wee aswell and they decided to take more blood (never had so much taken) well i was there for 4 hours just waiting and my OH couldn't get away from work either! Inthe end the MW who was looking after me finished her shift and went home she was very nice. Then a doctor came and just said you seem fine and your bloods are ok so i'm going to send you home didn't check my BP again or anything the MW did it just before she left and it was still 130/90!
I just feel they wanted to get rid of me :(
Sorry i'm moaning again xx
ring ur own mw hun she shud come out and see u, pre eclempsia is serious hun and that doctor was a prat (mild form of what i really think of him) she can test ur bp and advise you
ok thx but she is never in the office after 9.30 i have woken up this morning with really bad pains in the tops of my legs and loads of pressure down there but so much that it hurts and twinges alot is this normal?
Sorry to interupt Grace but when is your actual due date?? Im 5th Jan, looking at your ticker we are due the same day?
I think i must have put the wrong date in when i created my ticker cos i'm actually 36 weeks pregnant today xx
I had the same the other day my BP was 154/92 and blood in wee,
got to hospital did tests and internals and bloods and wee came back with protine in them but as the swelling had gone down and my BP went down they sent me home!

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