Is this selfish?

My SPD was instantly relieved after I had Sophia, I ha an elective c section - not for that reason but I had no SPD pain once she was born. Obviously yours is more severe than mine was but I really should of had crutches towards the end as I could hardly walk. Turns out I had no muscle holding her in place and so she was practically down to my peritoneum. My womb was paper thin, they could go through it with their fingers!! I assume thats probabl why my SPD was so bad xxx
i have had mild spd for a few weeks and it got worse when i slipped in the mud, fortunately its not stopped me doing anything just hurts when ive been sitting or cross my legs more so with the left one.

i couldnt begin to imagine the amount of pain your in if you need crutches to cope and reading your threads youve really been through it, i really hope your drs and mw understand this and let you decided babe

good luck
U r defiantly not selfish if u r then I am !! I was induced at 38 weeks cos of severe SPD . Have managed to have natural deliveries with all 3 of mine even with SPD . Think the other ladies r right bout getting pain relief early . I was lucky I was ok with my legs open ( sorry tmi) so sat up on the bed during labour . Hope mw is able to help and get u an induction date . B prepared for the SPD to take few weeks to settle down properly Rhea is 3 weeks old and would say only just back to normal although things did ease a lot straight away . Xxx

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