How long does it take


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Hi just found out yesterday that i have had a miscarriage and that i have to give my body 2 weeks then take anoter pregnancy test to see if my levels have gone and things have been passed.How long does it take for your body to expel a failed pregnancy ?im just waiting on it happening and its quite scary not knowing what really to expect.
I was in a similar situation last weekend. I opted for medical management as I didn't like the thought of waiting for it to happen as I figured as the bean had died a couple of weeks ago and I was still getting pregnancy symptoms and no pain or bleeding it could be a long wait.

I had medical management in hospital and I did pass an awful lot of blood etc- if it had happened at home it would have been really scary and messy. I don't know if your body expels it naturally whether it is as bad.

As for the test I was wondering the same thing- they did not check my blood levels for hcg and I was wondering if I should test but have not been able to bring myself to buy one.

From what I have read it depends on how high your blood hcg levels were to begin with how long it takes them to drop away.

Sorry to hear your bad news :hug: :hug:
It really varies.

I had brown spotting with both my missed miscarriages which alerted me to there being a problem.

But If you have had no spotting or pain then there really isn't an answer it could be tomorrow, it could be 2 weeks it could be longer.

I would suggest you give it the 2 weeks like they have said and then if nothing happens discuss your options with the care provider.
If you don't feel comfortable you need to speak to them asap and discuss what options you have. You could have medical management or ERPC if you wanted.

Take Care of yourself :hug:
Charm X
Thanks for the replys,i had been having brown spotting and thats what made me go to the doctors in the first place so i guess il just wait the 2 weeks then see what happens.
Its just a bit frightening not knowing when or what it will be like when it does actually happen.
Take care xxx
hi, i had the same with my missed miscarriage, brown spotting, i let my body miscarry naturally it took about a week to start for me, i know how you feel tho the waiting was the worse bit cos you know its goin to happen but you have no control over when

i really feel for you hun :hug: PM me if you need to chat anytime

hun im so sorry for your loss, only just read this. I had a d and c was going to miscarry naturally but i was so scared at the time, i hope everything goes ok for you. Thinking of you :hug: :hug: x x

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