It has happened again...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I went for my scan at 8weeks+6days today, the lady put the jelly on my tummy and then said she would do an internal scan, which made me feel really nervous.

She scaned my tummy and I was waiting for ages for her to turn the scan to me...

She then went on to say my pregnancy was not a viable one...

I basically have whats know as a blighted ovum (missed miscarriage).

i have decided to have it removed surgically more to put my mind at ease rather then wait for a bleed which I feel would make it harder for me.

I feel okish, I am upset and a bit worried but I have to be strong and positive.

I guess on the uphand the good news is this is my third miscarriage (I had one when I was 19 aswell but i was so young it didnt affect me as much as the last). they say they are going to look into why i am miscarrying.

I will most likely take some time away, although not the best time but I start a new job on Monday and I feel a little low that will help to push me out of depressing myself and I refuse to let this interfere with my life and my relationship.

I have realised pregnancy is a huge gamble, it doesnt matter how sick, or sore your breasts are, how many pregnancy tests you take all you can do is use the first 3 mths as a term of hope and then continue your pregnancy.

I see loads of strong ppl on here and im going to take a leaf out of their book and be strong too for other women that have to go through this.

love you all

I am so sorry hunny,

I reall wanted everything to be ok for you.

Here for you if you need me

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh Sharne im so sorry hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :cry: .

Im glad youve got a positive outlook on things but you do know its ok to get upset aswell, no one is going to fault you for that.
My thoughts are with you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: .
omg hun thats what i had pm me if you need to talk about it as i went threw it only a few months back
so sorry again
manda xx
So, so sorry to hear this Sharne :hug:

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and if you need anything you know where we are :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think im upset but confused more then anything, i guess also im a doer so im researching it now and just want to get to the bottom of things...
I'm so so sorry Sharne.

I wish I knew what to say, I felt so excited about both our scans (with them being so close) and have loved the time you've been in 1st tri. It so isn't fair but I guess you know that.

Look after yourself ooooodles and be back as soon as you're ready (I can't help hoping it's soonish). :hug:
aw Sharne honey, I can't believe it. I am so sorry. You've have been wonderful in first tri, keeping us all postive and making us laugh, I'll miss you.
You have a wonderful outlook, you are such a strong, optimisitc person. I hope that the docs can give you lots of help and that you'll have your little baby one day.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
oh my god hun, i'm so sorry. When I had my miscarriage that was what happened, I know how it feels. Take care of yourself and we will all be here when you need us. :hug: :hug:
Sharne I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.
Oh no Sharne I am absolutely gutted for you, I don't know what to say hun.

:cry: :cry:
Oh sharne, im so sorry to hear your news. Lots of love and hugs :hug:
:hug: :hug:

So sorry to hear it's happened again, unfortunately I do know how you feel :hug: :hug:

Sounds like you've got a positive outlook, but do give yourself some time to take it all in.

Thinking of you x

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