Is there something going round ? Feeling really pants - why


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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God i just dont know whats wrong with me at the moment.....

I am sleeping well (apart from the weird dreams) but get up for the loo about 6 times per night.
Every time i wake up my hands are numb - i'm not lying on them or anything so it must be down to my swollen fingers
My legs are so restless they stop me falling to sleep easily
My feet itch during the night
My morning sickness has returned and is terrible, i cant eat breakfast as it comes back up but i'm fine the rest of the time (apart from the other night)
My nose is constantly blocked up and i end up choking on my own mucus
I've had strange stabbing pains over the weekend down in my bits which shock me every time.
I cant do much walking because of my back pain but when i do get out the house i end up getting upset and rushing home cause people stare at me - i hate it - kids are the worst and one earlier asked why that lady was so fat :cry: !
NONE of the health shops i traipsed to today had raspberry leaf tea / tablets
AND my mood is horrible - snapped at DH far too many times over the weekend

I feel like an invalid crossed with a newly pregnant lady and i hate it.
Its been my first day of Mat leave today and ive tried to keep busy but ended up crying when hubby came home as i just needed some company (very silly as i work from home anyway so am on my own most of the time!)

I just want this baby out now - but i know deep down i don't really, as i want him to be a fully cooked as possible.

Anyone else feeling like this or is it just me ?
aww hun, welcome to my world. I have to work until Friday and don't know how I am going to cope with that. I am feeling really awful too. Can't really advise but want to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks hun, i had to really resist temptation to turn my work laptop on today, about 10 times !!
Naterjack said:
thanks hun, i had to really resist temptation to turn my work laptop on today, about 10 times !!

Nooooooooooo dont do it relax, try a nice hot bath, getting in your pjs bring a duvet downstairs and watching day time tv snuggled up, thats most my days in a nutshell lmao
Im right there with you with pretty much all of those pregnancy symptoms! :hug:


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