Is this rude??


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2011
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I don't know if I should be annoyed or not, my OH is really annoyed.

I told my best friend I was pregnant, and her SIL is due on the same day, so we all had a giggle about that. This was a couple of weeks ago. I saw the same friend Sunday, and she said she hopes I am not mad at her, but she told her SIL that I was due the same day, and the names we have picked. (we have had the names from before I even got pregnant!!) And her SIL liked our boys name so much (Ethan) that she has now decided if she has a boy, she is going to call him Ethan. :shock:

I wouldn't mind if she was due a month, or two after me, but we are due on the same day. And we do see them a bit, as we all get together at least once a month for dinner, or BBQ's in the summer.

What do I do? So far, I haven't made a fuss, and said nothing. But my OH is mad as anything, as this is the only boy's name he likes.
I would be soooo peeved. I don't know how u haven't said anythin yet. it's difficult to find they right words to say but I would be along the general lines of pee off, that's our name, think of ur own. It's pure laziness that she has pinched ur name. Explain to her its the only name u like, u have had it picked for ages.

Tell her u will still use it if it's a boy, it's gonna be her that feels bad.

Good luck hun xx
Omg!!!!!! I would be flipping out that's so wrong :hugs: x
I can see both sides, i would be peeved too but then think of it the other way around- what if someone mentioned a name they were using and you REALLY REALLY liked it do you think you would be able to NOT call your baby it?
i had similar situation when pg, my names were always decded and my mums best friends daughter (attention seeking lil biatch!) decided she like madison so much she chose it ( she only wanted a girl didnt even pick boys names!) AND she loved louise even tho there was reasons behind me choosing it it was personal!! she blabbed all over a bebo how she had picked madison louise.... i FLIPPED!!!!!!!!!! i had madison louise and she had a boy! i was sooooo happy lol xx
its not nice for you guys. But i guess if she's heard a name and fallen in love with it theres not a lot to be done. making a fuss might make her more inclined to use it.

I'd let your friend know that you and your OH arn't happy about it, she might then let her SIL know and she might be kind enough to change her mind.
However I wouldn't change your name hun, you chose it because you like it. If she does decide to use it she'll be the one who'll look silly and petty. And you never know you might have your baby before she has hers and then you get to use the name first if you want.
This is one reason we're keeping our choices secret, I'm just scared someone else will pick our names before baby is here then we look like the ones who copied/stole the name!
I would be pretty cross. I would start telling everyone the name and that you chose it a long time ago. Really show her up as a copy cat. I think if you stamp your mark on it enough you will find she picks something else
Ethan is a really lovely boys name, I would be so mad too. I would try and encourage her to change her mind and let her know that you really wanted it. xx
I would tell your best mate that your fuming about it, and then word will get back tok SIL even if you don't shay anything yourself. But I would say you will be using Ethan regardless as you picked it first.

Lets hope she has a girl, but if not hope she feels bad and does the right thing.

If I heard a name and I really liked it, I would have had to not know the person at all, or not even see them by chance eg another school mum, but I'm one that thinks it's really rude to steal names if not a common well used / traditional one.
I would defo say something, how dare she!

Can you not have a quiet word & say, just to let you know we had that name picked out since before we found out we were pregnant & we're a bit upset that you are using it.

This is why I dont tell anyone my choices.
My sister stole my name i liked! I'm not angry at her at all-but thats probably because i wasn't pregnant but my OH would never have let me use the name and it doesn't go with his Surname.

The whole reason i liked it was because of my surname and would have had a lovely ring to it: Sicilly Nardoni...

But my neice is lovely and it suits her--and i always have the knowledge that it was because of me that is her name!

I would probably be angry now if it happened but i would still go ahead and name my child that as its the name we liked!

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