It IS PreEclampsia!! **UPDATED 08.09 Pg 6**

Sorry I'm going to rant on a bit here I feel!

So, as above, they asked me to go in early as they were closing DAU early due to short staff -so went at 12.30 instead of 4.

Waited for over an hour to be seen. Student MW checked my BP, which was 140/95, then about 30 mins later 145/95, then an hour later (after resting on a bed) 160/96! My pee is also now showing protein trace.

I was sat in a chair in their office until 5pm when they finally told me to go home as there was no chance of seeing a doc today!! I was nearly in tears to her, and cried all the way home again!! :cry:

I overheard her on the phone say that my blood results had come back 'high' but when I asked her what my results were, she said she would not be able to tell me, I have to wait to speak to doctor.

So they have asked me to go back again 10am tomorrow (this will be the THIRD time of going there waiting to see a doc!) :wall: :wall:

The student MW kept apologising, and admitted it's not good enough, she was lovely, but damn right it's not good enough!!

I am soooo frustrated, upset, worried and angry!!! :wall: :cry: :? :evil:
OMG, what a farce :wall: Sorry your going through all this hun :hug: Hope you get some answers tomorrow :hug:
:hug: :hug:

I hope you get proper answers tomorrow. Try not to stress yourself out tonight though, which I realise is easier said than done :hug: Try and having a restful evening and make your OH cook and look after you :hug:
Thanks ladies.

Does anyone know what she could have meant by 'blood test results being high'?! :think: This was in reference to my actual blood being taken, not just BP?
I've PMd you chick..

..But will publically say how annoying this is!!!!!!! :evil: xx
Aw how utterly useless :evil: I would be handing in a letter of complaint at the appointment tomorrow! be strong and I hope it all goes well, or at least you actually get to see a Dr tomorrow
Hi hun I just wanted to give you huge :hug: s

When I was 38 weeks pg with my DS I ended up being admitted for high bp, swelling & trace protein, and found the whole thing just as imcompetent as you seem to be. I was meant to be on 'regular' bp checks but they left me over 10 hours at one point without checking it - I had to sent OH to midwife station to remind them in the end! Every time I went into day unit I had to wait to be seen, and one of the times I was asked to wait for 1 hour for my blood results - 4 hours later they hadn't come back, then the doc had to go to an emergency delivery so I ended up waiting nearly 6 hours just to be told the results were fine.

After I was let out (at 38+5) I had to go back to be checked again at 39+1 and was told there was no way I could have my homebirth as it was 'too risky' even though my bp had stabilised & my wee was fine. I cried all the way home, and then all the way through my next mw appointment at 40 weeks. My community midwife was brilliant and said 'what a load of poppycock' and said I was fine to stick to my original plans. I had a wonderful homebirth & my son was and still is happy & healthy.

Sorry for a monster post but I do know how you feel. It's such a worrying time & you're so fed up anyway at that stage. I hope that your bp comes down, and you do manage to get your homebirth. :hug:
aww you poor thing! bloody crappy brihgton hospital! aksed to be shipped over to the PRH!!!! :-D when i had my bloods done (becuase of high BP and protien, swelling ect) mine came back, there are a few things are are always high in pregnancy these are:
PH Monocyles
PH Neutrophiles
pA Plasma alkaline phosphates

(i have no idea what any of these are) but mine were all high and i was told it was normal.

they will be concerned if your result for : pA Plasma Uric acid is high... this is an indication of pre-eclampsia!

hopefully everything goes ok for you hun! good luck, and dont stand for any Cr*p!!!!!

Thanks Ladies :hug: :hug: :hug: All your posts really help. :hug: :hug:

OH was sat hugging me last night as I was in tears again, just from feeling so useless! He bought me a big bar of Galaxy, a huge box of biscuits, and some ketchup so I could have some sausage sandwiches! Bless him!

Just getting ready to set off down there again. Fingers crossed, third time lucky I'll get some answers! :pray: :pray:
Good luck sweetie :hug:
keep us updated! i'm sure everything will be fine!
:hug: :hug: Aww Lu....I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I hope :pray: that next time you go to the hospital, you get seen by a competent MW and a obstetrician. :hug: :hug:
Aww hun how awful that your being messed around like this, :hug: :hug: can't believe how they have been with you I would definately put in a complaint if I was you! Really hope you get some answers today! :hug: :hug:
PMd you back.

Good luck! Hope you don't see that stupid pig face either - well, at least if you do then you can guarantee high BP and they'll have to check you over properly with the results lol! :lol:

Thinking of you xx
good luck. Hope they sort themselves out today!!!

**UPDATE 2**

Got seen almost right away by the same student MW at 10am today, BP was still high (146/96) and wee was now showing +1 protein (Mon was NAD, Weds Trace and now +1) Uric acid in my blood from Monday had gone up in the last week too.

A nice doc came and saw me about an hour later. She had only just been transferred to that hospital, and said if it was her old place she would choose to keep me in for monitoring. She requested a scan be done to check growth, and CTG monitor to check LO heart rate.

Consultant came round about 20 mins later and said it is pre-eclampsia :( but about bloody last that someone said it! She said she would like to try giving me tablets to see if it made my BP go down, and to come back in 4 hrs to check, and may have to consider induction. She also checked cervix, which is still closed, long and posterior so not much chance of LO appearing on his own soon.

They took more blood and wee to get new results.

So went for lunch with OH and told my Mum - who told me she had also had PE with my brother :shock: she was kept in for a month and then induced! My Nan had just told me on Sunday she had it too! :roll:

Anyway, despite the bad news, things were kind of looking ok as I was hopefully that they were finally taking things a bit more seriously.

I went back at 4pm as asked, waited an hour and the woman took my bp which had gone down to 136/86 and said I could go home and come back Saturday :shock: I burst in to tears and she asked what was wrong as my BP had gone down, I said I was just so fed up and so worried that I had been setting my alarm in the night just to check LO was still moving about.

So that's it! No blood results. No wee results. No CTG. And no scan! Just have to go back on Saturday when hopefully they will have more staff!! I walked out still in tears and locked myself in the loo. She was helpful in saying if I'm concerned....I could write a letter to the head of department!!!

Sorry this has become a bit of an essay, just needed to get it all out!! :hug:
Oh didnt see this thread before but sounds like its good you got some answers at last its horrible when they dont tell you anything. :hug: But bloody useless they didint do what they said for you today, hope they are better when you go back, im sure they will be so dont worry they must know what to do.xx
hunni, try not to worry, so long as they keep an eye on you and control your blood pressure then you will be fine.

If you worry you will make yourself ill.

I would just prepare yourself for LO to come early.

How was the growth scan?
:hug: At least they've finally admitted it hun :hug:

So sorry they haven't done more to reassure you that they are monitoring the situation. I hope Saturday's appointment brings better news :hug:

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