is this a good anough reason the end every thing?

Sorry - i didn't realise how bad the pics were untill you said.
Those were between you and him, its takes a certain amount of trust to do pics like that even in your own home, but to post them shows no respect or thought.... There are some pretty sick people out there.
I would really make him grovel - sorry just doesn't cut it.

Maybe you need some time alone - can you pack him off some where for a couple of days so he can think about what he had done.

Or make him post pictures of him self on the forum explaining what a prat he has been.

We are all here for you to bouce thing off.

Good luck girl
Good idea about logging on as him. Could you do that and pretend to be him and confess grovelling and making out to the lads that read that forum that he's a real softy and in tears that he is gonna lose you because of his childish behaviour and make out he's a real pansy LOL Just trying to cheer you up xxxx
lol that did make me laugh emma. and he hasnt came home since work prob round his mates or something. Dior aint seen him all day bless her shes never ever gone a day with out seeing him she has been on her lil phone pretneding to talk to him saying "dadda"


having the crappest day ever once again i aint got dressed still in last nights pjs. iv ran out of sterilizing fluid and cant go the shop as i only have seperate buggies..... :evil:

cant wait to get today over with!

Dior goes to childminders tomorrow so i might go to town with Harley:)
thats a good idea hun go buy u and the kids a nice presant with his credit card :lol:
Hey Hun.
Im sorry about all the sh*t he has caused you. It is the last thing you ned when your feeling as you are.
I agree with the others, let him bloomin well grovel.
Aw shit Dionne,im so sorry, my insecurities have caused you this. I cant explain how angry I am with him for doing this to you. But... I dont think you should finish with him. He has majorly crossed the line though, big time. Has he said why he did it? There has got to be some major grovelling and true promises made by him.
Im so sorry (((((((((hugs))))))))))))
Hi babe,

Im so sorry to hear what a tos*er he's been, i'd be completely mad too.
It sounds to me like he expects you to take him back & isnt completely genuine about being sorry.
Only you can decide if you trust him enough to take him back and if your relationship can work.
If you know he loves you and you obiously love him its worth trying to sort as you have 2 children to think about & its not an easy ride bringing up 2 young children on your own - however its no reason to stay with someone either. He needs to earn your trust again though.

You must feel terrible, especially as your hormones are still all over the place & you really need support at the moment. Your insecurities are bad enough after a baby you dont need this added crap.

Have you not got any pics of him that he hates or is really imbarrested of or something that you can post somewhere for all to see!!
Hi Dionne, how are things today? did he come home after?

I know revenge is sweet but if you post pics of him that makes you as bad as he is, if he didn't come home and didn't contact you that would say it all for me.

Hope you're ok hun will try and catch you later, buy yourself and the kids something nice - that kitchen is a bargain for Dior :dance: maybe try and have a manicure or facial of summat done that should cheer you up, show him you can cope without him, might make him think about what he's done.

Manda x
Oh Dionne,

I can't believe all this!!!
How can a man do this to the mother of his kids??? Especially YOU! He defo doesn't know how luck he is!!!
make him suffer for a while at least!
Well, if it was me, I don't think I could forgive, but again, we are all different and have had different experiences. You have apst with him, it's down to you to choose to keep him or leave him!
I agree with Manda, would not be a good thing to post pics of him now. I would probably log on to his forum and say something there, just to let the other med there know how bad this was and what could happen to them as well!
How is little Dior today? has she seen her daddy or seemed bothered?
What a horrible thing to go through, Dionne, esp. with your little new addition! I still can't get over it!! I am gutted for you!
Whatever you decide to do, be sure we will support you on here!
Can't you sue the forum for even allowing this kind of stuff to happen?? I mean you said it was a TV plasma, etc forum, not a "other sort of" forum!!! surely one of our moderators would delete the post straight away and ban the member if it was happening on here! This is completely out of order!!!
sending youy hugs!!! <<<<HUGS>>>>
Mel xx
melhoney, they just locked the thread in the end, as long as kris was putting smilies over my boobs they were aloud n there, i do feel sick and cheap and even used, its all such a shock because its some thing i never thought kris would do
when i get changed at night and i run past the hall wen the curtains aint shut he goes mad.... never mind showing me of to the world.. i just dont understand men!!!

no Dior didnt c daddy yesterday first time ever. poor thing.
i would go on to his forum but i dont even want to scoop to his level..

when im angry i go mad get revenge and want to hit him.

but when im honestly deeply hurt, i just go quiet and feel sorry for myself lol..

still feel abit shocked by it all as i love him so much and are reltionship seems so great day to day just not what hes getting up to on the net..

well today me and Harley are going to the bullring in birmingham to do some retail theropy!!! im sure it will help :)
I would join the forum and make a huge post saying he's been dumped!

It sounds like a place where he's all bravado and acting like the big man. I'd post all about him to give the other members a good laugh at his expense.
Dionne you go and get some retail therapy it will help take your mind off things.

I think you will know what the right thing to do is. it may not be the easiest thing to do but I'm sure you will know.

Lets just hope he really knows what a total s**t he's been to you! :x
And I'm glad they've locked the thread where them pic's are, at least you know there blocked now.
But it still doesn't make much difference now.

Take it easy look after yourself and them lovely little 2! your a wicked mum who needs men!!!
Hey Honey,

Only just read this thread.

I don't really know what to say as its all been said already.

I wouldn't tell you to leave him because that has to be your decision. I definately wouldn't just forgive him though. Let him grovel and beg for a while :wink:

It's totally not fair on you and it's even worse because you have just given him 2 beautiful children. He should understand you are feeling insecure at the moment and he should be supporting you not posting pics of you to total strangers and random pervy men.

I hope you can work this out honey. Just do what you feel you need to do :think:
just to let u all no i tookhim back :oops:

wish i was stronger and made himsuffer but im just to tired to go through with it all at the mo....

Hope he's learnt his lesson hun, don't be soft with him though make him know thats his last chance and if he does anything like that again he's history, might make him think a bit :) hope it goes well for you both and you're happy, just dont let him take any more pics :)
Dionne, I'd have probably done the same it don't matter how much they hurt us we make them suffer a few weeks but the love always gets me! :roll:
If you can't help but love him there's not much else to say, you cant just stop loving someone. :wink:

Well I hope he's doing alot of sucking up to you at the min. :wink: :wink:

Well hope it all goes back to normal for you. 8)
cheers girls, he seems very different he wont leave me alone always wantin a kiss n cuddle.... which aint my cupa tea....

oh and i got a txt out of the blue saying he loves me and so happy :roll:

but yh, the ones we love seem to be the ones that can hurt us the most. :cry:
As long as you're happy hun, just keep your wits about you and you'll be fine really hope he's learnt from his mistake and you can move on together :D
dionne said:
but yh, the ones we love seem to be the ones that can hurt us the most. :cry:

How true.
I think it makes you stronger to take him back, you are saying that yes there is a problem but you want to work through it. Im sure he does love you very much. As long as he knows he is on thin ice though. Remember, you have the upper hand here.

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